
registro: 15-04-2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Kids are always in a hurry to grow up.   Why? being grown up sucks.   When you are grown up you have to suppress your real feelings about many things so as to not make other people feel bad.   It is hard when you just want to throw a fit like a spoiled child when you do not get your own way about something that is important to you, because you have to pretend you are ok with it when something that is important to someone you love blocks you from getting what you want.
     Let me give you an example my oldest great niece just graduated highs school and her party is next weekend.   I do not drive or even have a car, but I want to go to the party.   My brother can not take me because he will be camping the day of the party.   My one sister may not make it to the party because her husband is not well.   My other sister will likely be riding with one of her daughters.   I called her other daughter and EVEN THOUGH NO ONE HAS DISCUSSED TRAVEL, she tells me she must wait to see what her sister is doing, because they may ride with her.   I can probably get a ride with one of my nephews, but I hate to take them away from the party to come get me and bring me home, because one of my nephews is the father of the graduate and my other 2 nephews are her brothers.   As a result it is possible even though I may not be able to make it to the party if I do not get a ride.
     So I have to play the role of a mature adult and not throw a fit about it and not get mad at anyone for doing what is more important to them even if it means I will be left out of the gathering.  I missed her brother's graduation because I myself was in the hospital.   It was weeks before he got his present from me.   Part of me wants to revert to the mentality of a child and have a good cry, but the adult in me knows that is not proper.   Making others fill guilty about me not being able to go will not make me feel any better and it will not get me there.  So Yea being mature sucks.   Things were so much easier when I was a little child and if I was sad I could just cry about it till it passed.   My advice to everyone under 18 is to enjoy it as long as you can.   Right now you can get away with not paying any bills and not having to buy the food you eat of pay for the house over your head and best of all if you are sad you can let it out you are not forced to hold it in to appear mature.
QUICK PS: My niece just called and she is gonna make sure I get to the party :) I love my family.


     I got a little good news yesterday.   I was to the doctor for a check up on my kidneys, because I had a kidney stone about a year or so ago.   The scan came back with everything negative. :) I am not sure who was happier about it me or the practitioner that gave me the results.   She said everything looked perfect.   I was worried I may have some damage after the duel infection I had when I had the kidney stone.  I worry about my health a lot , but one less thing to worry about for the time being anyhow, so YAYYYYYYYYYYY.


     Life is really weird sometimes.   I have been having really bad luck for sometime, and this year has been really great for me, unfortunately not everyone is sharing in my good luck.   I found out last week a friend of mine that I had not seen in some time died.   He has many progeny.   The up side if there is one is that he got all his kids grown up before he had to leave this world.  Then yesterday I got a call from another friend of mine that her mother ( also a long time friend of mine) is not doing well she had a stroke and a brain bleed on top of the fact she was diagnosed with dementia early this year.   I am praying she gets better. but the doctors do not think she will ever be in shape to live alone again.  What makes me mad about this is it took a few days to figure out just how bad she was.   She and her daughter had a fight, but her daughter kept trying to call her and she did not answer.   That was not uncommon for her when she was angry.  Thing is the neighbor that hung at her house a lot did not call for help when she saw my friend was not acting like herself.  I wish she had came back to our neighborhood like I have tried to get her to many times.  If I noticed her acting strange first thing I would have done would have been called her daughter, but these neighbors did nothing.   That makes me very sad, because my friend really loved this neighbor.   It is sad her neighbor apparently did not love her back enough to get her help when she needed it.   After two days of her mom not answering the phone to her or me, my friend called in a wellness check on her mom and got her to the hospital.   We should all take notice if the anyone we know is acting strangely and find out why or at least have it checked on.   We could save lives if we did.
     I remember a time a neighbor a couple streets over from my house died in his house and NO ONE missed him NO ONE checked on him until they saw flies gathering on his windows.   I did not know the man myself which is why I did not notice him missing.   When the maintenance department  went to the house to check on why there were so many flies they found what was left of his body laying on his couch. :(   He had been dead so long his body had exploded and there were flies everywhere.   I did not even know the man, but I cried for days at the thought of someone being dead that long and NO ONE noticing or missing them.  We should all try to make friends with our neighbors especially if we do not have any family so if we dispensary for a while without telling anyone someone will ask why.   It is really sad that guy died all alone and we have know way of knowing how much pain he was in before his death.  :(   It is hell to say but maybe he died fast and did not suffer a lot. 
     It is weird to think how one may have several really bad years only to get one really good one and to see that now others in your life are having the bad years now.   It would appear luck travels in a circle sometimes you have the good luck sometimes someone else does.   When we hit those bad luck spots in our life it is important to keep telling ourselves hang in there it will get better.


     I was shocked this morning when a lady that does social work in our community asked that we pray for her family because her cousin had died.   When she said who her cousin was it nearly floored me.   I had know him his mom his brother and all his children for decades.   I had lost contact with him a few years back and had no clue he was ill.   He is a few years younger then me.   It is always sad when someone younger then you died.   I am wondering how his second son is taking it. he had lost his mother when he was still a teen.   I lost contact with him too a few years back.   It is funny how people will come into your lives give you great joy and then be gone suddenly.  Sometimes we may think about them when they are gone and sometimes we never think of them again.   It is always a shock to find out someone that was important to you is gone suddenly and you did not hav3 a chance to say good bye.   He was a pretty quiet guy with a great smile, and he used that great smile most of the time.
     I will miss my friend, but after all the deaths in my family in the past few year I have found the pain of the loss will pass in time. Those we love may leave this world, but if they were truly loved they will never leave your heat.


     First I would like to thank karma for the comment on my previous blog.   The ironic part of this is his first comment about me not being popular and picked on in school was right on the money I was not popular, and had no desire to be so.   I was shy and quiet and only had a couple real friends.  Thing is you do not need to have many friends if the ones you have are of good quality.   My oldest friend and I have been friends for 55 years and we are still friends.   I wonder if Charlie has even had 1 good friendship that lasted even a decade?   What he fails to see is not what was in our past that matters now it is what we learned from it.   I am thinking he just fired back thinking he would hurt me with his words because I put his gf on ignore lol.   What he is not mature enough to realize yet is that for me at least the truth never hurts me.   Like I always say go ahead and talk about me just make sure what you say is true, and that first comment was fairly truthful.  The thing is I have no need to try to put others down to make myself look bigger.   I am what I am people can either take me as I am or go find someone they like better.  I make no apologies for being myself.   So many people on the net try to pretend they are other people or that they are some how better then others on here just because no one can see who is on the other side of the computer screen.   I have no time for that.   I would rather spend my time helping those that ask for my help.
     People on here are different then they are in real life because thy know no one can see them.   I have a friname  some times she is really nice and helpful and other times she is really mean.   The funny part was she was always aggressive on pm, but the first time I got her to go on voice she sounded like a little kid. and she was so gentle and kind.   I think the unanimity of texting brings out in people a side of themselves that they would NEVER show to anyone in their real off the net lives.    It tends to bring out the bully in many, and that may be because they themselves are  being bullied in their real lives so they need a way to get the feelings it causes them out of their body, and they in turn go pick on someone on the net , because they know the person they are attacking on line can not punch them for it. :)   Yes I know that last sentence was a run on sentence and I am sorry to all of you that have a thing about that kind of thing lol * winks you know who you are hun.