registro: 17-02-2020
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I am who I am

I realize that I can be an absolute handful at times, it’s just part of who I am.I wish I could tell you I was a simple person, but I’m anything but that. I’m a complex personality with a unique blend of qualities that may make your head spin sometimes.At first glance, people think I’m a strong person, but those who really understand and love me know I’m a deep feeling soul with a loving heart..and I’m weak when it comes to the people I care about.I know I’m not easy to understand and I appreciate my people that get that I’m worth the effort.I used to think I was an introvert, but as I learned to talk to people, I realized I’m a little bit of both..it all depends on my mood and who I’m with.There’s days when I feel like pulling my hair out and crying minutes before something hilarious makes me double over with side splitting laughter.That’s the beautiful disaster that is me- you never know which version you’ll get, and you may get both at the same time, so buckle up, buttercup..I’m always a heck of a ride.Some may say I’m challenging, but I just call it interesting.Anyone can be ordinary, average and routine, so I choose to keep things a bit on the spicy side..though I don’t do it that way on purpose.You’ll never really know what’s going through my mind, I’ve learned to disguise my emotions masterfully-I’ll often tell you that I don’t care when the truth is I care too much.I have the simple needs most people have- to love and be loved, to be understood and appreciated..I just happen to pursue those desires in extraordinary ways..With sass, pizzazz and a lot of sarcasm sometimes, too.I call that my bold, fun flavor- tasty to those that love me and revolting to the rest..But I realized a long time ago I would never be able to please everyone.So I stopped trying.Better to make myself happy, fill my soul with joy and love my life and my people with all my heart.If I can’t put my whole heart and soul into something or someone, I’ll do what’s best for me and step away.I know I’m awesome in all my flaws and I embrace each of my dents, imperfections and scars fully-They’ve made me who I am and I’ll never regret anything I’ve done or anywhere I’ve been.I’m a big bundle of emotions, happiness and personality and you’ll never forget me once we’ve met.Maybe you’ll love me, maybe not..But I’ll keep on dancing to my own beat, living in my own light and loving myself the best way I know how.I like who I am and I guess it’s up to you to decide if you do, too..I’ll keep on doing what I do best, regardless.Shining brightly