
registro: 15-04-2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     I was watching one of the new talk shows that just aired this fall.   There was a story on it that caught my attention ( which is what they planned in the beginning I am sure).   It was about a 6 year old girl who was arrested for kicking another student.   Apparently the little girl has a health issue that can cause this behavior.  I do think arresting a 6 year old is a bit extreme, BUT maybe just maybe letting children see at a young age their actions have consequences may not be such a bad think. I do however think the parent should have been notified and allowed to talk to the child BEFORE any arrest was made.
     It did not take long to figure out why this story was the lead story.  It was because they wanted to make it a race story.   The host straight up asked the grandmother if she thought this would have happened if the child had been white.  NOW HERE IS THE INTERESTING PART:  The child as the host described her was (brown ) and the officer that arrested her was a person of color himself, sooooooooooo where the hell does the host feel justified in trying to make this about race and asking if the grand mother had the child have been white if she thought she would have been arrested.  I also found it interesting that they DID NOT bring the child that was kicked or their parents on the show to see how much pain was inflicted or if they thought the punishment fit the crime.   Make not mistake about it kicking someone IS A CRIME if an adult kicked another adult they could have been arrested.   I feel part of the reason there is so much Juveniles committing crimes is because EVERYONE knows they will not get much punishment for it. 
     The officer that took her in was suspended and everyone cheered.  What's up with that?  The man was doing his job.   Was it a little harsh to hand cuff her? MAYBE, but like the grandma said the child has a condition that will cause her to be violent, so did it ever occur  to anyone that maybe the officer cuffed her to make sure she did not act out while being transported?   I know a girl that lost it one time when she was a child and it took 7 police officers to restrain her and get her into the car.   Speaking as someone who has in fact been mad enough I lost it and was violent.  When someone is in that state of mind they are stronger then you would think, and if one is reallllllllly having an episode like that they do not know what they are doing till it passes.
     Back to my original point:  IF THIS HAD IN FACT HAPPENED TO A WHITE CHILD WOULD IT HAVE BEEN THE OPENING STORY ON THIS SHOW?   I think not. Why not you may wonder. That is easy white people being mistreated does not grab the big ratings.  I REALLY WISH PEOPLE WOULD WISE UP AND REALIZE THE MEDIA ARE TRYING TO PLAY US ALL FOR IDIOTS.   The stir up racial issues where there are none like in this case.   I have said it before and I will say it again.  THE REASON THERE IS SO MUCH FIGHTING AMONG PEOPLE OF DIFFERENT COLORS IS NOT BECAUSE THERE IS THAT MUCH RACISM IT IS BECAUSE THE MEDIA ARE BLOWING ANYTHING THEY CAN FIND UP OUT OF PROPORTION TO GET RATINGS.  Until people start seeing it for what it is they will keep doing it and things will not get better.