
Rejestracja: 2014-04-15
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Have you ever noticed that emotions can be more contagious then covid? Just watch it is true! If one person gets the giggles it will spread to others around them? Same thing goes for bad moods. For the past week I have both been in bad moods, and every time I start to craw out of it someone else pushes me back in it with their bad mood. It is like being ran over by a truck. It flattens me and then I have to find a new way to try to craw out of the bad mood again. If someone is angry at someone else, it can also spread. One person yells at another and that person yells at another and so on it is just keeps passing on like the game of hot potato.
No one stops to think of what may be going on with someone else when they are upset of mad all they can see is their own feelings and thoughts, and I am no exception. I do not know if it is the weather or the things that have been on my mind for weeks but lately every little thing either makes me cry or yell. I WANT TO SAY I AM SORRY TO ANYONE WHO MAY HAVE GOTTEN CAUGHT IN THE FLOW OF MY EMOTIONS THIS PAST COUPLE WEEKS. I am trying to sort out. It is not easy when people keep saying and doing things that stir my emotions back up without knowing or caring they are doing it. Emotions are contagous too bad we do not have a vaccine for mood transference.