
lid geworden: 15-04-2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Benodigde punten: 74
Last game
Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009
337 dagen geleden


I want to wish all you mothers out there a very happy Mother's Day. I lost my mother many years ago, and I still miss her. To all those of you who still have your mother's I would like to say, even if they annoy you sometimes still treating you like a child. You should be happy you still have your mom, and treasure every minute you have with them. My mother was truly my best friend at the time. Before she got ill we would go every where together, and then after she got ill I took on the role of primary care taker for her. The doctor suggested we send her to a nursing home for her last few months before her death. When my sister told me what the doctor said, I told her to tell him no way in hell was I sending my mom to a home as long as I could take care of her. My mom did not dump me when I thought I was losing my mind, and she changed my dippers long before disposables were invented. For all of you too young to remember when they were not around, you did not throw them away when they were used. You washed the dippers. There were this thin like tissue paper or cheese cloth liner thing you could get if you had the money. It did not keep the dipper from being soiled. It's purpose was to keep most of the solid stuff from being smashed into the all cotton dippers. Two of my aunts stopped by to see mom one day before she died. My brother and sisters and I had her a nice set up in the living room as she could not climb the stairs anymore. We also had a port a potty that my brother had made a screen of shower curtains and small plumbing pipes. It sat behind the bed, and the screen was closed when mom was not using it. One of my aunts asked what was behind the screen and mom pulled it back to show the port a potty. My aunts were surprised. The aunt that had been a nurse said you can not even tell it is here. My mom laughed she said of course not, that I took it and cleaned it every time she used it. I had made up my mind I would take as good of care of her on her way out of this world as she did of me when I was too small to take care of myself. Many children and young adults today do not see the things their moms do for them. So many are all about what they want. Partly that is the parent's fault for giving into the children too much when they were little. Every parent wants their child to have what the parent sees as a better life then they had, and as a result we have produced some really spoiled adults that still want their parents to do everything for them like they did when they were kids. They do not take into consideration their parents are not as young as they were back then. I miss my mom. If I had her back I would do a few things different. I was a bit mouthy when I was a teen, and most times mom let me get away with it, but she had a reason. My big brother asked my mom one time why she let me get away with talking to her like that( he knew he would not have gotten away with it) mom told him it was because I did everything she told me to. She said that I may run my mouth, but if she told me to do something she could be sure I would do it. My brother had a habit of doing the opposite of what mom told him to do.
Ok I know I got a bit off the point I just think if you still have your parents , you should spend as much time with them as you can. Listen to the stories they tell, even if you have heard them hundreds of times. Let them tell the stories again. It will help to keep their memory strong in their old age. I discovered very young if you want to remember something you need to take it out of your head and think or talk about it from time to time. Try to make as many memories of your parents as you can while they are still here to create them with you. Many times grown children get busy with their own lives and forget their parents will soon be all out of life and they miss the times they spent with their children.
My little brother was my mom's favorite even though she denied it we knew better lol. He had moved out of state a after our father died, and my brother got married. Mom and me visited him a couple times in va before his daughter was conceived. His beautiful baby girl was born just 8 months before mom died. My brother and his wife brought their baby to see my mom as much as they could when she was dying. From the very first time my mom saw her grand daughter, my brother brought her in in the car carries and sat her on mom's hospital bed ( she was in the hospital at the time ). He did that every time when he brought her to see mom. My niece was 6 months old before anyone ever took her off mom's bed during the visit. I walked across the room one day and took her out of the carrier and stepped about 4 ft to the sofa. It was cute, she kept looking back at mom as if to say I do not belong here I belong over there, so I did not hold her long before I put her back on mom's bed. Mom was living for that little angle. The doctor had given her 2 months to live and she lived 5. The power of love is a true force to be reckoned with, please remember this today. Show your mom some love and attention while you can, because none of us are gerented a tomorrow, and would you not rather have a good memory of your mom then a bad regret of something you could have done and did not? Ok I will shut up now and let you all get back to enjoying you mother's day and if you still have one your mother's love.