
Присоединился: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Пул 8 - 2009

Пул 8 - 2009

Пул 8 - 2009
338 дня назад


     Today I took a trip back in time to memories from years gone by.  Today I heard a noise outside my house, so I went and had a look.   I was surprised to see the water company getting ready to bleed the fire hydrant.   This was something they used to do every few months, but they had not done it for some time.   If you have never seen this done before the side caps on the hydrant are opened and then a tool with a meter and a valve are put into on hole.   On the other side they attach a shoot to allow the water to project out past the hydrant about 2 ft.   When he opened the valve the first water to shoot our was mud brown in color, but it did not take that long to clear up.   Two small children were the first to notice the strange sight, but it did not take long for about a half a dozen others to join them, and a grandma walked down to watch the kids, and one of the mothers came a short time later.   It was a good thing the grandma was there as one of the children tried to cross the street in front of a car. 
     I sat on my porch with another neighbor watching as gallons of water sprayed out of the hydrant to the joy of the children.   They were screaming and splashing in.   It reminded me of how the children used to open hydrants in the summer until the city got smart and started shutting the flow down to them when they were not in use.   I sat there on my porch  for about 45 minutes watching the small children enjoying the cool surprise on a hot summers day, I watched the storm clouds moving in.   When the time came for the man to close the hydrant the children were all well behaved they did not give him any trouble about it.   I heard one tiny boy say BEST DAY EVER as the man shut the water down.    It made me feel so good to not only see the children enjoying themselves so much but to see the parent and grand parent making sure they were looked after, and to see the children so appreciative of the nice cool summer treat.    It was especially nice for the children because just last week the housing authority tore out the children's spray pool on the play ground.   The decision to remove the spray pool sprinkler was a long time coming.   The pluming was shot it was here when I moved here 40 years ago, and had been blocking up for years.   It was decided this year to just remove it to prevent stagnant water from collecting.   The funding to replace it was not in the budget, as most of the funds we would usually have gotten had to go to places that needed it more.  But back to the kids.   It makes me smile so much to see little kids that still find joy in being sprayed by a fire hydrant in today's world of video games and shootings in the schools.   It makes me think maybe there is hope for the world yet.  Is there anything more heart warming then the quills and  laughter of small children on a hot summer day. 
     When the man closed the hydrant he told the kids just wait a few minutes and it will be raining.   He was not wrong.   About and hour later awe got hit with a torrential downpour that flooded the road, the back sidewalk and the play ground all.   It would not have been so tenable if the near by hospital would have better drains in their parking lots that take up 2 full blocks in and  L shaped pattern on higher ground then where I live.   We get all the run off from the rain hitting the pavement of the 9 huge parking lots.   If they had set the drainage up properly more of the water would either sink into the ground or stay on a straight course to the storm drain.


     In the past I have shared my thoughts on loyalty, duty and honor.   I now want to add something to that respect.   A while back I was made aware that someone I thought was a friend was talking dirt behind my back.   Then today I discovered I had been blocked form contact with no explanation why.   Here is the irony of this story I have always had this person's back.  And how am I repaid for my loyalty to someone I thought was a friend, by backstabbing and blocking.   Just goes to show you, you really can not trust many people on the net, because they have no honor in their actions or respect for people they can not see in person.    
     I do not know maybe I am the odd one, but if I block someone I always tell them why before I do.   I have enough respect for people even if they are on line to let them know why I do not want to talk to them anymore.   Sometimes people on line remind me of the little child that gets mad and then refuses to talk to the person they are mad at.   Here is another piece of irony the person I am talking about likes to be respected by others and are not polite enough to offer others the same respect they themselves want.    The golden rule says do onto others as you would have them do onto you.  So many today want people to treat them better then they them self will treat another.  
     I have said a hundred times someone can not repair something they did to hurt you if they do not know what it was or even that they hurt you in the first place.   So you tell me what good can come of getting mad at someone and not telling them why?


     I may be showing my age, but do you all remember and old expression " I got it from the horses mouth " ?   For those of you who do not know what it means. It means you got the info from the source of the info.   I have always lived by that.    I do not believe tossup of this he said she said stuff without asking the actual person who would know the truth, usually the one it is about.   Eben if i have proof of what someone has told me about someone else I always give the person it is about a chance to tell me their side of it, because there are always 2 sides to everything.   The person may in fact did exactly what you were told they did, but had a good reason for doing it that only they saw.   An example would be 2 room mates and one has brought home a piece of cake from a wedding, but without even asking if they could the other one threw it away.   The social media the next day would be the cake owner posting about their inconsiderate room mate throwing away their cake, without even asking why the roommate did it.   Upon closer investigation one may find out the room mate threw the cake away because it was infested with ants, and the cake owner had not noticed it yet.  The room mate did in fact throw away something that did not belong to they, but they had a good reason for doing it.  
     I have this friend of many years and sometimes she will play along with someone talking dirt on one of her friend so she can find out more of what is being said by that person.   She was quite surprised one time when she had a hider id that I had no clue was her and after a fight she brought it around me talking dirt on herself on the other id.   She expected me to join in and trash my friend too, but I did not.   I stood up to her to try to protect my friend, even though we were fighting she was still my friend, and no one was gonna come at her without me stepping up for my friend.   She was shocked.   It was at that point she knew she could treat me and I was a good friend, so she told me it was her on the other id, and I laughed.   I was just being myself, and she was amassed  she had never had a friend like me before.  
     Even though I post a .lot on social media myself, I really hate what it has done to people's relationships with each other.  What ever happened to the days when a mans word was his bond?   Used to be there was no higher praise someone could say then you are an honest person and they trust you .   Now a days people are all like  it is just the net or I do not have to tell them the truth when  a lie will get me what I want faster.   Give me a man who stills something from me and admits it when I ask them why over someone who steels nothing but everything that comes out of their mouth is a lie.
     I prize honesty, honor , and responsibility above all else.   I have found a place on line where I can find that in most of the people that play there.   Those of you who know me really know me know exactly where I am talking about.   Most of them are on line friends,but 98% of this group I am proud to call my friends in any form, because I know they will be honest, even if they are telling me something i would rather not here.   It will be true.  lol Notice I did not say 100%, because in today's world nothing is 100% anymore, but we can hunt for the highest percentage of quality in our friends ones that if something comes from their mouth it will be true, and reliable.    
     Ok I have rambled on long enough today.   I need to get ready for some health tests.   Wish me luck cause I am kind of scared of what they may find.


     I do not know maybe it is just me but I get really annoyed when I am with people who are contently on their cell phones, playing games, texting, surfing the net.   Sometimes I really want to scream at them OH COME ON I AM RIGHT HERE PUT THAT THING DOWN AND TALK TO ME!   My whole family gets together once a year at Christmas time, and last year there were 3 of them playing on their phones instead of visiting with relatives that might not be with us next year.   We are all getting older and we have already lost 3 of the older generation.  
     Now today my niece is going to take me to the doctors and just like my other niece that took me yesterday she will have her nose buried in her phone.   What ever happened to the days when people talked on phones and wrote letters and played games with each other instead of a machine?   I fear the day will come when people will lose their voices and grow bigger thumbs.   I reallllllly think it would be a good idea to have one day a year where all the internet functions on the cell phones would go down and the texting.   The only thing I would leave active on that day if i could make it happen is the ability to make ACTUAL phone calls in case of an emergency.   I just wonder how many people would be twitching from withdraw at the end of the day lol   I had a neighbor that would actually text her boyfriend from the other side of the sofa.  Seriously they would both be on the sofa and they would be texting each other.   How does that make sense when you are on the same piece of furniture in the same house?

Ode to the Tourney Directors


Ode to the Tourney Directors


The people that run tournaments for us have taken on a lot of responsibilities trying to run organized games for us in a friendly, helpful and polite fashion. They set it up, spam it, mass it, answer the questions about the tourney repeatedly for every new person to enter the room or has missed the spam, explain the rules to all who need it repeatedly, answer general questions, be ready explain for games like MP, NBIH, do you have to sink on second break and so on, repeatedly and answer the never ending yim’s as well as take all the reports as they come along.

This is the reason a non typist like myself is deathly afraid to try be a TD and if you catch my drift, can be a very, very busy job. Yet it does not stop members from complaining when pairing mistakes are made and when you put all of the above into a busy lobby we should only praise these wonderful people and always thank them for the efforts for what they do for us and our enjoyment and fun.

When a league or a TD cordially asked you to jump a tourney yourself or report it with opponent, tourney name it is not because they are lazy or don’t want to accommodate, it is because it is a very busy job and they need our help to run it timely, successfully and make it enjoyable for all of us. We should always thank them for the jobs they do for us.

Suggestions to assist our TD’s


Jump tourneys ourselves or have “friends” ready to link us.


Instead of always asking “am I waiting” keep standings available to you and     refresh to find your answers and will tell you if TD has missed your report because of a busy lobby.


Look “up” in lobby to see if questions were already asked and answered.

Ie: BIH, rules or do I have to make break on second rack.


Pay attention because so many questions are repeated.


Only play the amount of tourney’s that you can stay alert in because TD’s are not our slaves, they are trying to direct the games, please allow them to do so.


Do not be in a rush to be critical which causes needless confusion and always try to help.


 Be an “ATDNTA” (assistant TD-no tourney’s allowed) and be helpful to our wonderful friends and all will be run more smoothly.