
Присоединился: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Пул 8 - 2009

Пул 8 - 2009

Пул 8 - 2009
338 дня назад


     I am not Irish but sometimes I think I should have been.   I love Celtic music and the dark green of the Irish.   I have a large 4 leaf clover collection, but my favorite thing I do not think even originated in Ireland.   My favorite thing is the shamrock shake.   My brother and his wife stopped by with one for me last night.   I was in the shower when they arrived and my brother has a key so they let themselves in to the house.   Realizing I was in the shower they pulled my bedroom door shut.   I did not think anything about it when I came out of the shower wrapped in a large towel, I noticed my tv in the bedroom was not on the show I had left it on.   I have both tvs running off one box so they both change channels at the same time.   I did not check the channel I just thought the show I had left it on was over, so I opened the bedroom door and stepped into the living room in my towel to change the channel.  I was surprised to see my brother and his wife setting on my couch in the dark.   My sister in law laughed and said didn't you notice the door was closed. I said yes and I thought I did it i usually do.  I said have you never heard of turning on a light? lol it was like that was a foreign concept to them. I hurried and dressed and rejoined them in the living room.   They stayed for about an hr till their daughter started texting them she had to go to work and they were watching the kids.
     Now on a more traditional note.   Some people do not get the concept of of the shamrock.   Some see no difference in a shamrock and a 4 leafed clover.   The thing is in connection with St Patrick's Day there is a difference.   The shamrock became important to the Irish after St Patrick visited Ireland.   He used the shamrock as a way of explaining Christianity to the Irish people.   He told them the 3 leaves of the shamrock were like the father, the son, and the holly spirit ( the trinity) all different parts of the same being like the leaves are all different parts of the same plant.   If he had used a 4 leafed clover to message would not have shown so clearly.   People associate 4 leaved clovers with being lucky because they are hard to find, and there is much talk about the luck of the Irish.  That is most likely why people mix the 2 up.
     I think it is me who is having the luck this year.   After 3 really bad years I am finally having a really good one.n0.gif?v=122   You all heard in detail about my bad years so I plan to tell you about the good things too. n0.gif?v=122.
     My birthday was the 3rd and I made out like a bandit.   I got like twice as much stuff as I usually do this year.   Even thought I fell off the ladder last Sunday the only thing I really hurt was my butt.lol I landed on it. It is still a tiny bit sore, but nothing broken. :)  I have been having a good bit of unexpected blessings coming my way this year, and I am grateful for it all.
I will keep you posted if anything else good happens, and you know I will write about it if it is bad too lol. That is how I deal with bad things I vent in my blog.