
Adăugat: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Have you ever felt your life was not our own? Sometimes I get so caught up in trying to make others happy I forget to make myself happy. What really sucks is when you are trying to tell someone something to help them,and they do not even give you a chance to say what you wanted to say. They just jump in with a rant on something they thought you were going to say, and they need another thought, because that one was wrong. It is like the old saying if you think..... You got another think coming.
My head hurts so bad today. I did not sleep all night, so if no one sees me the rest of the day you will know why. It never stops amazing me how quick people are to read things into stuff that was never there, and in doing so miss the whole meaning of the statement. I have touched on this before how misinterpretation can cause much unnecessary trouble. All people need to do is hear the real words being spoken, and stop twisting what is said into what they thought the person meant, or at least say to the person did you men this, and wait for the answer.
Is there anything worse then someone who is mad at you . You ask why, and they say you know what you did? Seriously if I knew what I did I would not be asking. HERE'S YOUR SIGN << that is from a song by a country singer. A friend of mine uses that quote all the time to describe something someone says or does that is stupid. The song says stupid people should ware a sign so people know they are stupid. Tell you what when someone says, You know what your did, and I got no clue what they are talking about. It makes me wonder are they listening to lies, or are they having delusions?
As you can see this has gone all over the place. That happens when I am tired. You know they say don't drive drunk? Well I should not blog tired lol, but sometimes it helps to get it our of my head and written down some where. BTW BEFORE ANYONE SUGGESTS I GET A NOTEBOOK TO WRITE MY RAMBLING THOUGHTS IN, BEEN THERE DONE THAT I HAVE 3 FULL. This is just easier.