
lid geworden: 15-04-2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Benodigde punten: 74
Last game
Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009
338 dagen geleden


     Am I the only one that has this problem? Or are there many more of us out there that have had things ruined by duracell batteries leaking in the devices.  I do not know why I keep buying them.  In the past 3 years I have had 5 different devices ruined because of duracell leaks.   YES the company will try to replace the damaged things for you if you call them, BUT why is this happening.   I am always careful where and how I store my unused betteries.   The latest victim is a little led flashlight.   I had just used this thing back in April and it worked fine.   When I picked it up today it would not light , so I opened it to change the batteries.  I was shocked to find 2 of the batteries had leaked so baddly the wrighting on one was rubbed off, and they were stuck to the terminals.  The batteries were dated for Dec 2025 so I do not understand why they leaked. But what really shocked me was what the customer service person told me when I called.  He told me that the batteries will sometimes still work even if the are leaking so I should take them out and check them, and leave them out of the light when I am not using it.   That is a new one on me.


     The anaversery of my father;s death was Nov 19,  1982.   It passed nearly unnoticed.  That day came back to mind today when I was sorting some old family photos.   I came accross one of my dad, holding a beer can.   It was taken by one of my friends a few months before dad died.  Her name was Kim, and she liked hanging round my dad, because he reminded her of her grandfather who had died. 
     The dad dad died I stayed home while they took him to the hospital.   I was trying to get hold of my other brother and sister.  Back then NO ONE had cell phones, in my family, so it took some calling around to trach my brother down.   My sister was not so hard I knew she would be home.  It was very early in the morning, and she would have just gotten her husband off to work and the kids off to school.  
     An hour later my mom and my other brother and sister came back home.   I was on the phone with my sister when they came in and mom told me  Well your dad passed away today.  I said Oh my God, and when my sister asked me what, without thinking I answered her.   I said dad died. She said I am coming down and hung up the phone, because she was crying.  I only cried a little, because I knew I had to be strong.  My mom's family did not believe in crying when someone died, no one on her side of the family cried at funerals it just was not done.   So by the time the kids started coming home from school I was more in control of myself.  
     I told Mom I had to catch Kim as she bot off the bus.  I did not want her finding out dad died on the street, she loved him like a grandpa.   When the bus pulled in I stepped out and called to Kim. I motioned for her to come closer, and away from the girls she was walking with. They waited on her.  It was so hard to tell her he was gone, but the pain I felt when I told her was not for me it was for her.   I felt to her it would be like loosing her grandpa all over again.   Soon as I told her my dad had passed away she bursed into tears, and her friends who were waitking for her looked concerned at what I said to her to cause the tears.   I had all I coud do to keep from crying again myself.   I felt so bad for her.   I am very emotional , and sometimes my emotins get the better of me.  It is funny how just seeing the photo she took brought back this flood of emotions from so long ago.   When the doctors said he was not going to wake up after his coma and he did , I took that last month with my dad as a gift.   For a man that was born a blue baby, and fought high bloodpressure all his life, and was ony given a year to life when he was examined for the army I am both greatful and impressed that he lived as many years as he did.
     That is why I want to go to our family's Christmas gathering. I want to spend time with those I love while they are still with me.


     Have you all noticed this thing the movie industry has been doing with this gender flipping of charactors in movies.   Well they are at it again.  I saw the trailer for the new Cats movie.   They have gender flipped old deuteronomy.   In this new one the role will be played by a woman.   There are others Captain Marval was casted as a woman, and even Disney is getting into the act.   On an episode of Ravens Home that aired this year the coach a large african american man wrote a play about his life.   It told how he went from being a jokey to a basketball star on an all boys basket ball team.  In their rediclous attempt to come off as in favor of equil rights, instead of casting an aftican american boy in the role the story had the coach deside to cast Tess in the lead.  For any of you who have seen the show Tess is a very gifted basketball player and wrapper.   So the took the part of an african american boy and gave it to a girl who is not african american.
     I reallllllly think a better way to balance the scales in these movies and shows IS NOT TO FLIP THE GENDER IN THE LEADS.   I think what they need to do is to start writing strong female leads in all new movies.   Let's be honest here men and women are not intercxhangable, and we should not pretend they cxan be substituted back and forth.  So  now not only are we not supposed to see colors, but now we are not supposed to see sex either.   OK lets say I buy that idea for a minute.  WHY DO THEY NOT CAST MEN IN ANY OF THE ROLES THAT WERE WRITTEN FOR STRONG WOMEN?  For example when do they plan to come out with  WONDER MAN?    Is that not the next step to totally ruining all the movies and charactors we grew up with?
     People we all need to take a step back and let the guys play the roles that were written for guys and the girls play the ones that were written for girls.   You want women to have stronger roles FINE write them for them. DO NOT take the ones away form the male actors that were written for men.  OR COULD IT BE THAT PEOPLE ARE RUNNING OUT OF NEW IDEAS?


     This year was going so well, but tonight it took a slight turn for the worse.   My niece dropped by to see me tonight,  I could tell something was bothering her so I pushed a little to see what.  When the girls were younger they often came to me when they needed to vent, so I felt it was ok to try to find out what was wrong.   Her mom has not been in great health for some time, and it has been hard on her children.  They all have jobs and children of their own. Well apparently my other neice would like to put their mom in a home. The one that was here and I both agree that would be a bad idea.  It is ironic because this niece and I rarely aggree on anything lol.  
     Apparently the two sisters got into a bad arguement yeaterday, and their poor brother was caught in the middle.   I found that out after she left when her brother called me , that was odd for him to call me at that time of night.   I said something to him I do not even remember what and he was like ( let me make something clear I will not be lectured) .   I was like WOW where did that come from I was NOT lecturing you.   He knows full well if I am lecturing someone I do it in a more dirredt tone.  It was then that he did say he had been getting it from everywhere the past 2 days. To which I told him Well you are not going to take what someone else does to you out on me. I told him you know how I can get when i am pushed the wrong way. Then I changed the subject.  We talked a few minutes and then he sounded so tired I told him maybe he should get some rest.  
     This is a mess.   I know very well what I have to do but it is going to be really hard for me to do.   I need to listen when they need to vent , BUT try my best not to offer suggestions on how they should handle their inner family issues.   I know my sister would hate living in a home.  She always said she did not want to live at all if she could not take care of herself . That makes me sad, because I am worried if they put her in a home she will give up all together.   I did tell my neice they may need to look into home care for her.     Both sisters think the other should do more for their mom, and fact is their brother is not doing nearly as much as either of the daughters for their mom.
     The younger sister thinks the older one just wants their mom in a home so the farm can be sold and she thinks she will get her inheratence then.   I doubt that. That farm has been in their fathers side of the family for generations.  I do not think my sister would ever allow it to be sold as long as she is alive.   The origional plan was for the only son to inherate the farm, and for him to give his sisters their shair of what it would have sold for when she is gone.   I found out tonight that she has put all of the kids names on the dead.  That shocks me, because it is not what her husband wanted to be done.   Only thing I can think about that is she got worried the kids would not play nice with each other when she was gone.
     I can not help but think if they keep up this fighting they may sent their mother to an early grave.   That thought scares me a little as we have already lost a brother.   I am in no hurry to lose a sister.   
     This year started out so good and now with Christmas coming it seems things are hitting a downward slope.   Or maybe I am just a little depressed myself, because I think I may be getting a cold or sore throat just 2 weeks before the family gathering.   If I am ill I may miss it, because I deffinatly do not wish to make my sister ill with her imune system not working at 100%.


    I have berern thinking about this for several days, and I am still not sure whateather or not to say something about it.   I was standing across the street one day last week while a group of the neighbors were waiting for this church orgonazation to deliver some things they were going to give out to the community.   I was leaning against the handicapt ramp talking to a neighbor and there was a guy standing between us and the parking lot.   One of the delivory trucks arrived and as he was backing into the parking spot he hit the curb around the parking lot.   I do not know if he was fustrated with himself of just in a hurry, but when he pulled forward to readjust the truck he brought it back into the spot WAYYYYYYYY TOO FAST for the area he had.   The guy that was between me and the lot saw it was coming back fast and sid woooo woooo and put his hands up for the guy to stop.  Another 3 inches and it would have hit the man who was standing on the sidewalk by the lot ( the turck had a long bed) and frankly I was woerried he was going to jump the curp and squash all 3 of us that were on the sidewalk between the ramp and the truck.
     When the driver got out he was mad at the guy that had tried to get him to stop.   He said I HAVE 4 CAMARAS ON THIS BUMPER I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING.  The guy that tried to get him to stop said I was just trying to help, and maybe I should not have , but when he said he had 4 cameras on the bumper I said Oh really well then why did you hit the curp the first time?   He never answered me.   I have no clue what he said to the supervisr when he went inside, but she came out and lectured the whole group about telling him how to dricve.   I had walked back across the street by the time she came out, but I could hear her.  I have been thinking about this ever sense.  I do not know if I should have told the supervisor what I saw or wheather I should just let it go and keep my eyes out for anything else happening like that again.
     I hate it when somene makes a desidion on something with only one side of the event in evidence.  Everything has two sides and if you do not get them all how can you make a fair desidion?   I realize all these nice church people are doing this for the less fortunate out of the goodness of their hearts and are not getting paid for it, but does that give them the right to nearly hit someone with a truck, and then get all the recipiants yelled at for something the driver started?   There is a small part of me that worries if I confront the situation it may cause them to get mad and stop helping the people of the community.   As I said they are not getting paid for any of what they do.  
     WHAT WOULD YOU DO?  Speak up , Forget it, or just watch for anything else like this and if it happes again then speak up?