
Status do relacionamento: solteiro
Interessado em: mulheres, homens
Procurando por: amizade, entretenimento
Zodiac sign: Leão
Aniversário: 2019-08-13
registro: 19-10-2021
Just a couple of Tw@ts that love to play Pool & Poker (For all those asking in message. Ofcourse there my dogs)
Próximo nível: 
Pontos necessários: 12
Último jogo

Histórico de jogadas

Algo sobre mim

Sobre mim
What can we woof? Were a couple eh loveable tw@ts :D
Sniffing , Food , Playing , Barking
Filmes favoritos
Anything with animals . Except cats , Yep NO cats :D
Músicas favoritas
Canni whack a wee bit cha cha slide , Or lets be honest , We all like to do the conga right?
Livros favoritos
Not a book fan if honest , They don't taste that great either :D
Coisas que eu gosto
Playing pool ofcourse , Food , Food , Play , Play and i would say sleep . But sleepings cr@p :D
Coisas que eu năo gosto
Cats , CATS , Did i say Cats ? Yeah those wee creepy things :D
