
הצטרף: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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ביליארד 8

ביליארד 8

ביליארד 8
לפני 339 ימים


     Have you ever noticed when people try to make something expensive sound cheap by putting the word only in front of the price?   I saw an add today for a tool box and at the end of the add they said it's only $99.   Now I do not know where they live but where I live anything over $10 in not in the ONLY category.   I really do not know if they are that stupid or if they think the consumer is to think the word only put in front of a price will make people buy it, because it is ONLY 99 dollars.   Are they really arrogant enough to think people can not see that ONLY $99 is ONLY $1 less then $100.    Marketers are smart, but we as the consumer need to be smarter.   I look at that $99 price and I think that would cover my gas and my electric bill BOTH for 1 month, so how can it be an ONLY?
     I know what it is they think people will see the word ONLY and think it is a bargain.    In the early 1980's I was working at a restraint I thought I would make a little extra money for Christmas by making and selling wreath pins.   My boss allowed me to set up a tiny display near the register.   When he put it up there he added the word only to the price.  I asked him why he did that he said people would buy it faster with only on it.   He was right by the end of the day they were all gone.   In fairness I was only charging  $1.15.   I do not see how anyone can look at $99 and think it is ONLY$99 unless the product had a huge price on it in the first place.   If it was originally $500 and you are now selling it at $99 I would say yea that is a good deal.
   It is also amazing the tricks people will play to support their products.   Like charging twice as much as the product should cost they saying we will give you a second one FREE just play a separate processing fee.   What they are not telling you is the price they are asking for the first one is actually twice what it would normally cost in the first place so you are really paying full price for both of them.   I myself bought one such item about a year ago.   It was an exceptional product and totally worth the fee, but when I purchased more as a single tube I found it was half the price I had paid for the buy one get one free set I had previously bought.
   In closing If anyone says to you  ONLY and then give you a price over $10 I suggest you ask what the original price was, and how much it cost to make it.   Another thing to look out for is prices ending in  95 or 99 cents.   In today's world we tend to round down to the next dollar  in our heads when looking at a price, so in our mind $19.99 becomes $19 .   We should round up to the next dollar, so $19.99 should be seen as $20.

     So in closing Caveat emptor  ( LET THE BUYER BEWARE.)