
Rejestracja: 2013-08-24
i love this game. i hate this game.
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if you sit by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by

I have been doing location support work for the film industry for almost a year now. We help out the work crew but our main function is to clear streets for filming sets and to watch over the equipment and prevent any theft. By being a reliable and dedicated worker, i became part of my bosses most trusted core group of location support personnel. She listens to me and relies on me. She often asks me to keep an eye on new workers. A new guy, younger than me, started working for her and i interacted with him during his first shift. Immediately, i sensed alarm bells about this guy.
I tend to be very personable and make it a point to establish some kind of contact with the people i work with, as we have to rely on each other to watch our backs, especially during the night shifts. Speaking of night shifts, i'll do a blog about our experiences in Hamilton, ontario and how creepy that shit hole of a city is....yikes...i will even share some videos.
But on to my story about this new LSP, i will call him M. I instantly disliked him. He wasn't very sociable, in fact, a bit anti social and just unfriendly. He wasn't a team player. I know when someone is just a shy person and when it is something deeper and worse than that. He was the worse than that type. After a night shift, i heard him talking on the phone to the female LSP that was supposed to relieve him. She was late and having difficulty finding the downtown location. On the phone, he was saying to her "Well i don't know how to help you, you should be able to find it using your GPS, YOU HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO DRIVE." This was a red flag because, firstly, it was flat out rude. Secondly, he said this with total disregard to who she might be or her status and standing in the company. Thirdly, he didn't show any regard to who might have been listening to him talking to her in that manner, and that who was me. Seeing as he was irate, i told him, "M, i will watch over your spot until she gets here, i can stay late and wait for her, you can go if you need to be somewhere." I was doing him a favor. All he did was look at me, still irate, said nothing, not even a thanks, and walked off without me knowing if he was leaving or not.
These were huge red flags to me. As time passed i would see him on other productions when he had the same shift and location. He was always aloof and non engaging, often not even responding to a simple "hello M." I really started to dislike this guy. It was after a few months that my boss called me to complain about him. She said he was demanding from her how many shifts he was to have and where he was to work. He had a plum of a shift ( which i now have ) at a location where there were only 3 trucks to watch, free wifi, excess to indoor facilities with snacks and coffee, etc. A t this location, he didn't have to do anything but put in his time and go home in the morning. A very slack shift. My boss was complaining to me about him because he was caught leaving an hour early, maybe even more, on a regular basis from that shift. I used this opportunity to tell her that he was not a team player, who did nothing to ingratiate himself to me or others, was unfriendly and rude to other LSPS and clearly, was ungrateful to her as he was trying to strong arm her and also was slacking on the job.
I ended up getting that sweet location whenever it was available, as my boss took him off it. He kept calling her asking why he wasn't being given that location. Long story short, he was at another location in hamilton, but the other LSPS there were texting my boss, asking where he was. She called him, confronted him, and he lied, telling her he was at the location. So she asked him to get out of his car and walk around the block to where the other LSP was so that the other LSP could tell him something. He tried to stall things and asked, "what does he want to say to me?" M was caught not even being at his location, being derelick of duty when he was supposed to be watching over hundreds of thousands of dollars of equipment. And thus, he was fired, my boss being so pissed off at his attitude that she called the other LSP companies and had him black listed, probably never to work in the film industry again.

Thus another enemy floats by me in the river. The red flags went up for me right from our first meeting because...
1) his first night on the job and he didn't seem to show any concern about the first impression he made
2) he was very unfriendly and anti social
3) he didn't show any awareness of even self preservation as he he behaved rudely with a total disregard to who might be observing him or the status of whoever was observing him. Anyone with any sense at all would have a "feeling out" process when they start a new job with other people to gain knowledge of who the people who have influence ( close to and trusted by the boss ) are. This is a critical red flag, when someone does not do this.
4) he did nothing to ingratiate himself to others he was working with. Had he been polite and friendly with me and others, maybe he would have had someone to put in a good word for him or plead on his behalf. But he had no one, and i dropped the hammer on him at the first opportunity. We could have lost the entire production because of him. I was right about him.
Later on today, i will head out to my shift at the sweet location my boss keeps giving me as a reward, and i will relax and enjoy the free wifi and free snacks....and M can drop dead for all i care.....bye bye "buddy."

pit falls of loyalty ( you retire, then you start working like hell )

it was supposed to be a casual part time job. i retired 5 years ago at 52 years of age. i invested the money i had when i sold the business and building, and was making a comfortable income, more than what i made working. the first couple of weeks i would go to the danforth on a monday or tuesday and sit at a cafe patio and watch the working world go by. it was like playing hookie from school. it was wonderful. i would travel all across the province of ontario with my wife, exploring all the little towns, enjoying the freedom and sometimes just going to where the road would lead us. my wife was still working, so with the combined incomes we didn't have a care in the world.
my cousin called me one night , "hey , bill, remember when you were talking with my brother about that driving job? that you would like to do part time to make some extra bucks? do you still want to do it?'
i said, sure.
at first, for the first year, there weren't that many driving runs. it was nice to get out of the house and do something. i wasn't quite happy with the amount of work, maybe an extra run a week would be fine. i met a guy named stephen on these runs and we became buddies. he saw how i would always show up early, was easy to get along with. he told me, if i wanted to make a bit extra, he could get me a job as location support personnel for the film industry. all you really do, he said, is sit in your car and watch over production vehicles. 200 bucks a shift, and you don't have to do anything, maybe lay down a few cones on occassion. EASY JOB.

i said, sure.

and at first, i was getting a couple film shifts ( night shifts ) and a couple driving runs and it was perfect. then my cousin stopped doing driving runs, and were short a driver, then another driver disappeared. since i was so reliable and STUPID loyal, i never turned down a shift, so one of the bosses, a 5 foot woman who is a total shark, was calling me frequently for driving runs. suddenly i was the guy calling other drivers to organize runs....and getting the bank drafts. suddenly i was the captain. the film industry all of a sudden boomed this year. my film boss, also a woman, was texting me constantly, setting up night shifts and i would never say no...because i am STUPID loyal....and i would end up doing a 7pm to 7am night shift on some film set in some seedy bum fuck location in hamilton and then drive to the lot for a driving run by 9 am the same morning for a run to ottawa!!! thats a 10 hour run at best. a couple times i've done 48 hour work binges. and boy, is my wife ever letting me have it. she is yelling at me and swearing like a sailor. "you idiot!! are you trying to kill yourself?? go to bed right now!! look at you, you can't even walk straight!!! you aren't even hearing what i am saying right now!!" and i would look at her with glazed eyes and go.." hhmmm?? "
and then THUNK!!! a kick in the shin. you know, thats one thing about my wife, she doesn't play "nice." even when we joke around, she is too rough and is a master of cheap shots. a couple nights ago she had ordered me a beautiful veal dinner, and she was looking for a place on the plate to put the dinner roll. "do you want the bread?' she asked, and i said, WITH A SMILE, " no, i don't want the FUCKING bread." ( i was joking, ok? ) and THUNK!! like wood hitting wood....she got me right on the shin and damn it hurt like hell. one day as i was leaving for work, and she was grumpy about it, i said, " but you really are happy when i am not here, right? you like it when i am not here. that way i don't bug you so much, right?" i don't even want to tell you what she did to me for that....anyways, back to what i was talking about.

i am working like hell, day and night. i have two lady bosses, who are serious business and very capable, relying on me. one is a 5 foot shark, the other is an ex budweiser girl and a total tiger. but you know what? i've never made so much money....between my investment income and the income from both jobs....i'll be able to retire AGAIN in 5 years. through it all, i've met some great people, especially the crazy guys i go on drives with. i haven't laughed so much in years. when me and those guys get together , its like being in high school again. i don't want to go to jail, so i won't tell you some of the antics we get up to. of course, 3 of them were laughing at me on one run when i was getting chewed out by the 5 foot shark on speaker phone because i forgot something. i was taking it, quiet like mouse and these guys are making faces and pointing at me while i am trying to keep my composure. buncha pricks.

but i have to say, just the other night, as i was coming back from a driving run to london ontario, it was a dark clear night, the lights of the city were approaching in the distance....and i felt to vital....and the world looked so beautiful. and i am just going to keep on going and taking whatever comes my way. i am positively radiating....everything looks so is beautiful. maybe i am just weird. sometimes even i don't quite understand myself.

2 short jokes which might crack you up

a wife refused to have sex with her husband because she was going to the gynecologist the next day and wanted to be clean, untouched and presentable. the husband thought about it and said, "you're not going to the dentist tomorrow, are you??"

an old man and a little boy were walking through a dark forest. the little boy said, "this is a creepy forest, i am so scared!" and the old man said, "you think you're scared? i'm going to have to walk back out of it alone!"

some horse racing methods i have discovered and will share and maybe you can refine them

like most discoveries, i fell upon this by accident and it was because of something that would frustrate me at first. i call this THE SUPER FAVORITE. i was testing another system i bought. it uses the odds of the last three races. you add them up and if they are less than 12, it provides the ideal odds range  to bet these horses because they are overlays. i won't tell too much about this system, since i bought it and don't want to get in trouble, but it is called "across the board overlays." you don't find alot of races where a horse fits the requirement of the odds total, but what frustrated me me was when i would find a race where more than one, sometimes even three horses all had odds in there last 3 races that total 12 or less when added up. this system, generally, focuses on horses that have very low odds in their last three races, and usually are the favorite or very close to it in all three of those races. the frustration came when i would finally find a horse that qualified this way then then there is another horse or two in the same race that also qualify. this is when i noticed something......when there are more than 1 qualifiers, especially more than 2 qualifiers....whoever ends up being the favorite at post time is a SUPER FAVORITE and is almost damned sure to win. these horses were ranked , by the betting public, as top contenders in ALL of their last three races and whichever horse out of these ends up being the favorite tonight simply has to be one hell of a horse. something is up....especially if it is a hot favorite. now, i made a previous post about when to bet beaten favorites....this SUPER FAVORITE, is probably one of the best beaten favorites to bet next time, ESPECIALLY if its odds remain low or it is a favorite again. i did a short study, because it is tedious to keep trach of when a horse runs again etc.....but out of 10 races, where a beaten SUPER FAVORITE ran again....7 out 10 races winners, 2 seconds and 1 third. and these horses win with authority and run very determined races. if anybody has any ideas or wants to tweak this method, maybe you will give me a post. 
 the nest system i've been tracking started as a joke and is so ridiculously simple i am having a hard time believing the results. i use this at the harness races and it is a long shot system. the system??  whichever horse has the fastest THIRD QUARTER FRACTION in its last race. that is basically is stupid that this works so often. people focus on the first quarter speed of a horse...or the final ( FOURTH ) quarter speed, and completely ignore the THIRD QUARTER.  if you go and check out the last month of harness racing at woodbine/mohawk and and see the results of the horses with the fastest third quarter fraction, you will laugh and how often they win and how huge the payoffs are. i am just tracking this method but i would not bet these horses at odds lower than 5 -1.  they are coming in at 20 -1...30 -1.....i got one at 60 -1 ....and all it took was about 10 seconds to scan the program. thats it...ONE FACTOR HANDICAPPING.  there are some things or rules to consider, it tends to help the selection process. the time should  be on the same track ( but you can catch some horses coming from lower class half mile tracks that show a third quarter time even faster than the horses its running agsinst have shown at woodbine/mohawk ). the horse should show improvement in its position and lengths behind, it doesn't have to be much. this enforces that its fast third quarter time was a good effort compared to the other horses and that it just wasn't only running AS FAST as everyone else. if it shows a fast third quarter time and EVERYONE ELSE was also going that fast, because the horse hasn't improved or has lost ground, then the third quarter time doesn't suggest anything exceptional. works best when the selected horse is starting from the inside post positions and has to work less to get a good position at the start or have to come from too far back ( for woodbine/mohawk, post position 6 and lower, post 6 is actually the best performing post position for some reason ). avoid races where there are ties. only bet when the odds are generous, above 5 - 1 at the very least. these horses tend to be overlays, i believe, because the betting public focuses on early speed ( first quarter ) or late speed ( fourth quarter ) and overlooks the third quarter fraction and these horses end up being overlays. when these horses go off at 10-1 to 15- 1 i feel as confident betting on them as if they were at 3 - 1 odds. do not bet on them if they finished 1st or 2nd in their last race. you won't be getting odds and the horse has already been spent. there are certain races i will avoid, these being when the selection had a decent race and looks fairly well suited for the race but is the second biggest long shot or the biggest long shot and there are two horses in the race that are BOTH hot favorites and below  2-1 odds. something is up there.....the betting public can overlook betting value, but not by this much.  the show payoffs are amazing and i would bet these horses in the following betting unit amount : 2 to win 2 to place 10 to show. these horses pay more to show than favorites or second favorites pay to win, you get all your money and then some. if you don't mind riding long streaks of losing, playing them to win is probably the best in the long run. they win about 25 percent of the time, in my estimation. if you have any ideas about these, or tweaks....give me a post. ( it is damned near impossible to have a rigid, completely mechanical method and set of rules when it comes to horse racing. but the experience you gain trying this method will develop a good instinct and you might find a few more rules or exceptions......however, i find when a system become too rigid, a lot of opportunities are missed, and if the rules are too lax, a lot of money is thrown away. yet i believe, just blindly betting the horse with the third quarter lowest fraction every time, when there are no ties, will wield you a profit. the payoffs are just too big and frequent )

p.s  one race result to illustrate the value you can get and why value is important. the 10th race at woodbine ( harness racing )  december 21.  the number 4 horse, PREMIER CABERNET  HAD THE FASTEST THIRD QUARTER FRACTION  27 3/5 SECONDS.  it improved its lengths behind and had also made a big move to challenge for the lead during the third quarter when it ran that fast fraction. going off at 9-1.  there was a very hot favorite that was dropping in class called MACK MY KISS, going off at 3/5. this means if you bet 5 bucks on this horse, you get back 8 bucks...a 3 dollar profit on your 5 dollar bet.......SHIT.  it looked like PREMIER CABERNET was going to fade as they got to the top of the stretch with two horses ahead of him, but it rallied and got the motor running and about halfway down the stretch it looked like it was actually going to win it and just missed by a nose, so close!!!  MACK MY KISS won. here is the point......i bet in units of 2 to win 2 to place and 10 to show. lets assume that is 2 dollars to win and place and 10 dollars to  show......MACK MY KISS paid a lousy  $3.30 to win....a lousy $2.80 to place  and a shitty $2.50 to show ( for each 2 dollar bet )  if i bet him i would have gotten back,  3.30 + 2.80 + ( 5 x 2.50 = 12.50) for a total of  18.60 - my intial 14.00 dollar bet = $4.80 profit....and we won the race!!  but i bet PREMIER CABERNET, who just came second, and i got  8.90 back for the place bet and 5 x 3.70 =  18.50 for the show bet for a total of  27.40 - 14.00 (initial bet ) =  13.40 profit.....essentially double the amount i bet. almost 3 times more than the winner.  this is is not about picking winners, its about betting on value. i don't know why people will pile on a horse like this and bet into a horse going off at 3/5 odds, but it is good that they do, they create opportunities for me.  my horse paid more to SHOW than the winner paid to WIN for christ sake. 

one more simple angle for horse racing, when to bet beaten favorites.

a beaten favorite is a horse that had the most money bet on it and had the lowest odds in its last race and lost the race. the betting public , by making it the favorite, have ranked it is the best horse in the race, usually in a field of 8 to 9 horses. what has been observed in horse racing, is that losing favorites tend to 'bounce back' in their nest race and win more often than they should next time out. quite often, if they don't race very well when they are the favorite, the betting public tends not to bet as much on them next time out, and these horses 'bounce back' and win at very generous odds. so, when is it the best time to bet a losing favorite?? i am only going to give you the most basic and simple form of this method : the best time to bet on a losing favorite in its next race is WHEN IT IS THE FAVORITE AGAIN.  that is the nuts and bolts of it. there are a few other factors, like, make sure the last race it was in, where it lost as the favorite is NOT the fasted race it has ever had or the fastest time in its last 6 starts. for some reason, horses that ran their fastest time in their last race do not win as often as they should next time out. weird, but true. a beaten favorite that becomes the favorite again in its next race has a staggering win rate than can approach 66 percent. these horses are almost certain to run at least third, a SHOW BET more than 90 percent of the time. the time factor helps and the horse having one of the top 5 drivers/riders helps but basically....he was the favorite last week and lost, tonight he is the favorite that sucker!!! this is a brutally strong angle.