
Rejestracja: 2014-04-15
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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How in the world can someone become a doctor and still be a royal idiot? I was listening to a podcast with a friend tonight and this woman was saying that math is racist. It took several minutes for the interviewer to drag out of her how she figured that. Now get this her logic in saying math was racist is because slavers and slave owners COUNTED their slaves. SO BY HER THOUGHT PROCESS ANYONE THAT COUNTS ANYTHING IS RACIST because they are using math. How does anyone get to be a doctor and be so stupid.
This is getting ridiculous!!! Not only are people seeing racism in places and events that are not racism, but now they are starting to see EVERYTHING as racist. The ironic thing is there was more real racism in the days of slavery and in the 50's and 60's there there is now. But some people claim to see it everywhere. I have a theory about that. I think they do it to get on the media telling why they think something is racist.
I reallllllllllly think this world would be much better if instead of looking at how people are different they would look at how we are all the same. I loved this thing my mom used to say: If you take the skin off EVERYONE looks the same under it. My mom was awesome she always taught us that people are just people and color does not matter.