Katılım: 10.01.2013
«(((Don't say U love me unless you really mean it, because I might do something crazy like believe it ◄◊ ◊ ►BREAKING NEWS)))»
Sonraki seviye: 
Points needed: 153

♥═╬═⊰♥⊱El rito de enterrar la Biblia⊰♥⊱═╬═♥

See the source imageSee the source image

See in your Bible:
- John 6:70 Words of eternal life
- 3 John 1: 9 Jesus and Nicodemus
- Matthew 7:15 By their fruits you will know them
- Philippians 3:18 I continue to target
- 2 Peter 2: 1 False prophets and false teachers
- Jude 1: 4 Salutation
-II Corinthians 11:15 Paul defends his ministry
Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing,
but inwardly they are rapacious wolves. "-Matthew 7:15
It has been said that the enemy has a social plan to overthrow the church.
The enemy has created false Christian sects that do not agree with the biblical gospel.
These gospel kidnappers are disguised as ministers of justice:
"Because these are false apostles, fraudulent workers,
who disguise themselves as apostles of Christ, and it is not wonder,
because Satan himself disguises himself as an angel of light,
so it is not strange if his ministers also disguise themselves as ministers
of justice whose purpose shall be according to their works.
"- II Corinthians 11: 13-15
Satan himself has satellites that dress as sheep.
What are the costumes of sheep that the enemy has been using at this time?
1 False sects
2) False gospels
3) Infiltrados
4) Religious hiccups
5) Passive churches that do not match the experience of the church
(See the book of Acts)
6) Churches that emphasize human guilt and martyrdom.
Opus Dei, G-12, and techniques of the "Spiritual Exercises of Loyola".
7) Materialistic churches seeking to justify their deviations through
the words of prosperity in the Bible.
8) Deification of man
9) False defenders of the church.
Porque en él habita corporalmente
y vosotros estáis COMPLETOS en él
Mirad que nadie os engañe por medio de filosofías y huecas sutilezas,
según las tradiciones de los hombres,
conforme a los rudimentos del mundo, y no según Cristo.  
Porque en él habita corporalmente TODA LA PLENITUD DE LA DEIDAD,
y vosotros estáis COMPLETOS en él,
que es la cabeza de todo principado y potestad.
(Colosenses 2:8-10)
 Demostrar que el único Dios verdadero es tres personas divinas.
Tanto el Padre y el Hijo utilizan el nombre de Jehová (Yo Soy) de igual forma.
No se trata de tres dioses sino de un solo Dios
cuya deidad es compartida por tres personas:
Padre,(Invisible) Hijo (divino-hombre) y Espíritu Santo..
solo una iglesia que es la eucaristia Mateo
Padre, y esposo de la Virgen Maria y su hijo el Espiritu Santo
Yo soy - Mi iglesia unica CRISTIANA que es la Cabeza,
El rito de enterrar la Biblia: Una práctica masónica ahora cristianizada
Masonería, fascismo y satanismo




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