
Adăugat: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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    I wrote this blog once already and when I went to save it, it pooed so here I go again with a somewhat shorter version.    The topic is declawing of cats.  Most people do not know how it is done.   Some think they just remove the nail.   I myself thought that at one time also.   That is not how it is done they cut the cats whole first knuckle off its foot.   People do not realize cats nails are not like people's nails.   We tend to think of everything in how we see it from our point of view.   I am sure if people realize how declaring was done most would not do it.   If I can find the link I am going to put a video that shows in graphic detail how this is done.   Just be advised it will make you sick if you are a cat lover. If I can find it I will put it on my wall.