
Katılım: 07.04.2023
Favorite color is red. I like documentaries. Fav TV shows, The Andy Griffith Show, Big Bang Theory, I Love Lucy.
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Points needed: 178
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Treasure Hunters

Treasure Hunters

Treasure Hunters
1 yıl 80 gün önce

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Hediyeler: 1


Beni anlatan şeyler

A simple gal that enjoys life & what it has to offer. I’m a family kinda person that loves my children & many grandkids. I believe in living life 2 the fullest, appreciating what I’ve been blessed with. Monetary things R nice but not important. I Love My Life, my country & my faith in God. Always show happiness & respect others. Finally & I can’t say it enough, politics is not a topic I wish 2 discuss. To much division, not enough respect & understanding.
İlgi Alanları
I like 2 do crafts, color detailed pics, read magazines, watch old tv shows & documentary’s. I enjoy going 2 concerts, live plays & movies. I love the outdoors, fishing, camping, canoeing, & taking my Pom dog for walks. I enjoy cooking, & like a clean well organized house.
Sevdiğiniz Filmler
The Martian, Forest Gump, Gone With The Wind, Miracles From Heaven, The Cokeville Miracle, Sully, Castaway, Funny Farm, Bridge To Tarabithia, Liar Liar, Doc Hollywood, Tommy Boy, Black Sheep and Schindler’s List. Comedies, Christian based, Romance, Action and Holiday movies.
Sevdiğiniz Film Tarzı
I like a variety, Rock, Pop, Christian, Celtic, Oldies, Classical & Easy Listening.
Sevdiğiniz Kitaplar
Self help, biographies and cook books.
Sevdiğim şeyler
Shrimp, Mac n cheese, Lasagna, fresh fruit, occasionally a cherry coke. I collect angels, wind chimes. I love a sun setting over a lake, a rainbow on a warm summer day, the peacefulness, quietness & beauty after an intense snowfall. I love Christmas & Easter holidays. Love to decorate my house. Grow & garden flowers & indoor plants.
Sevmediğim şeyler
Discussing politics, Brussel sprouts, mustard, spicy foods, rap music, negative attitudes, & guns.
