
lid geworden: 15-04-2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Benodigde punten: 74
Last game
Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009
338 dagen geleden


Apparently a woman was arrested for "disturbing the bears" in Yellow Stone Park, and that is a felony. The punishment if she is convicted is up to a year in jail and or a $10000 fine. A year in jail is ridiculous. She shot them with a camera NOT a machine gun. They used to encourage people to take pics of the animals, and now they are throwing them in jail. I understand the safety angle of it, but if the bear had ripped the woman's head off when it charged her would the bear have been put down for murder, or would they have called it justifiable, because the woman took a shot( with a camera ) at the bear first?
Grant it getting that close to a mother bear and her cubs is just plain stupid, but if we started putting all the stupid people in this world in jail, there would not be anyone left outside to arrest the stupid people. If they feel that a prison sentence is necessary, it should be something more reasonable ( like a month or 2 ).
I say let the punishment fit the crime, not what COULD HAVE HAPPENED, but what DID HAPPEN. Something like a fine and being barred from Yellow Stone Park would be a fairer punishment.


I got a friend and he is really starting to bug me with the lies he has been telling me to try to make it look like he did things he did not do. I was showing him something I had written tonight on skype, and he told me he has read it like 30 seconds after I had brought it up for him to read. This is not the first time he has tried to pull this crap on me. He keeps forgetting I always know when he is lying. When he said he was done first I said no way did you read all that so fast, and I dropped the document out of sight. I then said ok if you read it what was the last paragraph about? He did not know. Then he said he skimmed it. I said then tell me what it was about. He was only able to tell me what one line was about. He had no clue what the rest of it was about.
It is soooooooooooo annoying to have someone straight up lie to your face, just because they do not want to do something. I told him if he did not want to read it all he had to do was tell me so, there was no need to lie about doing it and then try to cover when I busted him about the lie.
It is so much easier to have someone not care about what you write, and just not read it, then to have them say they did and be proven a liar. I do not get why it is so hard for some people to just tell the truth in the first place.


Is it not weird how someone can spend days,weeks, months, years, or even decades building a reputation as being honest and trust worthy someone one can count on, and in one small move it can all crumple into dust?
I have a friend that I once trusted with every secret in my life. She knew things about me that my own family did not know. Then one night in a moment of weakness on her part she told me 3 little lies that shattered that trust into pieces. Even after I forgave her, I NEVER trusted her the same again. I know it hurt her to lose the total trust I once gave her, but once trust is broken, it will never be as strong as it was before it was broken. With much work the person who betrayed your trust may earn some of it back, but it will never again be as strong as it once was.
We are all human, and humans make mistakes. Making a mistake is easy. Repairing the damage caused by a mistake is not so easily done. We should always think about what we are about to do. We should balance the gains against the losses, and see if it is worth it to do something out of character, if we damage trust it may be lost forever.


Have you ever noticed children do not think in the same manner as adults? I am going to give a few examples of what I mean, and if any of this bores you I am sorry. Let's start with something kids used to say a lot when I was young ( I did not try this but I knew several kids that did). They would say if they did not get what they wanted they would hold their breath till they died. I said to my mom one time about this kid going to hold his breath till it died and she told me not to worry about it. The most that would happen is he would pass out and then he would start breathing again so he was not going to die.
My niece called her mom to pick her up soon as she got to school one day. Her mom was angry (people in my family are very emotional) and when she got to the school she started yelling at her daughter, because her daughter was a bit of a hypochondriac, and one of the mothers at the bus stop that morning said there was a sick child on the bus and all the kids would get sick. My sister-in-law thought because my niece had heard that she just thought she was ill. My sister-in-law had a meeting at work that day and dropped my niece off with me. She told me why she thought she had to pick her daughter up from school, and left for her meeting. I put my niece in bed and then I asked her what was up with her stomach ache. She told me what she THOUGHT I wanted to hear what her mom had just told me, but I know my niece VERY WELL I took one look at her and realized she was not telling me the truth. I looked her right in the eye and said to her NOW WHAT IS THE REAL STORY? At that point she told me she had been laughed at by a couple girls on the bus on her way to school and that she had not eaten breakfast that morning. When she told me the whole story as to what was said I knew why the girls had laughed, but my niece did not understand, and as a result her nerves got to working up on her empty tummy and by the time she got to school, she did have a real tummy ache. ( her dad was the same way when he was young). I told my niece ok to get some rest and I would get her something to eat. I told her I would talk to her mom about it and in the future if her mom started yelling at her for something that was not correct to tell her MOM LET ME TELL YOU WHAT REALLY HAPPENED and that would be her cue to shut up and listen.
When my sister-in-law got back I told her I knew why her daughter was sick and it was not why she thought. She asked me what I meant and I explained what had happened. She asked me how I found that out. I told her I had asked my niece and first told me what she THOUGHT I wanted to here and I told her I took one look at her and knew she was not telling me the truth, and I asked her ok what is the real story? and she told me. My sister-in-law asked me how? I was shocked my mom had always know if i tried to lie it amazed me my sister-in-law did not know her daughter was lying. Till that point I thought the ability to tell when your child was telling an lie was something all mothers had. I said you can not tell when your own child is lying? She said,"No" so i promptly told her how to tell. I also told her if her daughter ever said to her (MOM LET ME TELL YOU WHAT REALLY HAPPENED) she is to shut up and listen to her daughter. After she had the real story then she could continue yelling if she wanted, because she would be yelling for the right reason. Then my sister-in-law asked me why she did not tell her that. I said because you were yelling at her when you got there and she shut down knowing you would not listen at that point. She then said she should tell me. I asked if she had asked her what happened she said no,but she should tell her. I had to laugh at that . I asked her what planet was she from? I told her you are expecting an 8 year old to think like an adult. Children's minds do not think like adults. Some times you have to ask several questions to get at the real truth , this time it only took one. I told her you watch her eyes to see if she is lying . If so you ask a question and watch again. It may take a few questions, but she would get to the truth eventually. I also told her her daughter would shut down if she went at her yelling, she should go at her calm to get the truth. Kids do not think like adults.

What really makes it hard is when the child does not understand what you are telling them. We got this little boy that lives across the street, and he has autism. He keeps running back and forth across the street and I am frightened he is going to get hit by a car. No matter how many times he is told not to do it he keeps doing it. Then he and his sister were playing a game with another child on my other neighbors porch last night, and because his sister won he kicked her. I told him we do not kick, but my neighbor tried to excuse the behavior by saying he has autism. I think even if he does have autism it should be possible to teach him not to kick people. It may take a bit of time, but I think it can be done. If I am wrong he may end up in jail someday for kicking the wrong person.
OK I have rambled on long enough for one day. I will shut up now.

7 things for an empath to avoind

7 Things to Avoid If You’re an Empath 
Being an empath is a fantastic thing.Empaths can feel and read energy. It’s an awesome ability that kind of feels like you have a built-in lie detector in your body. (Pretty cool, huh?)
Second, empathic people have high levels of empathy. Touted as the most important skill you’ll need to succeed, empaths have no problem putting themselves in other people’s shoes. In fact, it’s how they naturally view things. And third, empaths are inherently understanding and nurturing. As such, they make excellent friends, teachers, partners, counselors, caregivers, and community members.The Problem with Being An EmpathAs terrific as it sounds, though, being an empath isn’t always easy.  Like everyone else, empaths have challenges. Luckily, though, discovering what drains, overwhelms or causes anxiety for an empath is relatively easy.Today, we’re giving you 7 of the most common empathic “triggers”. These are a handful of things Highly Sensitive People would do best to avoid. At least if peace, love, and tranquility are what they seek. 
1. Negative news.Ah, the news. It’s got drama. It’s got sensationalism. And it’s (often) got negativity. While a good chunk of people may be drawn in by and love these things, empaths typically don’t. Want to cut down on the fear, panic, and anxiety in your life? Cut out the negative news.
2. Intense entertainment.Some people love scary, suspenseful movies, shows, books, and music. Empaths, however, do not. That’s because we can genuinely feel the emotions and feelings of people, animals, and things onscreen. So, where an average person who doesn’t absorb energy can easily let go of a violent scene, the empath cannot.
3. Sarcasm.Sarcastic people are everywhere. But that doesn’t mean you need to tolerate it. Although some people can laugh off sharp jabs and cutting deeds, the empath can not. The reason may be rooted in the word sarcasm itself. Originating from the Greek word “sarkazein,” it means “to tear flesh.” Put simply, sarcasm isn’t funny; it’s hostility disguised as humor.
4. Chronic Complainers.If there is one type of person for an empath to avoid besides a narcissist, it’s a chronic complainer. Chronic complainers, characterized by negativity, learned helplessness, and vocal self-pity, can take a bright, beautiful, positive day and quickly turn it into a massive nightmare. Then there’s the issue of absorbing those things into one’s energy. If the feelings and emotions of the people around an empath are positive, joyful, and peaceful, the empath feels excellent. If, however, the words, actions or behaviors of the person around them are focused on things like anger, fear, blame, or retaliation, the empath feels and may absorb this, too. Not surprisingly, this can lead to confusion, anger, and upset.
5. Large groups of people for extended amounts of time.Although not all empaths are introverts, something they do have in common is the ability to feel and sense energy – and the tendency to absorb it. That’s the reason why your empathic friend may not be keen on tagging along to that Rangers game or for after-work drinks. Although empaths can learn how to manage the energies of crowds successful, they often need help in this area. Techniques like cord cutting and energetic shielding, practicing healthy boundaries and limiting time spent in highly-stimulating environments are essential. 
6. Highly critical people.The person who wrote the adage, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me” was likely not an empath. That’s because, when you are empathic, words and names can – and often, do – hurt. To the layperson, the ability to “shut off” their empathy in the face of hatred or anger may come easy; that, however, is not the case with an empathic individual. The fact also remains that being around a highly critical, judgmental person isn’t good for anybody. And, with the recent discovery that emotions are indeed contagious, it just makes sense for empaths to avoid the harsh treatment and negativity of highly critical people. 
7. Narcissists. When it comes to people, empaths tend to attract those with qualities that oppose their own. Empaths – who tend to be incredibly giving, nurturing, and compassionate – often find themselves in the company of narcissists. Exhibiting traits like arrogance, a lack of empathy, and emotional unavailability, narcissists will lie, steal, and manipulate to get what they want. Masters of illusion, disguise, and trickery, narcissists who fool empaths succeed because narcissists believe their own lies. Because of this, empaths must use discernment in their relationships. If an empath finds herself in a relationship with a narcissist, the best course of action is to take some space, look at the situation objectively, and make a decision to change things or end them.Empaths have special needs.Unlike other people, empathic individuals can feel, sense, and perceive subtle energies that most people miss. While their abilities offer them unique benefits, being empathic can also be challenging. Because of this, empaths must use discernment in who they spend time with, where they go, and what activities they do.Watching violent news; being around sarcastic, critical, or narcissistic people; or spending days at an amusement park are not things empaths enjoy. To feel their best, empaths need to minimize or avoid situations like this unless they want to end up feeling exhausted, drained, used, or anxious.But, by taking the time to learn what drains or paralyzes them and what makes them feel whole and complete, empaths can live a happy, prosperous, and peaceful life.