
lid geworden: 15-04-2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
Volgend niveau: 
Benodigde punten: 74
Last game
Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009
338 dagen geleden


     This year was going so well, but tonight it took a slight turn for the worse.   My niece dropped by to see me tonight,  I could tell something was bothering her so I pushed a little to see what.  When the girls were younger they often came to me when they needed to vent, so I felt it was ok to try to find out what was wrong.   Her mom has not been in great health for some time, and it has been hard on her children.  They all have jobs and children of their own. Well apparently my other neice would like to put their mom in a home. The one that was here and I both agree that would be a bad idea.  It is ironic because this niece and I rarely aggree on anything lol.  
     Apparently the two sisters got into a bad arguement yeaterday, and their poor brother was caught in the middle.   I found that out after she left when her brother called me , that was odd for him to call me at that time of night.   I said something to him I do not even remember what and he was like ( let me make something clear I will not be lectured) .   I was like WOW where did that come from I was NOT lecturing you.   He knows full well if I am lecturing someone I do it in a more dirredt tone.  It was then that he did say he had been getting it from everywhere the past 2 days. To which I told him Well you are not going to take what someone else does to you out on me. I told him you know how I can get when i am pushed the wrong way. Then I changed the subject.  We talked a few minutes and then he sounded so tired I told him maybe he should get some rest.  
     This is a mess.   I know very well what I have to do but it is going to be really hard for me to do.   I need to listen when they need to vent , BUT try my best not to offer suggestions on how they should handle their inner family issues.   I know my sister would hate living in a home.  She always said she did not want to live at all if she could not take care of herself . That makes me sad, because I am worried if they put her in a home she will give up all together.   I did tell my neice they may need to look into home care for her.     Both sisters think the other should do more for their mom, and fact is their brother is not doing nearly as much as either of the daughters for their mom.
     The younger sister thinks the older one just wants their mom in a home so the farm can be sold and she thinks she will get her inheratence then.   I doubt that. That farm has been in their fathers side of the family for generations.  I do not think my sister would ever allow it to be sold as long as she is alive.   The origional plan was for the only son to inherate the farm, and for him to give his sisters their shair of what it would have sold for when she is gone.   I found out tonight that she has put all of the kids names on the dead.  That shocks me, because it is not what her husband wanted to be done.   Only thing I can think about that is she got worried the kids would not play nice with each other when she was gone.
     I can not help but think if they keep up this fighting they may sent their mother to an early grave.   That thought scares me a little as we have already lost a brother.   I am in no hurry to lose a sister.   
     This year started out so good and now with Christmas coming it seems things are hitting a downward slope.   Or maybe I am just a little depressed myself, because I think I may be getting a cold or sore throat just 2 weeks before the family gathering.   If I am ill I may miss it, because I deffinatly do not wish to make my sister ill with her imune system not working at 100%.