
Rejestracja: 2014-04-15
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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        I was reading some of the comments on my last blog by people that do not like the size and content of my blogs and I realized something.   There really are people out there with more boring lives then myself.   I write when I am bored, upset, angry, or afraid.  Then I get some negative people trying to tell me I should not write them and they should not be so long.   Well guess what?  Until someone is actually paying me to write something, no one but me gets creative control of what I write.   If someone pays me to write a story or a book or and articular that THEY will have creative control over what I write, but until that sorry about your bad luck to everyone who does not like my blobs.  
     The people who write the negative stuff realllllllllllly do not know how marketing works lol.   Every time you post a comment on my blog you are drawing attention to it and getting more people to read it.   Did you guys never wonder why I allow most comments good or bad to stand?    It is because they all draw in more readers. lol   So yea I am going to keep writing about what ever is important to me.