registro: 10/01/2013
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)(◔֊◔)(*)(◔֊◔)(Jorge Bergoglio - Anti Pope Francis’)(◔֊◔)(*)(◔֊◔)(

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Three relatives of pope killed in Argentina accident: Pope Francis holds the crucifix on his chest, also showing a ribbon pin honoring the victims of the Sewol Ferry disaster, during his trip to South Korea, Monday, Aug. 18, 2014.

Pope Francis holds the crucifix on his chest, also showing a ribbon pin honoring the victims of the Sewol Ferry disaster,

during his trip to South Korea, Monday, Aug. 18, 2014.


Pope Francis was deeply grieved, the Vatican's official broadcasting service said on Tuesday,

after the deaths of three relatives killed when their car slammed into the back of a truck on a highway in central Argentina.

A nephew of the pope, Emanuel Bergoglio, who was driving the car was in serious condition following

 the accident just after midnight on Monday. The nephew's wife, 35, and two children aged 2 years and 8 months died.

"The pope has been informed and is deeply grieved by the tragic news. He asks all those who share his pain to join with him in prayer,

" said a statement on the website of Radio Vaticana.

The driver of the grains truck, Raul Pombo, told local television stations he felt the impact and found Bergoglio's

 vehicle wedged under the rear of his vehicle.

"I began stopping passing cars to ask for their fire extinguishers because the car was on fire," Pombo said.

The region's highway patrol chief, Jorge Rainieri, called the impact "powerful" and television pictures

showed the mangled wreckage of the compact car. The accident occurred in Argentina's central Cordoba province.

Francis: Pope Francis smiles as he meets the media during an airborne press conference on his journey back to Rome from Seoul, South Korea, Monday, Aug. 18, 2014. Pope Francis wrapped up his first trip to Asia on Monday by challenging Koreans - from the North and the South - to reject the

Anti Pope Francis’ Heresies, The Apocalypse & The End of the World (Jorge Bergoglio Exposed)

On March 13, 2013 Jorge Bergoglio from Argentina was elected Antipope Francis of the Vatican II sect.

This brief overview will prove, from Francis’ words and actions, that he is a complete heretic. We will be quoting from the Vatican’s official newspaper L’ Osservatore Romano, his public interviews and speeches, his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, and two of Francis’ books that document his beliefs on various topics – Conversations with Jorge Bergoglio and On Heaven and Earth.


Francis’ Heresies on Atheism and Atheists

Antipope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium (# 254), Nov. 24, 2013: “Non-Christians [such as pagans and atheists], by God’s gracious initiative, when they are faithful to their own consciences, can live “justified by the grace of God”, and thus be “associated to the paschal mystery of Jesus Christ”… to the sacramental dimension of sanctifying grace... to live our own beliefs.”


Francis respects regardless of beliefs

Yet despite this dogmatic teaching based on Romans 1, in On Heaven and Earth, pp. 12-13 Francis says he respects atheists and doesn’t try to convert them. He also says that their “life is not condemned”.


Concerning atheists, Francis wrote:

“First of all, you ask if the God of Christians forgives those who do not believe and do not seek faith. Given that - and this is fundamental - God’s mercy has no limits if he who asks for mercy does so in contrition and with a sincere heart, the issue for those who do not believe in God is in obeying their own conscience. In fact, listening and obeying it, means deciding about what is perceived to be good or to be evil. The goodness or the wickedness of our behavior depends on this decision.” (“Pope” Francisco writes to La Repubblica: “An open dialogue with non-believers”, 2013/09/11/)

Here Francis clearly indicates that people who don’t believe in God can be forgiven and saved if they obey their own conscience and follow what they perceive to be good; and later in his “Evangelii Gaudium” (254) he confirmed that this indeed was what he meant. So don’t allow any liar to claim that Francis’ statement has been misrepresented. It has not been misrepresented as Antipope Francis himself confirmed.

That’s an astounding heresy because it’s a basic dogma of Catholicism that faith is necessary for salvation. This is a fundamental issue. As Hebrews 11:6 says, “…without faith it is impossible to please God.”


Based on Romans 1:20, which teaches that all who deny the existence of God are inexcusable, Vatican I solemnly declared in Canon 1, On Revelation, “If anyone shall have said that the one true God, our Creator and Lord, cannot be known with certitude by those things which have been made, by the natural light of human reason: let him be anathema.”

Therefore, the position that atheists can be excused for not recognizing what is clear from the natural light of human reason, namely, that there is a God, is an anathematized heresy.

In Canon 1, On God the Creator, Vatican I also declared, “If anyone shall have denied the one true God, Creator and Lord of visible and invisible things, let him be anathema..


That means that anyone who denies God or His existence, is specifically anathematized.

Francis’ statements rejects these dogmatic definitions, in addition to all the others previously mentioned. People need to recognize the significance of this heresy.

The truth that one must have faith is a basic and fundamental teaching of Christianity. His statement that people can be saved without faith is equivalent to denying Jesus is God, that Mary is the Mother of God, or that Jesus rose again. They are all basic dogmas.

He has openly repudiated the teaching of Christianity, the necessity of faith. He is a complete heretic, not that more proof was required, but Francis’ statement in the interview, and later confirmed in his “Apostolic Exhortation” addressed to the “universal Church,” is another proof that he is not the pope, but a heretical non-Catholic antipope.

The organization he represents, the Vatican II sect, is not the Catholic Church, but the End Times Counter Church.

Francis’ Heretical Teaching on Homosexual “Civil Unions” and Homosexuality

As we will see, Francis says he respects those who favor the abomination of same sex “marriage”, and says he never was disrespectful to sodomites and perverts. Francis also says he does not “judge” homosexuals and that a person who is gay can have “good will”.

Discussing homosexuals (people in general and clergy), Francis said in July 2013:

“If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge them?

Francis claims to be the first Judge in the Catholic Church, a pope, and yet says “who am I to judge” homosexuals. It is shocking and a total inversion of Catholic morals… It is not surprising that Francis believes such horrible things when he idolizes man.

Also notice the following interesting statements Francis makes about gay “marriage” and homosexuals.

Francis, On Heaven and Earth, p. 117: “When the head of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, Mauricio Macri, did not appeal the judge’s opinion right away authorizing a [same-sex] wedding, I felt that I had something to say, to inform; I saw myself with an obligation to state my opinion. It was the first time in eighteen years as bishop that I criticized a government official. If you analyze the two declarations that I formulated, at no time did I speak about homosexuals nor did I make any derogatory reference toward them… Macri told me that these were his convictions; I respected him for that, but the head of the Government does not have to transfer his personal convictions to law. In no moment did I speak disrespectfully about homosexuals…”

Here we see that Francis says he respects those who favor the abomination of same sex “marriage”, and that he never was disrespectful to sodomites and perverts.


Francis greets Argentine Pro-gay

“marriage” president Nestor Kirchner.

Francis also mentions how he allowed the pro-gay “marriage” supporting president of Argentina, Nestor Kirchner, to preside over a “Catholic” memorial service to honor deceased “Catholic priests” and seminarians:

Francis, Conversations, p. 145: “I even asked him to preside over the ceremony when he arrived at the church…”

Later when the apostate president died, Francis immediately offered a public “requiem mass” for him.

Francis also allowed politicians who are vocal pro-abortion and gay “marriage” supporters to receive “communion” at his installation “mass”.

LifeNews, Mars 20, 2013: “Pro-abortion Biden and Pelosi Received Communion at Mass for Antipope Francis - The communion issue was exacerbated when, despite their pro-abortion views, Vice President Joe Biden and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi both received communion at the Mass to celebrate Pope Francis’ inauguration. Biden’s office confirmed to the Washington Times that he had received communion and reporters in the White House presidential reporting pool confirmed in an email to LifeNews that Pelosi had received it as well.


More on Francis’ Heresies on Homosexuals and Homosexuality

Antipope Francis recently gave a shocking interview to the editor of the so-called Jesuit journal, La Civilta Cattolica. He was interviewed by Antonio Spadaro on behalf of La Civilta Cattolica, Thinking Faith, America and several other major Jesuit journals around the world. The interview was conducted in Italian. After the Italian text was officially approved, a team of five independent experts were commissioned to produce the English translation, which is also published by America.

We will be quoting from the English pdf translation found in the Jesuit journal

Thinking Faith, Sept. 19, 2013.

The Antonio Spadaro Interview

On p. 7 of the interview, Francis is talking about homosexuals. He says:

“In Buenos Aires I used to receive letters from homosexuals persons who are ‘socially wounded’ because they tell me that they feel like the church has always condemned them. But the church does not want to do this. During the return flight from Rio de Janeiro I said that if a homosexual person is of good will and is in search of God, I am no one to judge.” He goes on to say, “it is not possible to interfere spiritually in the life of a person.” Thinking Faith, Sept. 19, 2013, p. 7.


Vatican Council I – A true Pope is Supreme Judge

Second, he’s discussing homosexuals. He says he’s no one to judge, and he teaches that God and the Church doesn’t condemn them or reject them. That indicates quite clearly, that homosexuals could be justified despite their wickedness and abominable behavior. And, we know Francis is including active homosexuals in his comments, because he makes no distinction between people who merely consider themselves to have a homosexual orientation, and those who engage in homosexual behavior.


Francis doing the work of the Devil

Francis’ wicked statement is exactly what the world did not need to hear. It’s exactly the message the Devil wanted the World to hear to keep it moving without hindrance on its path of perversion.

On p. 8 Francis continues his discussion of homosexuality. He also gets into contraception and abortion. This is a passage which the media gave quite a lot of attention to, He says:

“We cannot insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage and the use of contraceptive methods. This is not possible.” He goes on to say, “The teaching of the church, for that matter, is clear and I am a son of the church, but it is not necessary to talk about those issues all the time


Pope Pius XI

Pope Pius XI, Mortalium Animos (# 9), January 6, 1928: “in connection with things which must be believed, it is nowise licit to use that distinction which some have seen fit to introduce between those articles of faith which are fundamental and those which are not fundamental, as they say, as if the former are to be accepted by all, while the latter may be left to the free assent of the faithful: for the supernatural virtue of faith has a formal cause, namely the authority of God revealing, and this is patient of no such distinction. For this reason it is that all who are truly Christ’s believe, for example, the Conception of the Mother of God without stain of original sin with the same faith as they believe the mystery of the August Trinity, and the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, just as do the infallible teaching authority of the Roman Pontiff...”

Pius XI is condemning the idea that when you consider things that have been infallibly taught by the Church, some can be considered fundamental and others can be considered non-fundamental or as Francis says, “Some can be considered as essential and others can be considered non-essential,” from the standpoint of one’s obligation to accept those teachings when they are proposed to you. No, you must accept all of them!.


Feeding the poor-Francis’ essentials

What’s essential to him is “feeding the poor” and “accepting all sinners.” It doesn’t really matter if you oppose gay “marriage” contraception and abortion.

And, since the Vatican II sect doesn’t condemn the evils in reality, his attempt to de-emphasize these issues clearly indicates in context DON’T INSIST UPON THEM.


It is purely evil and it’s further proof he’s a complete heretic and apostate. The very distinction he draws is a heretical one condemned by the Church.

The fact that this is the meaning – that this is the meaning he is conveying – is precisely why the notorious Pro-abortion group, NARAL, thanked Antipope Francis for his comments.


Pro-choice NARAL love Francis!

They recognized that Francis’ statements mean that people do not have to insist upon opposition to abortion, contraception and gay “marriage.”

Now, on p. 3, Francis discusses his motto and that his motto is that of John XXIII. He says: “‘See everything, turn a blind eye to much; correct a little.’ John XXIII saw all things, the maximum dimension, but he chose to correct a few, the minimum dimension.” Thinking Faith, Sept. 19, 2013,

So Francis’ motto is that he turns a blind eye to much, and when you consider that the matters that he’s turning a blind eye to involve heresy, sin, the violation of God’s law, it shows you what a wicked apostate he is.


Apostate Francis-turning a blind eye

Francis’ homo-heresy interview is further proof that he’s a heretical non-Catholic antipope and that the organization he leads, the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church but the End Times Counter Church.

Francis’ Heresies on God

Francis has been making headlines ever since he was elected Antipope on March 13, 2013, and now he’s getting even more attention. “I believe in God, not in a Catholic God,” he said in an interview.

Antipope Francis, October 1, 2013: “And I believe in God. Not in a catholic God; a catholic God does not exist; God exists. And I believe in Jesus Christ, his incarnation. Jesus is my master/teacher and pastor, but God, the Father, Abba, is the light and the Creator. This is my Being. Do you think we are very far apart?” Francis said in the interview with the Italian newspaper La Repubblica.

Bergoglio is a complete Modernist on top of an apostate and heretic. First, he says, “There is no Catholic God;” which is complete heresy; and then he says, “And I believe in Jesus Christ, his [Francis’ non-Catholic God’s] incarnation.” Jesus is the Second Person of the Holy Trinity and is God, the Catholic God, He is the Incarnation of God and, as the Last Gospel makes clear, is God.

Francis then says, “God is my light, Jesus is my teacher. This is my Being. Do you think we are very far apart?” Yes, Francis, we believe you are very far apart. In fact, you are as far apart from God the Father as Hell is from Heaven!

Francis is clearly on a mission to try to destroy anything Catholic. He doesn’t even believe in the Catholic God, let alone believing that the Catholic faith is necessary for salvation. Francis is a clear Modernist/Heretic/Apostate, like Martin Luther was a Lutheran and Arius was an Arian. And modernism is a condemned heresy just like Arianism or Luthernism.


Francis’ Heresies on the Jews

Jews reject that Jesus Christ is God, but Jesus says in John 8:24: “For if you believe not that I am he, you shall die in your sin.”

Francis and the Jews

The Catholic Church infallibly teaches that you must believe in Jesus Christ and have the Catholic faith for salvation.

Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, The Athanasian Creed, Sess. 8, Nov. 22, 1439, ex cathedra: “Whoever wishes to be saved, needs above all to hold the Catholic faith; unless each one preserves this whole and inviolate, he will without a doubt perish in eternity.”

It teaches that it’s a mortal sin to observe or practice Judaism. Jews practice the Old Law and reject the Trinity and the Divinity of Christ in addition to calling Christ a deceiver or a complete myth invented by the Christians – yet, despite this, many so-called Christians actually claim that the Jews are “good”, or that they can be saved or that they remain “God’s chosen” people.

The Catholic Church teaches the following about the cessation of the Old Law and about all who continue to observe it:

Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, 1441, ex cathedra: “The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and teaches that the matter pertaining to the law of the Old Testament, the Mosaic law, which are divided into ceremonies, sacred rites, sacrifices, and sacraments… after our Lord’s comingceased, and the sacraments of the New Testament began, and that whoever, even after the passion, placed hope in these matters of the law and submitted himself to them as necessary for salvation, as if faith in Christ could not save without them, sinned mortally. All, therefore, who after that time (the promulgation of the Gospel) observe circumcision and the Sabbath (not to be mistaken with the Christian Sabbath) and the other requirements of the law [that is, practicing Jews], the holy Roman Church declares alien to the Christian faith and not in the least fit to participate in eternal salvation.”

But in his astounding Apostolic Exhortation, “Evangelii Gaudium,” which Francis, by the way addressed to the universal Church, he professes that the Jews have a valid covenant with God (247), contrary to the teaching of the Catholic Church in the dogmatic Council of Florence, as we just saw above.


Antipope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium (# 247), Nov. 24, 2013: “We hold the Jewish people in special regard because their covenant with God has never been revoked...”

Francis went on to say: “As Christians, we cannot consider Judaism as a foreign religion; nor do we include the Jews among those called to turn from idols [false gods] and to serve the true God [i.e., Francis says Jews are not to be considered to be as those who turn from false gods in order to serve the true God Jesus Christ and the Trinity since he already believes they serve the true God!]... With them, we believe in the one God who acts in history, and with them we accept his revealed word.” (Evangelii Gaudium, # 247)

This is apostasy; it is a denial of Christ. It alone proves that Francis is not the Pope since he totally denies, rejects, and spits upon the Council of Florence.



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>Kevin Ward Jr. was killed> 

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Kevin Ward Jr. was killed at Canandaigua Motorsports Park in New York last Saturday when Tony Stewart's car struck him.

Kevin Ward's funeral

Ward was killed Saturday night at a dirt track 140 miles away in Canandaigua, where NASCAR champion Stewart was racing a day before the Sprint Cup event at Watkins Glen. After a bump from Stewart sent Ward's winged car spinning into the wall, the young driver climbed out and walked onto the track in his black fire suit, gesturing angrily. Stewart's No. 14 car seemed to fishtail, and Ward was thrown through the air as his parents and fans watched in horror.

The accident touched off angry debates as video of the crash circulated online, with fans questioning whether Stewart, known for his hot temper, tried to send his own message by buzzing Ward, or whether Ward recklessly stepped onto a dark track clad in black.

Kevin Ward Sr., who was at the track with his wife Pamela, told The Syracuse Post-Standard this week that Stewart was the best driver on the track that night, and there was no reason for him to hit the young driver after other cars avoided him.

PHOTO: Robin Williams is pictured on Sept. 25, 2013 in New York City.

Robin WWith the death of comedic legend Robin Williams still fresh in the minds of millions of his fans, the producers for the 66th Emmy Awards

are working on the proper tribute.

Williams died in an apparent suicide and was found in his California home Monday. He was 63

PHOTO: U.S. actor Robin Williams poses for photographers during a photo call in Rome in this Nov. 15, 2005, file photo.


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Could Be Hiding Among Mormons


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¤ۣۜ๘¤¤ۣۜ๘¤ۣۜAlmost happy birthday estrambotika and humor¤ۣۜ๘¤¤ۣۜ๘¤ۣۜ

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You are such a special friend,
Who deserves a special day,
For being who you are and
Bringing joy in every way.
You make me smile and laugh,
with everything you do,
So today I get to send
A special Birthday wish to you! 




Wishing my friend a beautiful day
Hopes and dreams I'm sending your way
May all be good and all come true
On this very special day for you!


Happy Birthday Image


My friend, it's time to pop the champagne,

make some noise, dish out some food,

throw some confetti and burst some balloons.

 Celebrate your Birthday, you deserve the best!


Happy Birthday With Balloons Comment



May you enjoy a day of doing
The special things you like to do,
Because today is your bday
And it's all about only you!

✿ツCuori neri (carte)✿ツ✿Cuori neri (carte)£äGòthyXìkåCuori neri (carte)✿ツCuori neri (carte)ツ✿ 

Have A Wonderful Birthday Graphic


I've made all arrangements for someone to drive us home.

Do you know why?

Because we are going to celebrate and have a party for your Birthday!


Blue Have A Happy Birthday Comment


Hoping your birthday
Is a happy one,
Just filled with friends,
Excitement and fun!


Hope You Have A Happy Birthday Comment



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Israeli military starts ground operation in Gaza






AFP Photo / Thomas Coex



Israel’s latest ground operation comes after attempts to broker a cease-fire with Hamas failed to take hold. The last 10 days have seen both sides exchange rocket fire, resulting in the deaths of more than 220 Palestinians and one Israeli, with some attacks coming under intense scrutiny. Recently, four Palestinian children were killed by an Israeli airstrike while they were playing on a beach in Gaza.

Overall, Israel has struck more than 2,000 targets in Gaza, while Hamas has fired almost 1,500 rockets towards Israel.
Although both Israel and Hamas agreed to observe a brief suspension of hostilities following a request by the United Nations, reports indicated on Wednesday that Israel was considering sending boots on the ground in order to remove rockets and other weapons used by Hamas.
"The IDF's objective as defined by the Israeli government is to establish a reality in which Israeli residents can live in safety and security without continued indiscriminate terror, while striking a significant blow to Hamas's terror infrastructure,” the army said in its statement.
The last time Israel launched an extensive ground offensive in Gaza was back in January 2009, following an armed conflict that began the month prior in December. That offensive, known as Operation Cast Lead, began on January 3 and was tasked with a similar objective: to secure areas from which militants were launching rockets. The entire conflict – which ran from December 27, 2008 to January 18, 2009 –resulted in the deaths of up to 1,417 Palestinians and 13 Israelis.
In our millions, we’re all Palestinian’: Wave of protests worldwide demand end to Gaza slaughter.


Protesters lay on the street symbolizing Palestinians killed by Israel's bombing in Gaza during a demonstration in front of the White House in Washington, DC, on July 16, 2014. (AFP Photo / Jewel Samad)


a In France, things got very real in several cities, including Lyon, Toulouse and the capital, Paris, where last Sunday saw more than 10,000 take to the streets – an event that started out peacefully, but ended in stone-throwing between pro-Palestinian supporters and Jewish protesters. Some Jews were holed up in two synagogues guarded by the police against a furious crowd.
Since that incident, the remainder of the protests to be held until the end of the week have been canceled by the police in several cities at the behest of the government, amid fears that a sharp escalation in civilian violence in France is otherwise inevitable. The country is home to some of the largest Palestinian and Jewish communities outside their homeland and their animosity towards each other is beginning to reflect that which is witnessed in the One protester, however, was not swayed by calls for peace. Hamza asked RT: "Why should I accept it? Why should I accept it if Netanyahu tells his army 'kill everything that there is, kill everything.' A Jewish immigrant, do you know what he said to me? We will do with the Muslim women whatever we want as long as we want until they stop dancing with headscarves on our American tables. Yes, a Jewish immigrant. He can bury himself next to Hitler."
The demonstrators held signs with the names and ages of Palestinian citizens who have been killed as a result of airstrikes and artillery fire. The names of the dead were then read out.
Estimates now put the Palestinian dead at a minimum of 210, with one Israeli killed. Police surround demonstrators during a protest against Israel's air strikes, in Gaza in London July 11, 2014.

People protest on July 16, 2014 in the central French city of Lyon against Israel's deadly bombing of Gaza
Snowden: 'If I end up in chains in Guantanamo I can live with that'
“If I end up in chains in Guantanamo I can live with that,” Edward Snowden, the former intelligence contractor-turned-privacy advocate, told the Guardian newspaper during a recent interview released in part by the paper on Thursday.
Guardian editor-in-chief Alan Rusbridger and reporter Ewen MacAskill spent seven hours conducting an interview in Moscow earlier this month with Snowden, a former analyst for the United States National Security Agency now wanted in the US for espionage, and the newspaper plans to publish the full conversation at the end of the week.
Ahead of Friday’s release, the paper has published excerpts and a video of their July 10 interview with Snowden, and in it the former NSA worker stands by his decision last year to disclose US secrets to the media and advocates further for professionals around the world to adopt new security practices as government across the globe increasingly engage in surveillance against their own citizens. 



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(◔֊◔)(◔֊◔)Argentina slides into default as debt talks fail(◔֊◔)(◔֊◔)

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People gather during a small demonstration in support of the government in their dispute over $1.5 billion with a U.S. hedge fund in Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 30.

Argentina slides into default as debt talks fail

Axel Kicillof, Argentina's economy minister, addresses member of the news media after a negotiation session at the Argentinean Consulate in New York, July 30.


El dilema argentino de estas horas, —los “holdouts” litigantes o “fondos buitres”— que agita los mercados y genera incertidumbres de todo tipo que se reflejan en la Bolsa y en especial en la cotización del dólar, es que el juez federal Thomas Griesa no le cree a los enviados de la presidente Cristina Kirchner. Y, aparentemente, tiene motivos y antecedentes varios para desconfiar de la “vocación de cumplir con los acreedores” que manifiesta el gobierno kirchnerista.Es que, tanto la fábula del “pastor mentiroso”, como lo que sentencia más de un refrán —“la mentira tiene patas cortitas” o “antes se pilla a un mentiroso que a un cojo”— parecen hechas a medida para la administración iniciada por Néstor Kirchner y hoy al mando de su viuda Cristina Fernández.Ellos fabulan, desfiguran la realidad a gusto y gana, inventan números que le satisfacen al tiempo que niegan y censuran los que no les agradan. Todo esto, además, con tono prepotente y ademán arrogante.


El caso de la inflación ya es archiconocido. Argentina es el cuarto país con mayor inflación del mundo. Solo están por encima la Venezuela bolivariana y chavista —campeona indiscutida— Sudán e Irán. Se trata de un ranking elaborado sobre la base de cálculos de empresas privadas, que para el 2013 midieron un aumento del índice de precios del 28.3 por ciento. Si se toma el índice oficial (Indec) solo fue del 10.6 por ciento, pero esto se enmarca en eso de las realidades inventadas por el Gobierno, que lo único que le genera es descrédito.Y nada escapa a esa doble realidad: la del Gobierno y la real, diríamos.


 Hace unos días se conoció un estudio sobre “pobreza” de la Universidad Católica Argentina —institución privada y no afiliada políticamente, ni aliada a la oposición— que sitúa en un 27 por ciento el número de argentinos que viven en situación de pobreza. El estudio no solo dice que más de la cuarta parte de la población es pobre, sino que los que están en esa situación son ocho veces más que los que dice el Gobierno (el Indec). Para este instituto oficial, según las últimas cifras que dio a conocer a finales del año pasado, el porcentaje de pobres es del 3.5 por ciento. Menuda diferencia. Como para no tener sus dudas el juez neoyorquino. Respecto al tema de la pobreza, también hay diferencias entre la información oficial y el trabajo universitario, en lo que hace a la indigencia. Oficialmente el índice es del 3.5 por ciento, mientras que para los estudios de la universidad privada se eleva al 5.5 por ciento. Lo que explica estas diferencias es que el Gobierno toma para sus cálculos sus propias cifras —las del Indec— las que a la vez le sirven de base cuando tiene que calcularle los beneficios e intereses a tenedores de Bonos Regulados por esas variaciones sujetas exclusivamente a las “mediciones” oficiales. Menudo negocio; no para los bonistas, desde luego.


 Volviendo al tema de los fondos buitres, se dice que lo que el gobierno de Cristina Kirchner necesita es un plazo hasta el 31 de diciembre para cumplir con los litigantes. Con ello evitaría extender igual solución a los otros acreedores, los que renovaron y aceptaron recortes y quitas para reestructurar la deuda con la garantía de que si a otros tenedores de bonos se le daba una mejor fórmula, esta se les aplicaría y los ampararía a ellos (la llamada Cláusula de Derechos sobre ofertas futuras). Ese amparo es el que desaparecería el 31 de diciembre. Parecería que estos acreedores que actuaron de buena fe y confiaron hoy no saben en qué creer. Todavía hay algunos, a diferencia del juez, que se resiste a aceptar la idea de que el gobierno de Cristina Kirchner pueda pensar en una solución que “ premia” a los que llaman buitres, y a ellos, los que creyeron, los deja con “las patas para arriba”. El autor es periodista uruguayo, fue presidente de la Sociedad Interamericana.















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