
Starea civilă: este complicat
Interesat de: femei
Caut relaţii de: prietenie
Zodiac sign: Balanţă
Data naşterii: 1956-09-30
Adăugat: 28.07.2014
When you think your life is bad, Just remember someone out there is dating your ex !!!!!!!!!
Puncte57mai mult
Nivelul următor: 
Puncte necesare: 143
Ultimul joc jucat


2 ani 85 zile în urma


A new husband arrived home with a big bouquet of flowers. His wife met him at the door, saw the flowers and dropped on the floor, spreading her legs in front of him.
"This is for the flowers," she said.
"Don't be silly," he said.
"I'am sure we have a vase somewhere at home".