
lid geworden: 15-04-2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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Benodigde punten: 74
Last game
Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009

Pool 8 - 2009
338 dagen geleden


      I saw on the news the snap funding may not be in place in March if the government shut down continues, and I have just one question:   IS IT WORTH IT?   Is it worth hurting our own citizens force the building of a wall to keep people from other countries out?   I really think anyone here should be here legally or not at all.   But how is making our own people go hungry for the betterment of this country?   How is these tactics any better then extortion?   To say if I do not get what I want you will not get what you need.
     Any of you remember a show called Barney Miller?   It was about police detectives.   In the one episode a son wanted his mother to give him her money, and when she refused he took her false teeth telling her he could do it because he paid for them.   She could not eat anything but soup after her son took her teeth.   He went to jail for extortion.   How is this any different?  The cutting of the snap program would take food out of the mouths of those that need it.   Children and elderly would be going to bed hungry.   How is torturing your own people going to make this country stronger or safer.   Ask any hungry child what they would rather have a big wall somewhere they will probably never see or food in their tummy's.  
     I am sure there will be people that will think the program is not necessary anyhow, and to them I would like to challenge anyone who says it is not necessarily to try to live on what any recipients are living on and not have them to help.   It is a common misconception  among people of higher incomes that people on snap are all bums and drug pushers, but IF YOU ACTUALLY GOT TO KNOW THESE PEOPLE you would find out most are hard working people that just do not get paid enough to live on their wages in today's inflated world.  
     I myself live in a government house and most of my neighbors are hard working people that go to work every day just like those that look down on us, but the jobs we can find in this area do not pay enough to live on. Some families have more then one person working and still struggle to meet their bills.   
     There was a lady on tv tonight that said it best if the law makers had to live like the people that need snap do and only have what they do this budget would be signed in 2 weeks because they would not be able to do it.