
Adăugat: 05.08.2011
♥(¯`´•.¸*..♥...♥*♥ĈĻœєȎρњعè♥*♥ ...♥..*¸.•´´¯)♥ ─═ڿڰۣڿ☻ڿڰۣڿ═─VNS─═ڿڰۣڿ☻ڿڰۣڿ═─
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Mahjong Gate

Mahjong Gate

Mahjong Gate
124 zile în urma

═◄►═Wonderful city of Sevastopol═◄►═

Чудесный город Севастополь.

Город с великой русской историей,

которой пронизана каждая крепость,

каждый дом, камни на набережной.

Wonderful city of Sevastopol.
A city with a great Russian history,
which permeated every fortress
every house, stones on the waterfront.

Севастополь, Памятник Затопленным Короблям.

Sevastopol, Monument to the Flooded Korblyam.

Нужно идти туда, куда хочется,

а не туда, куда якобы «надо».

Идти себе, идти, и ничего не бояться.

И тогда у тебя все получиться…

You need to go where you want,
and not where supposedly "necessary.
" Go yourself, go, and not be afraid of anything.
And then you will succeed …
(l)*♥*. .*♥*. .Bonne journée mes ami(e)s..*♥*. .*♥(l)
Hiya Friend!
How have you been?
I have been ok. Had a really bad sleep last night.
So am pretty tired today.
I hope you are having a good Tuesday!

I wish you beautiful moments this week

-ڰۣڿ✿ڿڰۣڿ I LOVE YOU!!!-ڰۣڿ✿ڿڰۣڿ

Slide 1 of 13: Exploring Tubbs HillSlide 3 of 13: Summer and Winter Fun at Silver Mountain Ski Resort

Slide 4 of 13: Bald Eagle Spotting
Slide 7 of 13: Coeur d'Alene From the SkySlide 11 of 13: Kootenai County Farmers' Marketa close up of a snow covered mountain: Firefall at Yosemite 2019Slide 5 of 13: Red Horse Mountain Ranch
Slide 12 of 13: Seven Stars Alpaca Ranch
Slide 5 of 26: Foreign influence on Hawaii is well documented, with most of it surrounding Americans and Europeans. But, the Russians were also in Hawaii in the early 19th century and in 1817, they formed an alliance with the King of Kauai to build Fort Elizabeth. Today, the remains of the seaside fort are preserved on Kauai's south shore at Russian Fort Elizabeth State Historical Park.
Slide 2 of 16: With 'the river of five colors,' also known as 'the melted rainbow,' waters that are a hallucinogenic concoction of pink, red, green, and blue colors (a result of the unique microorganisms living in it) and its jaw-dropping waterfalls, Caño Cristales is now overwhelmingly popular. And, it's only become more so after a 2016 peace agreement was signed between the government of Colombia and the country's largest rebel group. The uptick in foot traffic is cause for concern, as it could jeopardize the area's extremely fragile ecosystem. In 2017, access was restricted to give the river a break. 'We decided to implement the restriction because human presence can harm the plants' reproduction processes,' Faber Ramos, coordinator of the ecotourism program, told the BBC. Check out 14 more of the most naturally colorful places in the world.
Slide 4 of 16: The beautiful island of Boracay once was revered for its exclusivity, but in recent years, mass-market tourism and lack of infrastructure have led to a major downfall. The island underwent a six-month closure to visitors in 2018 to allow authorities to restore it, reports the Telegraph. It reopened in October with strict new rules: masseuses, vendors, bonfires, watersports (save for swimming) and the builders of Boracay's infamous sandcastles are now banned. Also under the new rules, a maximum of 19,200 tourists are allowed on the island at any one time. Many hotels and restaurants have been shut down for not meeting standards, and a mere 160 tourism-related businesses have been approved to re-open.
Slide 6 of 16: Built on more than 100 small islands in a lagoon in the Adriatic Sea, the main allure of Venice is its famed canals, while the abundance of delicious food and wine, the culture, and the ornate architecture add to its allure. But over-tourism has chipped away at the city's vitality. Cruise ships and group bus tours have made infamous sights like St. Marks Square a blur of people and the streets are lined with litter; between the hoards of humans and the rising sea levels, Venice is sinking rapidly and the stonework and carvings on its historic buildings are crumbling. Venetians are finally fighting back, however: Beginning summer of 2019, short stay tourists will be charged up to €10 (about $11.50) to enter the city. Don't miss these 15 under-the-radar places to visit in 2019.
Slide 5 of 16: 'Machu Picchu is a great attraction, but we are worried about its sustainability,' Sandra Doig, incoming tourism deputy director of PROMPERU, the Commission for the Promotion of Exports and Tourism of Peru told the Washington Post. 'It is being affected by too many people at the citadel at the same time.' One of the new Seven Wonder of the World, the Incan citadel is set high in the Andes Mountains in Peru. Getting there is quite a feat, and yet record numbers of visitors flood the region annually (610,000 from January to July 2018). To combat the masses damaging the site, tourism authorities are attempting to impose strict time slots, advance ticket purchase, and visitor limits. Find out the other most popular tourist destinations in South America.
Slide 7 of 16: The azure waters of Cozumel, an island situated off the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico, has become a popular tourist spot especially for Americans and Canadians looking to relax in the sun. Many visitors arrive via cruise ship, which has harmed one of the idyllic island's most prized possessions: coral reef. It's no secret coral is delicate. Global climate change and ocean acidification have proven this and now the boat traffic, which has damaged the reef further out, is adding to the damage. To combat the issue, marine biologist German Mendez has started an organization called the 'Cozumel Coral Reef Restoration Program,' to protect the reef.
Slide 10 of 16: The land-locked country of Bhutan, a Buddhist kingdom on the Himalayas' eastern edge, is a favorite among tourists for its monasteries, fortresses, and dramatic landscapes. Visitors were not allowed in Bhutan until the 1970s, which has only added to its popularity. Unfortunately, pollution has wreaked havoc on the natural beauty of Bhutan, causing the government to implement tourism restrictions. Visitors must go through an official tour guide and pay around £200 per day (about $228). 'Last year the industrial town of Pasakha in the south found itself in the unenviable position of being in the top ten of the world's most polluted cities.' Jet Cost told Country Living. 'There are growing concerns about the impact that tourism is having on the nation and its contribution to pollution, which may lead to a more severe policy than already exists.'
Slide 13 of 16: One of the most picturesque places in the United Kingdom, The Isle of Skye is known for its rugged landscapes, quaint fishing villages, and medieval castles. Crossing the Skye Bridge to the island from Scotland's northwest coast is a test of patience these days, with hoards of people packed in caravans, motorhomes, and cars, often in stand-still traffic. Visitors without prior booking accommodations have found themselves in a pickle. According to authorities, tourists often arrive at the police station with nowhere to stay asking for advice. Many end up staying the night in their car. Local authorities have taken note, advising visitors to use 'common sense' before traveling to the island for an overnight stay.
Slide 14 of 16: In 2017, a reported ten million travelers visited Mallorca, up from just six million in 2010, according to the European Union Regional Development Fund. With stunning beach resorts, sheltered coves, limestone mountains, Roman and Moorish ruins, and top-notch nightlife, it's no surprise this island in the Mediterranean is such a draw. However, the increase in tourism has resulted in an 'extreme environmental crisis' and the 'commercialization of the landscape, environment, and heritage,' as noted by local group Ciutat. As a result, officials double the tourism tax to €4 (about $4.64) per person per day, which is added to hotel stays. According to Pilar Carbonell, the Balearic's director of tourism, the funds 'support a sustainable model so that tourism to the islands benefits local communities.'

Slide 15 of 16: One of the Cyclades islands in the Aegean Sea, Santorini is outfitted with whitewashed, cubiform houses tucked into cliffs overlooking the sea. The fascination of this Grecian delight is not lost on visitors. One of its many splendors is that the whole complex of Santorini islands is still an active volcano, thought to be the only one in the world whose crater is in the sea. At just 29 square miles, Santorini has become one of the country's most popular destinations, so much so that the island has suffered from rising water and energy consumption. According to Mayor Nikos Zorzos, 'It's a radical rise and we are forever playing catch-up. We have built numerous desalination plants and are in the process of erecting the biggest one in Greece, but in five years' time I worry even that won't be enough.' In order to cut down the number of visitors, Santorini restricted the amount of cruise ship visitor numbers to 8,000 per day in 2017. Find out the best places to visit now, before they get too popular.
a rainbow over a body of water: Rainbow over Ho'okipa Beach Park, famous surf spot on the north shore of Maui, HawaiiSlide 12 of 16: When the sun hits the bright houses on the cliff side of the Italian Riviera, tourists whip their cameras out for the perfect shot of architectural and natural beauty. Cinque Terre's idealistic setting has increased the numbers of visitors to the area in recent years. The rise of tourism in the area has 'taken a toll on the infrastructure of the towns and visitors have been injured in landslides on separate occasions,' Jet Cost told Harper's Bazaar. While there are currently no restrictions set in place, authorities have discussed putting a cap on tourists allowed in the five villages per year, possibly 1.5 million; the area currently sees about 2.4 million tourists per year.



2820029kg5i10jds3.gifjoli chapeau
(l)*♥*. .*♥*. .Bonne journée mes ami(e)s..*♥*. .*♥(l)
Hiya Friend!
How have you been?
I have been ok. Had a really bad sleep last night.
So am pretty tired today.
I hope you are having a good Tuesday!

I wish you beautiful moments this week

❤╬❤♥☼♥The ßest places in Europe♥☼♥❤╬❤

ei? may contain: sky, tree and outdoor

European Architecture Architecture.

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and outdoor

Памятник мaтеpи в Иcпании. Заставляет задумaться

Image may contain: outdoor

No photo description available.

В мире очень много прекрасных мест,

поэтому у людей есть возможность на протяжении всей жизни открывать для себя что-то новое.

Замечательный способ выйти за рамки обыденности – отправиться в путешествие.

There are a lot of beautiful places in the world,
so people have the opportunity to discover something new for themselves throughout their lives.
A wonderful way to go beyond the ordinary is to travel.
Especially for those who are going to go for new impressions, the best places in Europe,

Фьорды, Норвегия - Fiordos, noruega

  Фьорды, Норвегия. 
В мире можно найти мало мест, более подходящих для медитации, чем норвежское побережье.
Вздымающиеся прямо из воды скалы, зеленые горы с густой растительностью,
заснеженные вершины — это место стоит посетить хоть раз в жизни.
There are few places in the world that are more suitable for meditation than the Norwegian coast.
Cliffs rising right out of the water, green mountains with dense vegetation,
snow-capped peaks - this place is worth a visit at least once in a lifetime.
Шамони, Франция.
Шамони, Франция - Chamonix, France
Городок, где проводились первые зимние Олимпийские игры,
расположен в тени высочайшего пика Альп, Монблана.
The town where the first Winter Olympics were held,
is located in the shadow of the highest peak of the Alps, Mont Blanc.
Гальштатт, Австрия.
Гальштатт, Австрия - Hallstatt, Austria
The town, high in the Austrian Alps, is known for its salt production for 3,000 years.
It is famous among tourists for its incredible landscapes.
Плитвицкие озера, Хорватия. 
Плитвицкие озера, Хорватия - Plitvice Lakes, Croatia
Один из старейших национальных парков в юго-восточной
Европе известен своими прекрасными каскадными озерами.
One of the oldest national parks in south-eastern
Europe is known for its beautiful cascading lakes.

Метеора, Греция.
Метеора, Греция - Meteora, Grecia
На севере Греции находится один из крупнейших комплексов монастырей,
расположенных на вершинах скал.
Название "Метеора" буквально переводится как "висящие в воздухе.
In the north of Greece is one of the largest complexes of monasteries
located on the tops of the rocks. The name "Meteor"
literally translates as "hanging in the air.
Озеро Анси, Франция. 
Озеро Анси, Франция - Lake Annecy, France
Анси считается самым чистым озером Европы,
поэтому данный район приглянется любителям
туризма и водных видов спорта.
Annecy is considered the cleanest lake in Europe,
so this area will appeal to lovers of tourism and water sports.
Дорога гигантов, Северная Ирландия. 
Дорога гигантов, Северная Ирландия
Giants Road, Northern Ireland
Дорога гигантов - 40 000 соединенных между собой базальтовых
и андезитовых колонн, которые образовались в результате древнего
извержения вулкана. Это место было названо одним
из природных чудес Великобритании.
The road of giants - 40,000 interconnected basalt and andesite columns,
which were formed as a result of an ancient volcanic eruption.
This place was named one of the natural wonders of Great Britain.
Каппадокия, Турция.
Каппадокия, Турция - Cappadocia, Turkey
Популярный среди туристов регион славится своими своеобразными
скальными образованиями, известными как "волшебные дымоходы".
Popular among tourists, the region is famous for its peculiar rock
formations known as the “magic chimneys.
Замок Нойшванштайн, Германия. 
Замок Нойшванштайн, Германия 
Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany
Это место вдохновило Диснея на создание сказочного замка
в парке аттракционов. Нойшванштайн -
одно из самых популярных туристических мест в Баварии.
This place inspired Disney to create a fairytale castle in an amusement park.
Neuschwanstein is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Bavaria.


Super joli cadeau de mon ami Serge , Dreamers222

✿ {◕‿◕} ✿ ~HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! MARIPOSITA!!✿ {◕‿◕} ✿ ~



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