
registro: 15-04-2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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FIRST I WOULD LIKE TO THANK EVERYONE WHO VOICED THEIR OPINIONS.   I love an open discussion. There were so many I decided to write the reply as a blog itself.

lazee.dayz : It is true we do only know what the media tells us MOSTLY, but I know my friend is not getting her pension because of the shut down and that is not good for the American people.   We work and are told the money is set aside for our old age, and when the time comes the politicians keep it from us when we need it most.   Oh and I NEVER said they stole out jobs or the subsidies.   The government gave the subsidies to them.   I too thought Trump would be a far better choice then Hillary.  I also think congress fought him on things they should not have in the past that is why he is fighting so hard for this wall now.   I should tell you though I am not as influenced by the media as you think I am.   I do not watch the news on tv or read the news paper.  I get most of my info from the people that are being affected by the events.  And thank you for reading my blogs it is nice to know you like most of them and it is nice you feel comfortable voicing a different opinion on topics.

UMMM BILL he also promised MEXICO would pay for that wall and he said HE would build it so why is he using these tactics if Mexico is going to pay for it and if he is going to build it.

WELL SAID artm123 as usual you make good points.

MY POINT EXACTLY!  prd10, a wall will not work!

WOW _ _Paul_ _   YOUR COMMENTS WERE EXCELLENT, and I agree 100% with your opinion on this topic.    I know it is hard on people in your position too.   I hate it when our vets are treated badly, and when I see things that I feel are wrong I have to speak out about it.   Paul I love everything you said, it is all so true.  I really hope things get better for you all soon.  Know this Paul I CARE about everyone who is being hurt by this and I have said for a while he is trying to extort this country into giving him this big wall NOT so he can protect our boarders but so he can say look what I did while I was president.   However congress is not totally blameless in this either.

And lazee.dayz  I really think it is time for you to pull your head out of that whole you have shoved it into so you do not have to see what is going on and take a look at the REAL state of this country.   I also find it very interesting your desire to try to make _ _ Paul _ _ look like he was not being truthful even to the point of demanding to know who pays for the wi-fi.   NOW YOU TELL ME THIS WHAT IN THE WORLD DOES WHO IS PAYING FOR HIS WI-FI HAVE TO DO WITH THE FACT PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY ARE SUFFERING BECAUSE OF THIS I WANT TO BUILD A WALL THING, because I really do not see the connection.  Here is the thing like   DRAGONFIRE pointed out there are many places that have free wi-fi these days, but apparently you did not know that.

MIKE6193 The point I am trying to make here is if they are in this country illegally, and NOT US CITIZENS they should not be getting anything from OUR GOVERNMENT.   OOOOOOOO and I got a solution for that they had their children here thing.   IF THE PARENTS WERE ILLEGAL WHEN THEIR CHILD WAS BORN IN THE USA, both parent and children should be returned to Mexico until the children reach the age of legal adult hood in the USA and then WITH THEIR AMERICAN BIRTH CERTIFICATE  TO PROVE THEY WERE BORN HERE they children should be allowed to return to the USA as the American citizens they are, or if their parents fill out the proper papers and are allowed back in this country under out laws as legal aliens then the children born here can come back with their parents.    You are however right about enforcing the laws to the book.  I have said all along that would be better than a wall.

IN CONCLUSION OF THIS REPLY.  I stand where I have always stood.   No wall.   Restart the government and give people what is owed them.   Enforce the immigration laws, and send back anyone who is not here legally