
הצטרף: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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ביליארד 8

ביליארד 8

ביליארד 8
לפני 339 ימים


     Have you ever noticed when people try to make something expensive sound cheap by putting the word only in front of the price?   I saw an add today for a tool box and at the end of the add they said it's only $99.   Now I do not know where they live but where I live anything over $10 in not in the ONLY category.   I really do not know if they are that stupid or if they think the consumer is to think the word only put in front of a price will make people buy it, because it is ONLY 99 dollars.   Are they really arrogant enough to think people can not see that ONLY $99 is ONLY $1 less then $100.    Marketers are smart, but we as the consumer need to be smarter.   I look at that $99 price and I think that would cover my gas and my electric bill BOTH for 1 month, so how can it be an ONLY?
     I know what it is they think people will see the word ONLY and think it is a bargain.    In the early 1980's I was working at a restraint I thought I would make a little extra money for Christmas by making and selling wreath pins.   My boss allowed me to set up a tiny display near the register.   When he put it up there he added the word only to the price.  I asked him why he did that he said people would buy it faster with only on it.   He was right by the end of the day they were all gone.   In fairness I was only charging  $1.15.   I do not see how anyone can look at $99 and think it is ONLY$99 unless the product had a huge price on it in the first place.   If it was originally $500 and you are now selling it at $99 I would say yea that is a good deal.
   It is also amazing the tricks people will play to support their products.   Like charging twice as much as the product should cost they saying we will give you a second one FREE just play a separate processing fee.   What they are not telling you is the price they are asking for the first one is actually twice what it would normally cost in the first place so you are really paying full price for both of them.   I myself bought one such item about a year ago.   It was an exceptional product and totally worth the fee, but when I purchased more as a single tube I found it was half the price I had paid for the buy one get one free set I had previously bought.
   In closing If anyone says to you  ONLY and then give you a price over $10 I suggest you ask what the original price was, and how much it cost to make it.   Another thing to look out for is prices ending in  95 or 99 cents.   In today's world we tend to round down to the next dollar  in our heads when looking at a price, so in our mind $19.99 becomes $19 .   We should round up to the next dollar, so $19.99 should be seen as $20.

     So in closing Caveat emptor  ( LET THE BUYER BEWARE.)


     Rage is an unpredictable thing.  I hate when it builds inside me .   The fire was started on the 8th when my damn brother in law  said we could not go see my oldest sister on her birthday, because he was tired.   I was hurt and angry.   I got somewhat past it even though it was still simmering inside me.   Then tonight I saw something that upset me and when I tried to find out what happened, those that knew were less then helpful.   The gasoline on the fire was when I proved someone had lied to another friend of mine and my friend had believed them when they told the lie.   Tonight I got the chance to prove they lied, but was worse then the proof of the lie was being forced to bend to the liars will rather then finish what I had started.
     I hate when I get like this.   It is not a good idea for anyone to be around me when I am like this.   I do not even like myself when I am like this.   So instead of being where I really want to be I am here writing a blog trying to get rid of my anger.  There are so many times I have thought how nice it would be to be in complete control of my emotions.   Unfortunately I am Pisces control is not our thing.   One thing the fiery rage I am feeling tonight may be doing, It may be burning out some of the longing I have felt sense my birthday for things to be as they once were.  I have my issues and problems but I do not lie to friends and finding out the person I was feting about lied to a friend of ours is going to help me move past the attachment I was missing.


     Do you ever just sit and think about things?   I am beginning to come to the realization I should not do that.   One of my exes once said I have and active mind.   I never really understood what he meant by that till recently.   When I am just sitting thinking my mind races from one thing to another, sometimes without a visual bridge between them.   But somehow inside my mind they are related.   Some of the thoughts running round in my head are good memories from my past.   Some of the thoughts are dreams of the future.   Some of them are memories of things I wish I could change from the past, but sense I can not I have not use for these memories other then to learn from them and not make that mistake again.   Other thoughts are of how my life would have been different if only one thing in it had been different.    An example of something I think about a lot in those thought full times is my sister.   She was a few year older then me and died from a hole in her heart when she was only 3 weeks old.   My mom told us about the morning she died so many times it runs like a movie in my head.   It is as though I was there seeing it unfold before my eyes.    One of my other sisters said she did that to make her real to us younger ones that never met her so we would remember we had another sister after mom was gone.   I have often wondered had she lived would she have looked like my oldest sister, and how would my life have been changed by her life.   I would have had a sister nearer to my age I could have had a bond with.   If she had lived there is a chance I would not have had as much love from my father as I did.   You see I believe my dad blamed himself for her death even though he did nothing to cause it.   The morning she was born when he went in to see my mom he said to her " You and your damn girls."    They had only one son at that point.   Well 3 weeks later she was dead from a hole in her heart.   I think my dad thought the good lord took her back because he did not want her.   Dad was not the same after her death.   I am told he started drinking more.  
     When I came along several years later, Dad used to pay extra attention to me.   I loved being with my daddy.   When my baby brother came along 4 years later I remember the morning we went to get mom at the hospital.   It was a cold January day.   While we were waiting for the nurse to bring mom out I asked dad what the baby was a boy or a girl.   He told me it was a little boy.   Then he added he had hoped it would be another little girl like me but it was a boy.   When I grew up and had time to think about what he had said and what had happened when my sister was born it dawned on me he thought my birth was God forgiving what he said about my sister and giving him a second chance.   I feel like he gave me all the love he thought he should have given her.   So it is possible if she had lived my dad and I would not have been as close as we were.   He learned from his mistake.   I do not believe God would kill your child just because you were not grateful to have that sex child, but I think dad may have thought that, and when he got the second chance to love baby girl he was not going to mess it up.
     I was thinking about something my niece said to me the other day.   She said my nephew told her he knows he is not going to live to be very old, and the sad part is he is probably right.   He has fought cancer 4 times and the third time we nearly lost him.   I really hate to think about losing him.   We just lost his mom and dad in 2016.   I really do not want to lose him too.   I have always loved my nephew.   He has always had the best smile and a odd sense of humor.   For Christmas the year we nearly lost him he got me a farting teddy bear.   It has a remote control.   He and my brother were having lots of fun watching me trying to figure out what triggered it to fart.   Finally I flipped it over and opened the battery compartment to shut it off and put it away.   When I went to put it in my box he said to me "Don't you think you should take the remote too?" and handed me the remote control.   I do not know if they did not think I would be smart enough to know I could shut it off at the battery pack of what, but I have many animated figures.   I know how a battery pack works lol.  
      Remember I said my thoughts jump randomly sometimes?  Sometimes I think about the theory that there are multiple  distentions and that everything that can happen has happened in one of them.   If this was true that would mean in at least 3 of them I am dead already, but in at least one of them my brother , mother and father are still alive.  Maybe not all in the same detention though.   I told you my mind works randomly and thoughts do not always connect visually.  
     This is why I really think I should stop just sitting and thinking sometimes.   My mind is mixed up enough when I am trying to consciously  think of things.   I really do not need to let it go off on its own.


     I have been doing some more thinking about loyalty, and how someone else s wavering loyalty can cut you like a knife if you were loyal to them.   Have you ever had someone to which you were dedicated, someone who you admired, and appreciated.   The kind of person that made you smile just to be around them.   Then one day out of the blue you look up and they are gone.   You search for them, and maybe find them.   You try to get them back in your life, but it only takes a short time to find out the loyalty you felt for them was not felt for you by them.     You feel hurt and betrayed.   It is like they have plunged and emotional dagger into your heart.   The loss of what you had perceived you had is painful, but not as painful as what you know is to come.   I do not know how many of you know this, but sometimes I can see things that are going to happen before they do.  You can call it precognition, intuition or just a chance happening, but you know bad things are going to happen to the one that was disloyal to you, and you will not have to do a thing.   The question is should you try to stop them or let the time line stay its course.   It is really hard to gather compassion for someone who you feel betrayed your loyalty.   Fact is two wrongs do not make a right, and you acting like they did will not make anything better.   So no matter what anyone does to you just know you must be true to yourself, because bottom line you have to live with yourself.


     Have you ever noticed how many people are willing to listen to hear say and gossip rather then just asking the people that know if something is true or not?   On the internet it is even worse then in real life.   I guess people think if you see it in writing  ie text then it must be true.   I have a news flash for you all people can text a lie just as easily as they can speak one, and if you take it on blind faith that what you read is true it will be you who looks like and idiot, when the real truth is know.
     I never take one account of anything as the total truth until I have checked all the facts.   Even if it comes from someone I know has never lied to me before, I still check it out before I go starting a fight with someone over something I heard somewhere.   I found out recently just because you think the person has never lied to you before does not mean they will not lie to you now ( If it suits their needs at the time).   When you go tripping over something someone told you and it is a lie, you make yourself look like a fool for believing someone who is trying to manipulate you into doing what they want you to do.     T
     The type of person that lies to you in an attempt to get you mad at someone else does not care about you.   They know when the dirt hits the fan it will not be they standing in the way of the spray it will be you, AND THEY DO NOT CARE WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU.   My best advice is check everything out before acting on anything you hear or read.   You will save yourself and others a lot of time and stress, and you will also keep yourself from looking like an idiot.    You can not trust the word of everyone you think you can.   I found that out the hard way recently.