
lid geworden: 27-08-2014
Volgend niveau: 
Benodigde punten: 117
Last game
Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009
1 jaar 245 dagen geleden


   Have you heard the expression about the irresistible force meeting the immovable object?   Well what if they are both immovable objects and you are trapped between them?   That is how I feel tonight like I am trapped between 2 rocks neither movable.   I do not know maybe the rocks are in their heads.   They are more alike then they either one want to admit.  Proud, stubborn, opinionated and easily angered.  

   I am reminded of something that happened the very same year I joined the net.  I had a friend Ruth and another friend Marc.   They were at odds for some reason I do not remember now.   I wanted them both to make up and at first neither would budge.   So I said to them both ok they could fight if they want I still loved them both.   Just then Ruth relented.   She came were Marc and I were and when she got there Marc asked her why she was there.   She said she did it for me just me.   At that point Ruth saw mark was willing to meet him half way and they made up and we all 3 had fun that night. The moral of this is nothing is insurmountable if people are willing to meet in the middle. But when they are not sometimes someone gets squashed.