
lid geworden: 06-09-2014
If you like old radios, I've got a couple listed at the world's tiniest online shop, geckotheatre.etsy.com. It's just some fun.
Volgend niveau: 
Benodigde punten: 44
Last game
Let's Fish

Let's Fish

Let's Fish
1 jaar 14 dagen geleden


Geschenken: 15


Something about me

Over mij
See below.
Fishing, hiking, vintage radio reanimation - depends on time of year.
Favorite movies
Once per year, or whichever comes first.
Favorite music
Pink Floyd and Wolfgang Mozart.
Favorite books
Most Often Needed 1949 Radio Diagrams by M. N. Beitman
Dingen waar ik van hou
I like my interests. See above.
Dingen waar ik niet van hou
Some things that are between a space, except not always.
