
Присоединился: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Пул 8 - 2009

Пул 8 - 2009

Пул 8 - 2009
338 дня назад


     I just heard on the news today Peta wants to retire Punxsutawney Phil and replace him with a robot.  For the most part I love Peta's work they look out for animals rights, and that is a good thing.  When animals are being abused they need someone to speak up for the.   However I do not think  Punxsutawney Phil is in need of their protection.  He is a beloved public figure and brings much revenue to Punxsutawney Pa.   It is called groundhog not anachronistic animal day.   There have been many traditions fall by the way side in the 61 years I have been on this planet, and some were for the better.   They say the robot what would replace Phil would have actual weather predicting capabilities.   I have to laugh at that as the ACTUAL weather men do not even predict the weather right all the time. 
     I think if they do take the real groundhog out  of groundhog day that Punxsutawney, will have a huge drop in tourist income.   People come there to see the groundhog every Feb 2.   Do you reallllllllllly think people are gonna get out of their nice warm beds on Feb 2  to see a robot groundhog on groundhog day?
     Of course everyone knows the groundhog does not really predict the weather.  Come on think about it he will see his shadow every year, because even if it is totally dark outside with all those camera lights shining on him he will definitely have a shadow, but it is tradition, and a party like atmosphere.  
     So what is next artificial trees for arbor day?   Who remembers when we celebrated Washington an Lincoln's birthdays separately?   Now they are clumped together as presidents day. Why can't people just leave some of the traditions alone?