
Присоединился: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Пул 8 - 2009

Пул 8 - 2009

Пул 8 - 2009
339 дня назад


      A moral compass is defined as an internalized set of values and objectives that guide a person with regard to ethical behavior and decision-making.   I usually try to follow the way my moral compass points, but occasionally I think there may be some dirt in the workings of my moral compass.   From time to time the needle will swing so far away from what is right it is ridiculous.   My mind will occasionally think of doing some of the meanest things to someone at which I am mad.   Left to my own worst nature I can be quite creatively mean.   I just thank God my moral compass usually swings back into the proper position before I act on any of my eviler thoughts.
     Today is one of those days where the needle is swinging.   About 2 hrs ago I came into possession of a little piece of text that I really should not have.   I had many thoughts of what I could do with it, and how it could hurt the person it came from.   The problem is it could also hurt someone I care a lot about if it were found out where I got it.   I have a feeling my moral compass will win the battle going on inside my head and I will do nothing more with it then laugh because I knew it to be true.   That does not stop me from thinking how much fun it would be to make it public.   Thing is my moral compass will not allow me to hurt someone I consider a friend.
     I believe we all have moral compasses, but I also believe from time to time we get specks of emotional dust in them, and for a time they do not work at full power.  It is at these times we do stupid things, and once we do these stupid things we can not undo them.   We can only seek to set the damage we did right again.   Know what I bet news reporters have these inner struggles all the time.  Bet they often wonder if their job is worth harassing someone just to get a story.    It is not easy to always do the right thing, but it can be rewarding in the end sometimes.   I think from time to time we need to clean our moral compass to keep us on the straight and narrow path.   The best way to get your moral compass back in line it to ask our self  would I want that done to me, when you think of going against your better thoughts.   If the answer is No you may want to re think your plans.