
prihlásili ste sa: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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        I was reading some of the comments on my last blog by people that do not like the size and content of my blogs and I realized something.   There really are people out there with more boring lives then myself.   I write when I am bored, upset, angry, or afraid.  Then I get some negative people trying to tell me I should not write them and they should not be so long.   Well guess what?  Until someone is actually paying me to write something, no one but me gets creative control of what I write.   If someone pays me to write a story or a book or and articular that THEY will have creative control over what I write, but until that sorry about your bad luck to everyone who does not like my blobs.  
     The people who write the negative stuff realllllllllllly do not know how marketing works lol.   Every time you post a comment on my blog you are drawing attention to it and getting more people to read it.   Did you guys never wonder why I allow most comments good or bad to stand?    It is because they all draw in more readers. lol   So yea I am going to keep writing about what ever is important to me.


     Memorial day is not even here yet and already the idiots are out in force.     Lets start with this idiot who armed his car alarm, but left a window down and the doors unlocked so every time the door is opened the horn goes off for like 3 min straight.    He claimed he lost his key yesterday, which is possible.   He was either drunk or high or had gotten himself a heat stroke.   He had been laying on the grass out back of the house Friday, which would explain the sunburn all over his back.   I was also told he was waking around asking everyone for drugs.    All day Friday and most of the day Saturday the dang alarm kept going off.   I was in my house playing on the computer when I heard what sounded like someone banging things.   Apparently someone had broken a bunch of windows in that car and pulled the mirror off the door.   I was told the owner of the car was taken to the hospital, because he was beat up by the same person that destroyed the car.   He allegedly stold a back pack full of drugs from a kid that was looking to take the price out of that guys car.
     Some time later the police came and took statements.   I was told by a neighbor who was interviewed by the police that the owner of the car had reported it stolen.   The police think it was so he could file the insurance claim on it for the damages.   Apparently they did not just break the windows apparently they put flower in the gas tank.
     We have had massive thunderstorms today 2 of them, the first one scared me.
     About 12:30 am the owner came and got some things out of the car and left.   Shortly after that I heard 3 loud bangs.   After I thought about it a bit it sounded like someone breaking ice to put in  cooler or around a beer keg.   It was the sounds I heard a short time later that worried me. It sounded like either fireworks of a small gun shots.   I did call the police on that.   I have had enough chaos for one day.     I am half scared to go to bed but i need to try to get some sleep.
     But this is stacking up to be a pretty crappy holiday. 


     Most of us will offer a friend or family member some good advice if we see them about to make a mistake.     We do not want to see our friends and family do things that would turn out badly for them.   The big glitch is we can offer all the good advice we want, but if they do not take it we are actually powerless to protect them from bad decisions.  
     I gave a friend some really good advice the other day and even gave them a way to get what they wanted all they had to do was wait a couple weeks.   It was then that he became like a smoker who was dying for a smoke.   He began looking for a reason any reason to do what he had originally planned to do.   That became really clear this evening when he called me, and interrupted my supper to tell he hoped I would not be mad at him because he may have to do what he had originally planned to.   First I said really why would you HAVE to do it?   The thing he WANTED to do in no way could be turned into and emergency.   He tells me he may go to his cousins Sunday and he would need it IF he did, but here is the kicker he will not even know if his cousin will be home at all till Saturday night.    So seeing that he REALLY did not want to follow my advice I told him ok go ahead and do what ever you want, you are a grown man you can make your own decisions.   I really am not sure if I was more annoyed because he did not take the good advice and was looking for reasons to not take it of if I was more annoyed because he interrupted my supper.  
     Once you give someone good advice the rest is up to them if they take it or not.  I do have one REALLY BAD habit though.   If I tell something for their own good and they do not do it and then it goes just as I said it would if they did not listen to my advice,  I can not  help telling them I told you so.   I know I really should not do that, but I can not help it when my good advice is ignored and then it turns out I was right.
     I myself listen to good advice given by friends and family about 90% if the time and the other 10% I explain to them why their advice will not work.


     Tonight I have decided I may have some control freak tendencies.  It irritates me greatly when I offer someone some really good advice and they do not take it and then I get angry because I know they re making a big mistake.     It is after 2 am.   I have a friend that needs to be up at 6 am to run an errand  for a friend, so I suggested she get some sleep at around 12:30 am, and I thought she did.   At 2 am she announced she was going to the store to get some cookies.   I could not believe my ears just last week she was worried she would not have enough gas money to last the month, now she is making a totally unnecessary trip to the store at 2 am when she would be out on the road at 6 to run her errand. Why could she not have got her cookies on the way to run the errand?   Why make an unnecessary trip and use gas she could have saved if she had just got the cookies when she was already out doing something else?   I KNOW SOME OF YOU ARE GOING TO SAY THIS IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS AND I AGREE, but I am the one that listens to it when she needs things she can not get because of no money, and it was so bad just last week her son was going to cancel a doctors appointment because she said she would be out of gas by the time for his appointment.   I get all rapped up in this because they are my friends, and when she is upset I feel it and get upset too.   It makes me really angry when I give someone good advice like wait and do both things at one time instead of wasting gas and money making 2 trips when one will do.  I can not help but feel I may be becoming a control freak because I am angry she did not take my advice.   I need to learn even if I am right I can not control what others do with their money and time.


     I have noticed in today's world of computers and smart phones people tend to become detached from the emotions that used to make it so people could really count on each other.   Those that one can really count on and trust are fewer and farther apart.   People become detached from other people and are not nearly as dependable or loyal to those around them as they once were.
     I was very lucky to find my friend and neighbor that lives a short distance from me.   She and her whole family have been very good to me for years, and I try to treat them the same way.   Not many people in today's world will still call you when they are going to the store to see if you need anything, but she does and I love her for it.   Many is the time she has volunteered her husband to run go do things for me and he does it with a smile on his face cause he too likes to help people.   These people are the kind we all should be.
     It is sad that now a days so many people are just out for what is in it for them if they do something for someone else they will always be looking for what they get back out of it.   Which would be not be so hard to work with if those that are using you to get what they want allow you to also use them to get what you want.   That kind of we do for each other relationship is a good thing, but if one person is getting all the good stuff and the other is doing all the giving it is not an equal and fair relationship.  When someone does something nice for me I am always looking for something nice I can do back for them, as I know they do not have to do anything for me.    It gives me a good feeling to know I can do something nice for someone that does nice things for me.   If more people thought like that I think the world would be a better place. :) 
     The lord has blessed me with many good people in my life, in addition to the neighbors I mentioned, I also have a great family.   I know for a fact if I ever got in a really bad shape where I had no home one of my relatives would ask me to go live with them rather then see me on the street.     I feel pretty strong my friend and her family would also offer me a roof over my head till I could get a new place. :)   Thing is knowing you have a good strong safety net to catch you if you fall does not mean you should jump into that net every chance you get. 
     Some people are users who are out for what ever they can get from whoever they can get it from.   I am not like that.   I fully realize people are under no obligation to be at my call any time I want them.   Those that make themselves available to take me to the doctor or the store or go do something for me I myself can not do are true blessings to me, and I thank the lord every day I have these people in my life.
     LOL remember I said people should do for each other.   I have a wonderful family, and my big sister used to take me to all my doctor appointments before she and her husband started having health problems.  The funny part of the story is how I would repay her from time to time.   She is allergic to poison, and I am not.   From time to time I would go to her house and get rid of the poison that grew in her flower bed, because I could just grab it and shove it in a bag.   If she even got in winds blowing distance she would break out. :) It is nice to do things for people that do things for you.
     What I really hate is those that will take anything they can get and then go look for someone else to take advantage of while the person that had done something to benefit the user is sitting round wondering where the person they had helped was no longer around.   OK I know I am rambling again. lol  Just remember the phrase is DO ON TO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO ON TO YOU, not take what you can get and run away.   I would also like to add BE THANKFUL FOR WHAT YOU HAVE. BECAUSE SOMEDAY YOU MAY NOT HAVE IT ANYMORE.