Katılım: 25.03.2014
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Worst Foods For Your Heart

Worst Foods For Your Heart

Slide 33 of 33: It's natural! It's packed with Vitamin C! It comes from Florida! What could be wrong? Well, while 100 percent fruit juice is a better pick than sugary drinks like Sunny D, even the all-natural stuff still packs up to 36 grams of sugar per cup—or about what you'd get from popping 4 Krispy Kreme glazed donuts into a blender and hitting frappe. What's more, most of the sweetness in juice comes from fructose, a type of sugar associated with the development of belly fat. Trick your belly into shrinking itself by filling your glass with some refreshing detox water. Just add fresh berries to plain ol' H20 and chill. Why berries? Blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries are both potent sources of salicylic acid—the same heart-disease fighter found in aspirin—making them some of our favorite water additions for heart health.

Fruit Juice

It's natural! It's packed with Vitamin C!

Slide 32 of 33: Studies show that eating the right cuts of beef can help whittle your middle, but pick the wrong cut and your dinner could have the opposite effect on your figure. Ribeye, T-bone, and New York Strip are three fattiest cuts known to man or cow and can lead to abdominal obesity and larger waist circumference if eaten on the reg. Stick to grass-fed top sirloin or London broil to maintain your flat abs and keep your heart in top condition. For more ways to shrink your gut and unveil lean, lean abs, add these 30 Cheap Foods That Uncover Your Abs to your diet—stat!

Steak, Studies show that eating the right cuts of beef can help whittle your middle,

but pick the wrong cut and your dinner could have the opposite effect on your figure.

Slide 31 of 33: Consider Fresh fries a triple threat to your heart health. Not only are they filled with simple sources of carbs that can spike your blood sugar, but they're also filled with fat and salt, too. In fact, one 20-year Harvard study found that people who regularly ate fries gained more than three pounds of body weight every four years. And over the course of the study, the French fry eaters gained 15 pounds of belly flab from fries alone! Exactly how bad are your favorite fries? Find out in our exclusive report, Every Fast Food French Fry—Ranked.

French Fries, Consider Fresh fries a triple threat to your heart health.

Not only are they filled with simple sources of carbs that can spike

your blood sugar, but they're also filled with fat and salt, too.

Slide 30 of 33: A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips? How about this: A night at the Hut, a lifetime in the gut. In fact, pizza is the second biggest contributor of saturated fat to the American diet, and most slices serve up half a day's worth of the artery clogger. To keep your health and waistline in check, stick to one slice and pair it with a house salad. This is far better than going back for rounds two and three of the doughy stuff. For more effective—and super simple—slim down tricks, check out these 50 Best-Ever Weight-Loss Secrets From Skinny People.

Pizza, A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips? How about this:

A night at the Hut, a lifetime in the gut. In fact, pizza is the second biggest

contributor of saturated fat to the American diet, and most slices serve up

half a day's worth of the artery clogger.

Slide 29 of 33: Fun fact: Cheese is the single biggest contributor of saturated fat to the American diet. And unlike other fats, the saturated variety is the most likely to be stored in the stomach and wreak havoc on your cardiovascular well-being. Scale back of the mozzarella and cheddar to zap away belly fat and keep your ticker pumping problem-free.

Cheese, Fun fact: Cheese is the single biggest contributor of saturated

fat to the American diet. And unlike other fats, the saturated variety

is the most likely to be stored in the stomach and wreak havoc on your

cardiovascular well-being.

Slide 28 of 33: Did you hear? Recent studies have found an association between sipping diet soda and a wider waist circumference. It may seem counterintuitive since your go-to Diet Cherry Pepsi has zero calories, but researchers think diet soda drinkers may overestimate how many calories they're

Diet Soda, Did you hear? Recent studies have found an association

between sipping diet soda and a wider waist circumference. It may seem

counterintuitive since your go-to Diet Cherry Pepsi has zero calories,

but researchers think diet soda drinkers may overestimate how

many calories they're "saving," and then overeat.

Slide 27 of 33: According to Harvard researchers, chips are one of the worst foods for your belly. Not only are they saturated with saturated fat, which causes your gut to expand and puts your heart in the danger zone, they're also crusted with salt—yet another nutrient linked to cardiovascular disease when eaten in excess. In the Harvard study, daily chip consumption alone was responsible for adding nearly two pounds of flab to study participants' frame every four years. That means if you cut out chips, you would lose more than half a pound of belly fat, even if you changed nothing else about your diet.

Potato Chips, According to Harvard researchers, chips are one of the worst

foods for your belly. Not only are they saturated with saturated fat,

which causes your gut to expand and puts your heart in the danger zone,

they're also crusted with salt—yet another nutrient linked to

cardiovascular disease when eaten in excess.

Slide 26 of 33: Harmful Ingredients: MSG, Yellow #5, Yellow #6Monosodium glutamate, better known as MSG, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6 are just three of the unsettling ingredients found in a typical bouillon cube. The former has been shown to stimulate appetite while the latter two, both artificial coloring agents, may have adverse effects on activity and attention in children. To discover other items you should avoid adding to the pot on the stove, check out these 20 Worst Ingredients to Put In Your Soup.Eat This Instead: Organic broth is available at most supermarkets.

Bouillon Cubes, When made with a homemade stock or low-sodium broth,

soup is a healthy, soothing meal. Make the stuff with a bouillon cube, however,

and you've got yourself an entirely different bowl of nutrition—one that's

overflowing with monosodium glutamate. MSG is a flavoring agent

 that increases appetite and tells the body to pump out insulin,

the fat-storage hormone.

Slide 21 of 33: Warning: Blended coffees laced with syrup, sugar, whipped cream, and other toppings can have as many calories and fat grams as a milkshake. Not only can the sugar overload send blood glucose soaring, but the caffeine can also increase your blood pressure levels—a combination that's less than ideal if you're trying to ward off diabetes and heart disease. To stay healthy, stick with plain java with milk and cinnamon, a spice that's been shown to decrease the risk of heart damage as a result of high blood sugar. And if you’ve been looking for ways to eliminate the sweet stuff from your diet, order your copy of the Zero Sugar Diet today! The fat-burning formula is at your fingertips.

 Blended Coffees, Warning: Blended coffees laced with syrup, sugar,

whipped cream, and other toppings can have as many calories and f

at grams as a milkshake. Not only can the sugar overload send blood

glucose soaring, but the caffeine can also increase your blood pressure

levels—a combination that's less than ideal if you're trying to ward

off diabetes and heart disease.

Slide 20 of 33: While whole grains can reduce your risk of dying of heart disease by nearly 20 percent but nutrient-stripped refined grains have the opposite effect on your health. In fact, in one study of more than 350,00 people, those who ate the most white rice were at greatest risk for type 2 diabetes—can't say we're too shocked. Bottom line: Stick with whole grains to ward off the disease. Carboholic? Check out these 25 Best Carbs for Weight Loss.

White Rice, While whole grains can reduce your risk of dying of heart disease

by nearly 20 percent but nutrient-stripped refined grains have the opposite

effect on your health. In fact, in one study of more than 350,00 people, those

who ate the most white rice were at greatest risk for type 2

diabetes—can't say we're too shocked. Bottom line: Stick with whole

grains to ward off the disease.

Slide 19 of 33: It's a little-known fact that impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes increases your risk for heart disease. That said, a major part of keeping your heart healthy involves keeping your blood sugar levels in check. And according to the Mayo Clinic, if you already have diabetes, tight blood sugar control can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Sure, candy and soda can wreak havoc on your system but there a number of other things you may not realize can mess with your sugar levels, too. Read on to get in the know.


It's a little-known fact that impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes increases

your risk for heart disease. That said, a major part of keeping your

heart healthy involves keeping your blood sugar levels in check.

Slide 18 of 33: Bad news, Southern food lovers: Packaged biscuits—the fluffy pillows of goodness that make weekend brunch and fried chicken dinners extra delicious—are chock full of trans fats that can hurt your heart. In fact, each of Mary B's Buttermilk Biscuits carries three grams a pop, which is more than a day's worth. And though the nutrition label on Pillsbury Grands! Buttermilk Biscuits reads

Biscuits, Bad news, Southern food lovers: Packaged biscuits—the fluffy pillows

of goodness that make weekend brunch and fried chicken dinners extra

delicious—are chock full of trans fats that can hurt your heart. In fact,

each of Mary B's Buttermilk Biscuits carries three grams a pop,

which is more than a day's worth.

Slide 17 of 33: Butter alternatives like margarine are often made with partially-hydrogenated oils, one of the most common sources of trans-fats. You may have heard that this type of fat is linked to heart disease, but what most people don't know is that it may also accelerate the skin's aging process by making the skin more vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation. Eek! Hello, wrinkles! Skip this high-cholesterol food and stick with heart-healthy olive oil or small amounts of grass-fed butter instead, suggests registered dietitian Isabel Smith.

Margarine, Butter alternatives like margarine are often made with partially-hydrogenated oils, one of the most common sources of trans-fats. You may have heard that this type of fat is linked to heart disease, but what most people don't know is that it may also accelerate the skin's aging process by making the skin more vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation.

Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S.?

Scary, we know! Kick out these ticker-harming foods from your diet

to improve your health for years to come.

The heart: It's our most vital organ, but if you ask someone how to best care for yours,

they'll likely tell you to find a nice guy who won't break it into a million pieces.

 (Thanks, mom!) Even M.D.s aren't the best source of heart advice:

The average primary care office visit lasts just 10 minutes. So,

even if your ticker is in danger, most docs will just tell you to watch

what you eat and send you on our way, no other details provided.

That's not the very prescription to put into practice, and that's why

we're here to help. Read on to discover 30 foods that sabotage your

heart health and that need to be booted out of your diet ASAP.

Slide 25 of 33: Obesity and belly fat has long been linked to cardiovascular disease. That's because the more fat that's stored in your midsection, the higher your blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels are bound to be. Discover some of the top belly-wideners below.




