
Присоединился: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Пул 8 - 2009

Пул 8 - 2009

Пул 8 - 2009
339 дня назад


     I had originally planned to write one type of blog today, but as I was signing in I saw something in the news that made me change my mind.   I think this is more important that what I was originally going to write.   It showed a picture of a church that had been bombed.   I could not help but think the person or people that did this are stupid.   Do they really think they can get rid of a certain kind of religion by bombing the place people go to praise the lord?   If that is their intent they are stupid.   Blowing up a building will not kill a religion, if anything it will make it stronger and the members more resolved to stand up for what they believe in.   God is everywhere.  It does not matter where people are if they want to give praise to the lord they can do it in an open field, on a mountain top, in the deepest pit, under water it does not matter where you are God will hear your prayers.   I fail to see how blowing up a church can change any of that.   I think they are wasting their time.   BUT what if getting rid of the religion was not the motive?   What if the motive was to do something newsworthy, and have it put published?   Which brings me to my next point.   I think the media make a BIG mistake always putting the really bad stuff as the first stories.   I think the good news should come first and the shootings, bombings, murders, and robberies should come later.   I am not saying do not report them.   I am saying DO NOT MAKE THEM THE MAIN FOCAL POINT OF THE NEWS.   You get people looking for their 15 min of fame and all they see on the front page of the paper is violence and crime.   They do not see where someone cleaned up a park or gave a home to someone that needed one, no they see bombings and shootings and murders.   In a disturbed mind they would think they had to commit the type crimes that are getting the front page to get their 15 min of fame.  
     Back on topic.   Bombing a church is stupid.   Seriously what did that building ever do to you?   It is just another form of bullying.   If I can not get you to stop doing what you are doing I will  destroy the place you do it in.   Riiiiiight that will work NOT!   All being a bully does is makes the people you are picking on hate you more, unless in this case they are church people.   If they are good church people they may forgive you for what you did, because the Bible says to forgive.   I really think most people that do this stuff are looking for attention and do not know how to get it in a way it would last.
     If everyone would practice tolerance (if you do not like someone else's religion DON'T GO TO THEIR CHURCH), and understanding (just because someone is different does not mean they are bad), and caring ( we are all only here on this planet of a short time do we really want to waist our time hating others?), and compassion ( if you see someone in need help them out) sometimes something as simple as a friendly ear to talk to is a big help when someone is upset.   If everyone would resolve to do 1 good thing for someone else each day the world would start getting better by tomorrow.  
     The problem is this world is getting more and more selfish, arrogant, and desensitized to  the pain and suffering of others.   I blame violent video games and movies for a lot of this.   People who spend a lot of time with these things have trouble relating to the real world.  They see a character in a video game reset after being blown up or a character in a movie be shot in one seen   and up and running around in the next, so the think real people can do this too.   Ok I have rambled on long enough.  In case I do not get another blog in before Christmas you all have a nice holiday season regardless of what you celebrate, and HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL.