
Присоединился: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Пул 8 - 2009

Пул 8 - 2009

Пул 8 - 2009
338 дня назад


     Tonight I have decided I may have some control freak tendencies.  It irritates me greatly when I offer someone some really good advice and they do not take it and then I get angry because I know they re making a big mistake.     It is after 2 am.   I have a friend that needs to be up at 6 am to run an errand  for a friend, so I suggested she get some sleep at around 12:30 am, and I thought she did.   At 2 am she announced she was going to the store to get some cookies.   I could not believe my ears just last week she was worried she would not have enough gas money to last the month, now she is making a totally unnecessary trip to the store at 2 am when she would be out on the road at 6 to run her errand. Why could she not have got her cookies on the way to run the errand?   Why make an unnecessary trip and use gas she could have saved if she had just got the cookies when she was already out doing something else?   I KNOW SOME OF YOU ARE GOING TO SAY THIS IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS AND I AGREE, but I am the one that listens to it when she needs things she can not get because of no money, and it was so bad just last week her son was going to cancel a doctors appointment because she said she would be out of gas by the time for his appointment.   I get all rapped up in this because they are my friends, and when she is upset I feel it and get upset too.   It makes me really angry when I give someone good advice like wait and do both things at one time instead of wasting gas and money making 2 trips when one will do.  I can not help but feel I may be becoming a control freak because I am angry she did not take my advice.   I need to learn even if I am right I can not control what others do with their money and time.