
lid geworden: 15-04-2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Benodigde punten: 74
Last game
Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009
321 dagen geleden


Lately I have been doing a fair to middlen job of keeping my emotionas scales ballanced. but some times it does not take much to tip them. Most scales only have 2 arms to balance. My emotional scales have 4 arms. Tonight my scales are tipping between sorrow and anger. A friend of mine died today. She will be missed by many. and I am feeling a little sorry for myself as someone I have always considered a friend is not concerned about my feelings.
What deo you do when the emotional scales tip? Do you pull back away from everyone and every thing that has hurt you and turn into a ball of sorrow or do you face the sorrow and pain, and possibly turn your feelings to anger and hatread of what you once lovedd so much. I learned long ago you can never change what someone else does. You can only change how you resopond to their actions. Do you cry , do you yell,do you run away,do you strike back and try to hurt them as baddly as they hurt you?
I maybe cry, but i vie the best way to treat people that dissapoint you or hurt you or bully you is to do nothing and let karma balance the scales again. You may fool people, but no one fools karma. Karma gets everyone. A good example of that is my ex. He made the last year we were together hell with his mental abuse, and it took a couple years but karma finally got him. When I first met him he told me how he wanted to get remarried and at one point he asked me to marry him, but neither of us wanted to permanently move to the others location. But I digress. About a year after we broke up he found what he had always wanted the woman he would have married in June of the next year, had karma not taken Christmas time of the previous year to lay the smack down on him. All the emotional pain he caused me and a couple other girls came home to rest 3 days before Christmas that year. He died, and karma had snatched away the happy he had always wanted. So yea karma can do the job for me and I willjust sit back and protect my own karma. lol
I will need all my strong good emotions to help my neighbors it was a member or their family that died and will be greatly missed.