
prihlásili ste sa: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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When I was little I did not understand that beauty in the eye of the beholder thing, but with age comes wisdom, for most people anyhow. lol I came to realize no 2 people see anything exactly the same. Let's take some of the abstract art things for one. I may look at one of these paintings and see NOTHING but a bunch of paint slopped on a page, but someone else may look at it and see something really beautiful. I have a finger painting made by my neighbors son when he was in kindergarten. To some it would look like a bunch of blue paint smeared on a piece of paper, but to me I can see a ballerina in mid jump her arms spreed out and her legs behind her with the bun in her hair and her fluffy skirt spread out around her. The first day I saw this painting I fell in love with it , so his mom gave it to me, and I still have it over 20 years later. I really think the same thing is true of people and how they see other people. The big problem with people today is they are seeing just the color of something and not looking for a deeper image. I think instead of looking for ways we are different from someone else we really need to look at how we all are the same and come together with out similarities rather then letting our differences push us apart.
I know how hard it is to first see the prejudice in oneself and also to overcome it if it was instilled in you from birth, but it can be done. Sit down close your eyes and really see with your mind that we are all the same under our skin. There are good and bad in every race or color. Fact is I have first cousins who I do not trust as far as I do my real friends of other colors and cultures. A lot of who we become and how we see the world is based on what our parents were like and what they taught you before you were old enough to see the world with your own eyes. Our families are great and we love them, BUT THEY ARE NOT ALWAYS RIGHT! It is up to us to see things the way they really are when we become adults. Think about it, just as there is good and bad in everyone there is also predigest in all races, which is not to say EVERYONE IS PREDIGEST. I get really angry at this concept that ONLY WHITE PEOPLE CAN BE PREJUDICE, there are many different forms of prejudice not all are based on color of skin. Before you judge anyone on the color of their skin, ask yourself how you would feel of that was all others saw when they looked at you? What if they did not see your talents, and abilities, the love in your heart, what if all they saw was your skin? How would that make you feel? Think about that the next time you want to judge someone for their color.