
Rejestracja: 2014-04-15
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Technology Sucks

Technology sucks! I am not going to go into GREAT detail, but I have had a day from hell and most of the issues came from computers running the things. I spent all afternoon sorting out a prob with the bank and one of my credit cards. Only to walk into another issue with the other credit card tonight just before bed.
I was trying to do a little Christmas shopping with my fav on ling store. I had just placed an order with them a couple days ago no problem and then I thought the one thing I bought for some of the people on my list would be just as good for a few more. By the time I was ready to check out I was spending over a hundred dollars. I was nearly done and off to bed , but the dang technology had other ideas. It blocked the sell. I have more then enough credit line to buy what I was wanting to tonight. I called the store I was buying from and they said the credit card company had blocked it. So i contacted the credit card company, and after they cleared anything going on my account 2 times it still was not working. I asked them if they had this stupid program that tries to plot how you use your card and it you use it in a way that is not in that pattern it will block the purchase. They did.I had this prob one time before and I told them do not block purchases on my card it is never out of my control and when I try to buy something I want to be able to buy it. I want to be in charge of where I spend my money not some computer program some where.
Thing is I buy from this company EVERY YEAR, between July and Christmas so I got no clue why it would think this purchase odd,and block it unless it had something to do with the fact I just made a purchase from the same store a couple days ago.
Took me 2 hrs to sort the mess out, and now I am sitting here writing a blog, because I can not sleep I am so annoyed.