
lid geworden: 15-04-2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Benodigde punten: 74
Last game
Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009
338 dagen geleden


     I got a message on gamedesire from someone I know saying they were thinking about me and hoped I had a nice Thanksgiving.   I tried to reply and got a message from gamedesire that I could not reply to her.   It was odd till another friend said she may not even know it is set that way, so I thought I would point it out here sense she sent another friend the same kind of message and his reply was blocked also.   Maybe she will take the hint to fix her settings lol.


   This year was and exceptianally good year for me.  It had a few little bumps, but over all it was  good year.   I am greatful for my family, and that they care about me.   I am greatful for my closest friends, that look out for and are there if I really need them.   I am greatful that over all I am in good health.   I am greatful that my sister is doing much better after she was so ill late summer.   She is well enough now she has been able to go back to church, and take a few outings.   It was so odd when she was ill she looked so much like out mother, and when she got better she looks more like herself again.   I am greatful I have lost a little weight this year.   I am greatful for every day I wake up and my family and friends are still with us.  
     This was a really good year for me and I am greatful for all the blessings I received this year.   At the risk of sounding greety I hope next year is just as good as this one was.    HAPPY THANKS GIVING EVERYONE, and may you all have a wonderful holiday.


     I got a friend who was like a little sister to me for years.  She her mom nd I used to do many things together and it was great fun.   When she got grown up I started to notice changes in her, and most people would probably have ended the friendship but I see them as family.   You cut people you see as family a little more slack then others.   A couple years ago I loned my friend some money and then she stopped answering my calls for a time.  She did infact pay me what she owed me like a year later lol.   It was not that it took her so long to pay it back that annoyed me it was that she did not return my calls.
     I should have learned from that not to loan her money again, but when her mom got dementia with a stroke on top of it, I could not tell my friend no when she needed money to pay the lawyer to get the power of atterney in place so she could get her mom in a care place.   For a while when her mom first had the stroke I talked to my friend nearly every day.   Then after i loaned her the money and told her to take her time to pay it back there was a  short time she again was not returning my calls.   When she got in touch with me she said she had lost her phone through a street grate at work,and it took her that long to get a new one. She also said she had my money and would get it to me soon.   Not long after that I got a call from her she was on her way to the hospital( my friend has some health issues herself)  I told her ok to let me know how she was after she saw the doctor.   It was a couple weeks before she cxalled. Apparently she had been in the hospital for over a week.  Again she said she still had my money, and I told her to take care ofd herself that I was not worried about it right now I was worried about her and her mom.  I told her to get some rest and keep me informed how they were doing.  That was a couple months ago and she is not answering any of the messages I hafe left her.  I am worried about her and her mom.  I have not once asked her for the money back, BUT it makes me mad she is not letting me know how they are doing.   I told her last time she was in the hospital she should have had her bf call me and let me know how she was doing so I did not worry so much.   Like i said this girl was like the little sister I always wanted and never got, but it seems she only calls mew when she wants something :( so yea my feelings are hurt that she is not returning the calls.   I told another friend the other day when she does finally get in touch with me she better have a realllllllllllly good reason for not returning any of my calls, and making me wonder if she was back in the hospital.   If she has a good reason I will forgive her as usual, but if she does not I am not sure I will forgive her again.  Do any of you have friends like this?
     She moved recently and I do not have the new address yet so just stopping by to see if she was home would not work.


     I do not know if you all know this but I did not.   I was setting here at my desk trying to get this computer working proper before midnight, and I suddenly heard an explosion.  It sounded like a small gun shot.   I jumped thinking my new refurbished computer may have exploded, or the screen.  I was surprised to see a rope chain drop out of a small box I have on the monitor stand and fall onto my keyboard.  I then remembered the button batteries I had in that box and wondered if they did it.   Sure enough one of them had exploded so hard it blew the top off the battery.   I did not even know they would explode like that.  Did you?   I am now wondering if I should take the other ones I have stored in my desk out.  So everyone be careful with button batteries they can be explosive.


     You all know I usually blog when something is upsetting me.   Here lately things have been going pretty well.  I recently discovered someone I had lost contact with years ago is not only alive but seems to be pretty happy.   I have not had much anxiety lately :)  . My niece invited me to her house for Thanksgiving.  I will probably go. I have lost some weight, and hope to lose more before Christmas.  This is a kinda boring  blog, but at least it is not all bad.
     Want to hear something funny?  My brother is a big Trump supporter, and I was at a popup sale where they were selling ink pens with turmp on them. He was waring boxing gloves that could be actovated by lefers on the back of the pen. When you pushed the levers it talked.   I was going to give it to him for Christmas, but changed my mind and gave it to him early.   Just in case Trump does not last till Christmas I wanted my brother to have it while it was still funny.