
prihlásili ste sa: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Anyone else have an issue with condescending people in your life.   I have a few and they really work my last nerve sometimes.   They think they know it all and they are always right and they never want to hear anything different then their opinion of the world.   Today is my birthday and most of my family did not call me till late tonight.   My younger brother called a couple minutes ago and  I knew it was a mistake to tell him what I knew when he asked about our older sister.   I told him what I had said to her and he had the attitude that they were always staying away from the family, and they did not used to be like that with me.   They used to always come to see me on holidays, and my sister used to take me to the movies.   Sometimes I would go over to their house and help them with yard work in the summer.   It got me out of the house.   I wish our little brother had seen that side of them.   I also got to see a softer more gentle more like he used to be side of our brother-in-law (more like he was when we he and my sister were dating) when our brother was dying.   I went to our big brothers with my sister and her husband a couple times they went every week.   I saw my brother-in-laws old personality coming out.  I actually saw him smiling and joking with my brother.   That was something I had not seen in a while.   It felt good and I had hope things would get good again.   Then our brother died and my brother-in-law got a worse attitude.   I think he needs some counseling.    Seems like everyone my brother-in-law is close to dies on him.  First his brother when he was a kid then his dad after he was grown up then his mom about 15 years ago then his half sister not sure what year but after his mother then his favorite cousin a couple years ago and his favorite aunt and my brother last year.   Maybe he is thinking why bother get close to people they just die on you.   I told my sister I think he needs counseling.
     Our little brother argues that our brother-in-law was always like that HE WAS NOT, and when I try to get him to see it was not as he thought it was he does not want to hear it he tries to shut me down by saying I am not going to argue with you about this.    To me it feels like he is condescending to me and that he means I am right you are wrong so shut up.   His attitude really upset me and I cried for a bit.   I may just start staying in bed all day on my birthdays with the covers over my head, because they are getting worse as I get older.