
registro: 19-11-2016
Próximo nível: 
Pontos necessários: 3
Último jogo
Rummy HD

Rummy HD

Rummy HD
47 dias h

Histórico de jogadas

Rummy HD

Rummy HD



Presentes: 6

Algo sobre mim

Sobre mim
I'm a really great drummer
playing drums, chess, pool, swimming, bicycle riding, video games, and bowling
Filmes favoritos
smokey and the bandit, silver streak, canon ball run # 1 and 2
Músicas favoritas
anything but rap !!!
Livros favoritos
don't really have a favorite book, mainly look through cook books and how to fix it yourself books.
Coisas que eu gosto
mostly brunets, the darker the hair, the way better !!!!!!! Also drums !!!!!!
Coisas que eu năo gosto
humans who put me down !!!!!!! their not even considered alive as far as I'm concerned in my book !!!!!

Últimas visitas

Total de visitas: 15
15 dias atrás
