
Connesso: 27/08/2014
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Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009
1 anno 244 giorni fa


    I get so tired of hypocrites.    I have some neighbors who hate when people talk about them but the are constantly talking bad about the other neighbors.   They call the neighbors fat and elephants apparently they do not realize now that makes me feel when I am fatter then the neighbors they are talking about.    Why do people think they have to put someone else down to make their self feel better.    I believe in " DO ONTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEN DO ONTO YOU. "   but sometimes it may be needed to do unto others as they DO onto you   Because some people need to be put in their places.   People need to ask them selves how they would feel if someone else did to them what they are doing to others.  

   I really love my neighbor, but sometimes I need to leave and go away from her when she starts that ripping other people to shreds for no real reason.   I believe live and let live long as someone does not hurt me I do not care what they do.   I do not even care if people talk about me as long as what they say is true.   Anyone lies about me I do not take it kindly. 




      Did you ever stop to realize that sometimes your second thoughts are way better then your first ones?    I was going to write one blog and half way through it I decided it would be a bad idea  and deleted it.  I got to thinking as bad as things are they could get worse.  It is odd how people will do what ever they want to you if they know they are the only game in town. So I will just keep my mouth shut about what is really bothering me and it will pass in time.


   Have you heard the expression about the irresistible force meeting the immovable object?   Well what if they are both immovable objects and you are trapped between them?   That is how I feel tonight like I am trapped between 2 rocks neither movable.   I do not know maybe the rocks are in their heads.   They are more alike then they either one want to admit.  Proud, stubborn, opinionated and easily angered.  

   I am reminded of something that happened the very same year I joined the net.  I had a friend Ruth and another friend Marc.   They were at odds for some reason I do not remember now.   I wanted them both to make up and at first neither would budge.   So I said to them both ok they could fight if they want I still loved them both.   Just then Ruth relented.   She came were Marc and I were and when she got there Marc asked her why she was there.   She said she did it for me just me.   At that point Ruth saw mark was willing to meet him half way and they made up and we all 3 had fun that night. The moral of this is nothing is insurmountable if people are willing to meet in the middle. But when they are not sometimes someone gets squashed.

End of a generation.

     My last living uncle died.   It is the end of a generation.   We were not overly close, but I did not hate him either.   His passing means all my aunts and uncles are gone now.   My brothers and sisters and I are now at the front of the line for the grave.   The odd thing about his death is the family he came from.   I will be going to the viewing tomorrow and I doubt anyone will be crying.   It was a thing my grandfather( his father) had.   He always said when someone dies you should laugh cause their troubles are over and when they are born you should cry cause their troubles are just starting.   Viewings on my mom's side of the family are more like parties.   Everyone swapping stories and laughing.

     My uncle used to love to get on the radio talk shows and voice his opinions.   He had a lot of them lol.

     I remember my dad telling a story of one time he was out working in the woods with my uncle.   My uncle caught his wedding ring on a shank of a log he was throwing down through the woods and tore a gash in his finger.   Dad said he took his ring off and threw it down through the woods.   In later years he was again warring a ring.   I do not know if he bought a new one or went and retrieved the original one when he calmed down.   By the time I was born my uncle was a truck deriver.   He said he would teach me to drive truck one time, but I think my mom put a stop to that idea.   She did not like the idea of me being out driving truck.  My mom was very protective of me I think she knew I had problems.  I am just not sure if she knew how bad they were.   Moms always try to protect their children , but she would let my brothers do things she did not allow me to do.


     Karma:  action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation,  the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person's deeds in the previous incarnation.

     I am a big believer in Karma, but that was not always true.   One day I got slapped upside the head by a big dose of Karma and I became a believer.   Now I am patiently awaiting Karma to take its stand on someone else.   Someone that thinks their actions are not know, funny thing about hidden things they always come into the light.   I thought I would go hide and find myself some peace, but someone could not allow me to do this, and Karma will get them for what they did after finding my secret.  I just hope I am around to enjoy it.  Yes I know if I take pleasure in their hardship I may in fact get another dose of bad Karma for my very own but I will chance it.