
Rejestracja: 2014-04-15
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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      I went to my nephews Christms ever for dinner.    I had a pretty nice time.  I ate way too much lol.   The only thing that broke my heart was when my nephew's little cousin came over they put their big dog in my nephews bedroom.  It broke my heart to hear him crying to get out, and the fact of the matter is I wanted to be with him too.   Everyone says how he has mood swings and they think he is bipolar, but I do not thing that is true.   From the day I met him we have gotten along.  There has only been one time ever that he was ever even a little agressive with me.   It was at my nieces graguation party.  They had put a muzzle on him because there were going to be many kids around that day.   They say he does not like kids.  He hated the muzzle, and when I would not share the food I was eating with him, because I did not want him to get sick he growled at me a little.   That worried me a little bit, but that was the only time he ever did that.   He is always happy to see me when I got to their house.   Truth be know IF I had a bigger house and was allowed to have animals that size where I live I would try to talk my niece into letting me have him.   They say he does not like a lot of noise and confusion, and neither do I.  He ia a beautiful animal. He has black and white short hair fur.   I wish they had not felt the need to shut him in the bedroom.   Their little dog was running around all over the place, and it was not fair.   The sound of him crying to be with us broke my heart, but the little girl that was there was so tiny frankly it would not have been safe if he did infact go after her he could hurt her before anyone could stop him.
     We played games and my nephew beat me 2 out of 3 games of pool. Truth be know he beat himself in the match I won.  I took over 50 pictures, but I had to delet a couple because of bluring.   One of the guests looked so much like my brother it was amazing.   I kept staring at him watching how much he moved like my brother.   When I asked my niece who he was and pointed out how much he looked like my brother she agreed.   The lasania was so good i brought some of it home with me.
     They finally put up the handrail to the basement steps and it is so much safer going down them now.   You would have to see these steps to comprehens how weird they are.   The first half dozen or so are very nerrow, then the stairs turn to the right and 5 wider steps to the bacement.  
     They still have not quite got the pool table placement right yet. lol My nephew had a hard time shooting pool round one of 3 trees in the bacement, because it was too close to the table.   More the  once I have told people do not stand too close to the table.   All in all it was a pretty nice visit.  
     I hope you all have as nice of time as I did this holiday season .


     It is true what they say about what goes around comes around.   A couple years back my niece asked me if I liked the present she got me for Christmas and I told her the truth about how I felt.   At the time it seemed like the right thing to do.   I did not want to hurt her feelings, but not being honest about the first frog statue anyone got me as a gift is why I now have about 200 frogs in different sizes shapes and composition.  One person thought I liked frogs and soon everyone thought I liked them.  So I told my lovely niece the truth about the neckace she got me.  
     Well this year that came back to haunt me.  I got my brother a travil mug that I thought he would think was cute and funny. It said  " Hi I am Roy and to save time lets all just assume I am never worng."  I thought it would be a cute gift for him that he would like, because he actually said to me I am never wrong.   When he opened it he said to me " What are you trying to tell me?  I said what do you mean he said why did you get me this, I said because I thought you needed a cold drink."  I feel so bad he did not like it.   The ironic thing is if he had gotten something similar that with something I had actually said before on it he would have thought that was funny.   I was so happy when I found that mug. I really thought he would like it and play it up.   I had no idea he would be insulted by it.n1.gif?v=122   So now I know how my niece must have felt when I told her I did not like the necklace she got me.
   Which just goes to show if you hurt someones feelings, even if you did not mean to, it could come back to you later.


      Is there anything more agrovating then trying to help someone set up a computer, and they do not follow the dirrections you tell them.   I am helping someone set up a computer, and I told him to write his windows actovation code, before he tried to actovate it.   He did not listen.  Seriously, what is it with men and not following dirrections.  When I tell someone to do something a certain way I do it for a reason, and it anoys me to no end if it is not done that way, bucause the we usually have to go back and start over.   If a guy thinks they know more then I do about something I am more then happy to step aside and let them do it, BUT do not try to cercomvent what I am telling you, if it is something I know more about then you do.
     I really hate when I am helping over the phone. I can not see what is going on. I would rather be there in person or use a team viewer.   Then when you are working with someone who does not tell you everything he is doing as he does it that is more annoying.
     Another thing that gets me with some guys is it would not matter a bit what you tell them or why, they are going to do as they please even if it turns out to be a big mistake in the end.  I guess my thing is why ask me to help if you are not going to do what I tell you to fix the problem?   If he would have took my advice we would not be dealing with this tonight.  I told him to wait till after the first of the month.   Seriously he has 2 other computers that BOTH work so why was it so urgent this one be fixxed tonight?


     If this sounds like I am complaining, GOOD cause I am.   I ordered a package about a week ago, and it was suposed to be signature requiered. APPARENTLY they tried to deliver it yesterday, but they could not have knocked too hard.  I WAS HOME ALL DAY!  I never heard a knock on my door, but at around 11 am I found a tag on my door saying they had tried to deliver.  When our furnace is running it is really hard to hear the door if they knock on the outside door. We have a knocker on the inside door, and had they used it, I would have heard it.
     The note said they had taken my package to a local craft store, and I could pick it up there.   The whole point of mail order is because I do not have a car to go pick up things.   So when I called the guys in the brown shorts, I was told I would have to go to the craft store to get my package.  What happened to them coming back the next day if they missed you?   And what happened to knocking hard enough for people to hear it.   I have noticed a growing trend to just drop the package and run without ever even knocking on the door, so I have only their word that the ever even knocked at all.
     If I wanted to go to a store to pick up a package I would not have mail ordered it.   Apparently this store is a package pick up point for this delivory service.   I have no clue what the thought process is for taking packages that were meant to be delivered to residents to a store to be picked up by the owner.
     I got up way early thinking they would bring it back today like they used to.   Then I read the note that was left closer, and became confused.  I called the men in brown and asked what it meant. I was shocked when I was told I would have to go pick it up at a craft store. I fail to see how this benifits anyone.   THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME VENT!


     This sunday will be the  biggest and most stressful day of they year in my family. It is the anual Christmas gathering.  I can't wait.   I hve a nephew who is allways sucked into video games so I got him a special present. I got him a puzzle box with 2 drawers.  In the little and easiest one to open I put a quarter with a note that it is a good start, but keep going.  In the second drewer i put his real present.  It probably will not take him long to open it, because his dad told me after I bought it that his moms side of the family has got puzzle boxes for him before.
     My sister-in-law is hosting this year.   I feel sorry for her she herself has not been well this year.   I offered to help but she did not take me up on it.   I have a feeling she thinks it will be easier with her mom and my neice helping.   She knows my neice and I sometimes but heads .   Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my niece sooooooooooooo much she is the closest thing I will ever have to a child of my own.   Thing is we are very much alike in many ways. That is what makes for the friction from time to time.
     I am just hoping the snow is not too deep.  We are having the party at my sisters in the mountains, and they are clling for some snow that morning.   If it snows much I will need to ware my boots and take something else to put on my feet when we get inside, because my boots are really warm. 
     I have a hunch I know what my sister and  my nephew got tme for Christmas, because my sister and my nephews wife were asking a lot of questions about a couple things.   I think they may be going to get me them.  
     What is odd this year is with Christmas only about a week away I still have only gotten 5 Christmas cards.   There is one that is usually here by this time that has not shown.   I figure my realitives will save their cards for the gathering and save the postage. lol Did I mention some of my realitives are on the frugal side lol?
     If we can get through it with out my sisters girls fighting with each other or the youngest one and I getting into a fight, the event should be a great time. I have had my shopping done for weeks.  I start early in the year, so by the time Christmas gets here I can relax when many others are stressed out.
     All I have to do now is deside what I am going to ware and which camera I am taking with me. There is a ppv on that night so in  way I hope to get home before it is too late.   If I have it figured right I shoud not miss more then half of it.  My one nephew has a long way to travle to get home and 7 of my nieces and nephews have school the next day.   Also my oldest niece is a teacher so she does too lol.  I am thinking about everyone will be clearing out no later the 9 pm.