
Rejestracja: 2006-05-15
Happiness begins with small victories over a bad mood...❤️
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HAPPINESS - Poem by Bolesław Leśmian ( translated by Joanna Proulx from Poland )




Something silver occurs in cloud-distance.
The wind rattles doors like a postman with news.
We held out for each other's existence.
Hear the thunder? The atmosphere rends and hews.

You have a soul that's profligate and star-cast.
Remember the haste of inter-plaited breaths?
Why this sadness? Happiness came at last
And we evade its radiance in shadow-depths…

Why does our joy look for meaning in darkness,
Losing its limits and absolving the void?
In its unmeasure all is encompassed,
Except my terror and your tears—it can't hold…