
Rejestracja: 2008-03-07
...Un suflet ce-i singur,nu oglindeste nimic....
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Ilość potrzebnych punktów: 141
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4 lat 37 dni temu
Easter basket12 lat 86 dni temu
Easter basket
Paste fericit alaturi de cei dragi!
Easter basket12 lat 86 dni temu
Easter basket
Paste Fericit !!!
Easter bunny 12 lat 86 dni temu
Easter bunny
Piece of cake 12 lat 86 dni temu
Piece of cake
Chicken12 lat 87 dni temu
Od: ramona@bv
paste fericit
Easter basket 12 lat 87 dni temu
Easter basket
Chicken12 lat 87 dni temu
Easter bunny12 lat 88 dni temu
Easter bunny
Spring flowers12 lat 91 dni temu
Spring flowers
Od: $arpe
Poate vrei sa fi si a mea :d ce zici ? te tine :d :*
Roses12 lat 91 dni temu
a mea pt totdeauna? :D:D :*
Chicken12 lat 97 dni temu
Od: Tigrutza
Sunt un puiutz ratacit ,ma iei sub aripioara ta ?:d :*:*
Roses12 lat 97 dni temu
you wellcome..
Tulip12 lat 100 dni temu
bafta :*:*
Four-leaf clover 12 lat 106 dni temu
Four-leaf clover
Piece of cake12 lat 106 dni temu
Piece of cake
Od: Tigrutza
sa stii ca e 0 calorii :P pb
Red rose12 lat 113 dni temu
Red rose
Od: $arpe
Dintre toti trandafiri tu esti cel mai frumos :* o zi superba iti doresc Lady :*:*
Roses12 lat 113 dni temu
Od: sonris@
Love letter12 lat 117 dni temu
Love letter
Od: BlackThoRaK
Nu m-am gindit sa fiu in stare, Sa spun candva cv mare... Dar,azi pot ca sa-l rostesc Sincer spun eu TE IUBESC!!!
Bicycle12 lat 119 dni temu
Od: BlackThoRaK
Am sarit in aj sa nu se depuna prajiturica primita :))
Cherry cake12 lat 119 dni temu
Cherry cake
Od: Tigrutza
am auzit ca faci dieta :)) vreau sa teajut sa te menti =))
Lonely kitten 12 lat 121 dni temu
Lonely kitten