
Rejestracja: 2014-04-15
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Did you all see they are rebooting the wonder years a tv show from many years ago. It was the story of a young white boy and the things he had to deal with growing up. Now they are using a black cast in the roll of the lead character and his family. I am so sick of this crap, if it is not woman taking roles originally met for men it is black people taking roles origionally meant for white people. I keep saying LEAVE THE CHARACTERS THE WAY THE WRITER DESIGNED THEM, and go write new roles for people you think do not get enough jobs in acting. How is this any different then cultural appropriation?
I have nothing against reboots as an idea, BUT I think if someone is going to reboot something they should hold fast to the authors concept of who, when , and where the characters should be. I just wonder how it would go down if someone rebooted The Color Purple with a white actor in the Woopi Goldburg role? I can tell you what would happen. The studios would be picketed and people would be really mad and outraged at the thought of a white woman trying to play that role. but let black people take over old established roles formally held by white people and that is fine. No one says a thing about the dishonor this plays to the creator of the characters.
I think EVERYONE who has talent should use it in ways that would show the world what they can do. When these characters are changed from the white males they were originally written for to black males or women or in one case BOTH. You all remember the show the equalized it aired 20 or 30 years ago and featured a man that went around and leveled the playing field when people had bad things done to them. It was a really good show. Not that long ago they rebooted it and NOT ONLY DID THEY USE A WOMAN IN A MANS ROLE IT WAS A BLACK WOMAN IN A WHITE MANS ROLE. Why did they not write her a character just for her that featured a strong black woman instead of stealing the part that was written for a white man?

Is it that people have grown too lazy to create new characters, or could it be that the have spent so much time with their noses burred in their smart phones that they no longer have imagination? Has our devices inhibited our ability to create new things?


I was just told about a statement made by black lives matter in Utah and I am here to say that if they do not like the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA'S flag i suggest they move to a country that has a flag they like better. I have posted a few videos on my way you should all check out.
When people cried out for bans on the confederate flag, I did not have a big problem with that. It is not the UNITED STATES FLAG, but those who think our flag stands for racism have lost their minds. This country for which old glory stands is a symbol for all the world to see of a great nation which was make up of people from countries all over the world. All the races have melted together and made this country strong. Yes I will concede there are still a few lumps to be smoothed out in America, but when someone says the UNITED STATES FLAG is racist I feel like it is treason.
This is getting really ridiculous it appears that black lives matter in Utah are becoming so paranoid they are seeing racism EVERYWHERE even where it does not exist. I want to applaud the NAACP for taking a stand against the statement that the UNITED STATES FLAG is racist.
The solders of all colors who fought to keep this country free and strong, would not agree with the statement that the US FLAG stands for racism.
I seriously think the woman that made that statement that the flag was raciest should seriously get some psychological help for her paranoia.
If anyone really feels the UNITED STATES FLAG is racist, They really should think about moving to a country that has a flag more too their approval. In fact I will take it a little deeper. I would love to see you find another country that you would be happier in. If you do not love this country and the flag that stands for it, you really should go somewhere that would make you happier.
Fact is it is because you live in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA that you have the freedom to say what you want no matter how much ignorance of the real world you are showing when you make statements like that.


Lately I have been asking myself if I expect too much, and if that may be the reason most of the men in my life have let me down recently.
Is it too much to expect someone to keep their word when they say they will do something? Is it too much to think guys will do the same things for you that you would do for them? Is it too much to expect them to return the same respect to you that you give them? Is it too expect for someone not to put you down to make themselves feel bigger? Do I expect too much when I want someone to apologize when they say something that hurts your feelings , instead of laughing at you when you get upset? Is it too much to expect someone who calls you their friend to have your back if you need it? Do I expect too much when I want someone to understand my point of view when I explain it as clearly as I can?
I do not know maybe I do expect too much, but all I know for sure is lately most of the guys in my life have really been bugging me, and I am tired of it all. I do not know if I need a vacation, or if I just need to leave everything behind and find something new to do with my spare time.

Something worth thinking about

I have a thought for you all. Have you seen the rise in paranoia in this country? Just this morning I had a thought. You all just go with me while i explain my theory. I was over to visit my neighbor last night and the whole time I was there she had her nose buried in her cell phone. She is not the only one who does this (focuses primarily on her phone even when people are visiting and basically ignores the real people around them). I went to a family Christmas party a couple years ago and 5 of my family members had their noses buried in their phones ignoring everything around them. We all only get together once a year like that , so they should spend time communicating with the family. The cell phones will still be there the next day. All the cut animals and the stupid challenges, and dares will be there the next day. People need to reconnect with people, and craw out of their phones into the real world sometimes.
I think the stupidest thing they ever did was turning your phone into a computer. What you see on the net can change who you are, and not always in a good way. I have a friend really nice person (usually), but a while back this friend became involved in violent video games and his personality changed. He became mean and hostile for no real reasons. Lucky for everyone he found something that pulled him back out or the fantastic world, and he is nearly back to his normal now.
BUT NOW TO THE POINT OF THIS BLOG. The rise in paranoia. I first noticed it in my sister in law and my nieces, and then in a friend of mine and her daughter, all of which are constantly on their phones even if they have company, or go out with someone somewhere. People are becoming so sucked into their phones, where they watch it, they have forgotten what real human contact looks and feels like. I have heard all of them complain that some random stranger was staring at them. To which I reply if you were not looking at them YOU WOULD NOT KNOW THEY WERE EVEN LOOKING YOUR DIRECTION. Which brings up another thing about paranoia, most of the people who have this paranoia can not tell the difference between someone staring at them and someone just looking their direction , but actually looking at something else beyond the paranoid person. I have 2 good examples of that: First was the time my niece got mad alleging that the woman driving the car next to us was staring at her. I looked at who she was talking about and told her to calm down. I could clearly see this woman was NOT EVEN LOOKING AT HER! the lady was setting up to make a lane change, and was looking to her left to see if it was clear for the change, but just because she was looking in the direction of my niece, she was sure this stranger (who was just driving her car) was staring at her. Example two: I was with my neighbor and her daughter one time at a local department store. My neighbor was laying away a present for her daughter for Christmas. We sat on a bench near by and waited while her mother took care of the lay away. Suddenly the daughter got really angry, and said another woman at the counter near her mother kept staring at her. I looked up at them to see that this lady was talking to a man who was there with her. The man kept pacing back and forth between us and the lady he was with. She tried desperately to maintain eye contact with the guy, but he was too fast for her to keep full contact, and occasionally her head would be facing in our direction. I doubt she even saw us at all. Her focus was on the anxious man who was there with her. I looked at my friend's daughter and told her look at the whole picture. She is not staring at you i doubt she even sees you. She is focused on the man who keeps pacing between her and us, and yesssss of course in doing so she will be looking out direction from time to time. Then I said stop being so paranoid. The point in that is, if she had seen the big picture she would have seen what was really going on, but she was only seeing a small window of the actual event. I feel because people have become so obsessed with all these social media things and animal and music videos on their phones it has become an addiction to some, not to mention it is really RUDE not to give other people in the room with you your attention. To go to see someone and have them focused entirely on the crap streaming on their phones is really RUDE. I think people need to put the phones down when they have company, or they are out and about. Then they would see what is going on in the real world.
I remember a time long before cell phones and covid when people would be happy to look their friends and family in the face, and be glad to have them visit, A smile was a wonderful thing to see when you said something nice to a friend. Now they keep their head down in their phones and if you are lucky you may get a grunt from them when you talk to them. I do not have a cell phone BY CHOICE. My b/f wanted to get me one and even pay the bill and I told him NO WAY! Personally I like seeing the world around me and my friends faces. I even like meeting new people. That is hard to do if you do not see them walk right by you because you were staring at some stupid video on your phone, or answering a text. What ever happened to ACTUALLY TALKING ON YOUR PHONES? After all that is what they were originally meant to do.
I am going to close this out now, but check it out. Watch your family and friend's that are always on their phones, see how many of them act all ( why are they staring at me ) when someone just looks at them, THEN tell me if you think I got a point on this one.


I just do not understand people today. I got a neighbor who's granddaughter is being caught between a battle of her parents, and after what happened the other night, I really hope the child's father never ever gets to see her again unsupervised. She had went to her dad's house for father's day, and the tell she told her mom when she got home caused the mom to call the police. Apparently because the child who is only 8 did not answer the questions her dad and step mom asked her they made her put her back against the wall with her knees bent like she was sitting on a chair, but with no chair, and they had her hold cans in each hand with her arms straight out at shoulder height. She is a child. That is no way to punish an 8 year old ! When the police got here the little girl told the officer about many other things her dad and step mom had done to her on visits to their house, and children's services will be called in now. What is wrong with people? Parents are supposed to protect their children not torture them, just because they do not answer a question.
When the mother had texted the dad about this , before she called the police the father told her that what goes on in his house is none of her business. REALLLLLLLLY they are torturing an 8 year old, and calling it punishment and the mother should not do something about it? Well he picked the wrong child to hurt. This mother is like a momma lion defending her cubs if anyone tries to hurt her child. If the courts do the right thing, the father's will lose all visitation rights, and have to go to counceling as he has other children that live with him. and if he is doing this to his daughter he sees once a week what may he be doing to the children that live with him?