
Присоединился: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Пул 8 - 2009

Пул 8 - 2009

Пул 8 - 2009
338 дня назад


     Let's move on to something more cheerful.   I did not go to bed till 10 am this morning and when I did the sun was starting to shine.   It is still shining brightly.   I can see the rainbow pattern on my living room wall as it shines through the crystal heart hanging in my kitchen window.   I actually have a couple crystal sun catchers in that window as it is the only one capable of catching the correct light to make the rainbow colors inside my house.   The sky has been cloudy for many days so the sun shine is a welcome sight even though it is false advertisement. lol   The sun says to you come out and enjoy the day.   I am shining just for you.   Then you open the door to join the sun outside, and you get hit in the face with the fact that even though the sun is bright, it is still winter and quite cold outside.   So you pull back inside your nice warm house and look at the pretty sun light through the window, and dream of spring only a couple months away now.  
     Sadly the sun will be going below the building on the other side of the road in about 2 hours and the cold night air will take over the place of the sun for another night.   Is this world not a wondrous thing?   Where I live we have all 4 seasons.   I love the spring best.   Everything is coming back to life pushing away the grey and browns of winter with green everywhere and then the flowers come.   Unless you are this bush at the building across the street from my house.   This bush blooms BEFORE the leaves show up and then after the flowers die the leaves come out and it is green all summer and most of the fall before the leaves fall off.   It then stands there like a bundle of sticks bare and brown until the beginning of spring when the flowers return followed by the leaves again.   This bush is the only thing I have ever seen that the flower came before the leaves.
     In the spring we can open our doors and windows and push the winters stale air out to make way for fresh clean spring air, but alas we are not there yet as the chilly winter air just outside my door proves.   Hope you all have a nice day.