
Присоединился: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Пул 8 - 2009

Пул 8 - 2009

Пул 8 - 2009
338 дня назад


When you make a choice thinking it was the right thing to do at the time did you ever wonder if it may have been a mistake?   I do not make a habit of second guessing myself, but sometimes I can not help it.   Every day we are hit with dozens of choices, and we have no way of knowing at the time if they are good ones or bad ones. We go on any and all info we have from the past, and hope the choice will enhance the future.   Sometimes our choices prove to be great ones and everything works out well.   Other times what looks like a good choice on the surface turns out to be a bad one.   I have recently been wondering if a choice I made was the right one, and it is casting a shadow over another choice I will soon have to make.   My niece has invited me to their house for Christmas.   I really do not like the idea of being home alone for Christmas while everyone else is with family.   I told you all my other niece moved the family gathering to the day after Christmas, and I am kinda bugged by the gathering moved.    Part of me wants to go to my nieces very much for Christmas, but part of me is intimidated by the idea.   She lives very near to my late brothers house.   I admit I have not done well with the loss of my brother his wife and now my nephew in September.   Part of me says YES GO do not miss out on the chance to spend time with the nephew that is left and his family.   Part of me is scared to death because there will be people there I have never met.   My nieces parents will be there.   I have never met them before.    My niece assured me if I decided I wanted to go home someone would bring me, but I would feel bad about pulling someone away from their Christmas to bring me home.   I also worry I may end up crying being that close to where my brother lived and knowing him his wife and youngest son are not going to be here.   My other brother made a good point he kind of thinks I should go because this will be my oldest nephew's first year without all his original family.    I wish I knew what was best.