Starea civilă: casatorit/ă
Caut relaţii de: prietenie
Zodiac sign: Gemeni
Data naşterii: 1972-06-11
Adăugat: 09.03.2009
Puncte55mai mult
Nivelul următor: 
Puncte necesare: 145
Ultimul joc jucat
Biliard 8 - 2009

Biliard 8 - 2009

Biliard 8 - 2009
1 an 155 zile în urma

When a girl on facebook

When A Girl
Accepts Your Friend Request It Means She
Accepted Your “Friendship” Not Your
When A Girl Sends You A Friend Request It
Means She Wants To Be Your Friend Not Your
When She Tag You It Means She Wants To
Share Her Thoughts With You And Not That
She’s Lost In Your Thoughts,
When She Comments On Your Status It Meams
She’s Just Being Social And Not Flirting,
When She Like Your Comment It Means She
Like Your Comment Not You