
lid geworden: 24-07-2019
Before you worry about why someone doesnt like you, first ask yourself why you should even care :)
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23 dagen geleden

Its Mothers Day

Mother’s Day is a very emotionally-charged holiday, perhaps even more so than Valentine’s Day. On Valentine’s Day we are all acutely aware of being single — as we’ve all been there at one point in our lives and some of us longer than others for our own reasons...But on Mother’s Day many women suffer in silence, and many don't know the heartache they silently endure.so many women (and some men too) are hiding their pain from the world, Who wonders whether it would have been a boy or a girl. Who dreams of what their face would look like. And prays that she will finally meet her sweet child in heaven someday. There are the children grieving the loss of their own Mother. They might be all grown up, they might have families of their own. But what they wouldn’t give for one more Mother’s Day with their own mom. The “bonus” moms or Step Mothers who feel more like forgotten Moms on this day. Who don’t get cards from the school because there is only time to make one card in class. Who never have their whole family together to celebrate as one. but still play a huge role in their child's life but sometimes never gets the full recognition, they love the same as a biological parent sometimes more...Then there are the women who would give anything to become a Mother. But can’t. The unfairness is incomprehensible. There are mothers who have lost children. Who never dreamed that things would happen in the wrong order. That they would bury their child and not the other way around. How could this ever be a happy day again? There are the children who are estranged. Words, hurt feelings, anger. So much has happened and there is a gulf between them and the person that brought them into this world. There are the mothers who are estranged. Their children are still here, but yet they are gone. Perhaps it was a fight. Or perhaps drugs have taken priority over everything, and all a mother can do is wait and pray. I am blessed I have adopted 3 children my son 24, my daughter 11 and my daughter in heaven who would have been 19 this year..I can relate to all of the above and I know many more can as well, I vowed as a young girl to never be the Mother mine was and I can honestly say being a Mom is the one thing I may have gotten right in this crazy world of ours,,,I didn’t set out to write a bitter blog post, but rather to encourage us all to show compassion for those that might be hiding sadness behind their smiles today. And to be kind to yourself too. It’s ok to feel sad, even if you think you’re “supposed” to feel happy. Even when there ARE reasons to celebrate, this day can still trigger painful memories of years past that weren’t so joyful. Or maybe there is still a hole, a missing piece. Mother’s Day IS a reason to celebrate. But it is also a sad reminder for some of us. Be kind to yourself mama. You may be sad, but you are loved. Your children may be gone, but you are still a mother. Your mother may be gone, but you’re still her child. You may not have your own child yet, but you have the spirit of motherhood in your heart. You may be having a wonderful day, but there is just something missing. Or a little bit of sadness forcing its way through the cracks in your tough exterior. And that’s ok. We’re all there with you. We’re all grieving too. All in different ways, Have a blessed day all ;)

My Kinda peoples

This world is so full of perfectionist, people expect perfect in so many things, they want to shape you and mold you into what they want you to be and not accept you for just the God given person that you are., I refuse to change to suit someone else because I don't want someone I have to change I want someone I can accept everything about them their flaws their good parts their bad parts all of them and still love them the same as if they were perfect, because for me and to me that person would be perfect , because I love and accept them as they are the same as I hope that person would do for me.. but until that happens these are some things I like in a person and things I do everyday myself :) I like people who begin by blurting out something overly personal because its how they are. and they don't care what others may think of them... I like people who aren’t afraid to walk around with a stain on their shirt. I like people who laugh at their own jokes. I like people who give compliments to strangers in the grocery store and make friends when they’re washing their hands in the bathroom.
I like people who get passionate about ideas and excited about others’ success stories. I like people who live a little outside of the box, who march to the beat of their own drum, and who make it a mission to help those around them.
I like people who own their failures, and apologize easily. I like people who know who they are deep down inside, and let that person shine like crazy. I like people who tell the truth. I like people who can joke often and don’t take themselves too seriously.
I like people who love life so much they don’t make room for drama or petty behavior, only more love. I like people who like people. I like people who like books, and stupid tv shows, .that cry at something sad in a movie, even if its a Disney one :)
I like people who stop by just to say hello, I like people who have their own opinions, but aren’t threatened by you having your own opinion as well. I like people who have never felt prejudice in anyway against another person, were all the same we were all born butt naked, we all were born with nothing , were gonna leave this world with nothing, well I hope I leave it with teeth :) but you get what I'm saying , we all bleed red we were all created by God, so what if I'm white and maybe you maybe are black, we are still the same in my book...
I like people who laugh at their un-washed hair and admit when they ran out the door and forgot to brush their teeth on a hurried morning....lol Ive brushed mine in the car many many times... I like people who share all their favorite recipes, and let you try their favorite makeup before you buy it, and brag about getting their dress from the clearance rack. and trust me I like clearance shopping....
I like people who ask for help. Lord knows I'm a stubborn woman but I will sometimes ask for help... sometimes :) like people who show up. I like people who don’t feel the need to show off. I like people who don’t pick up before you come over, and people who don’t pick fights where fights don’t belong. People who are laid back easy going..
I like people who say “bring whoever you want.” I like people who build bigger tables, and greet every single person with a warm hello, as if they have been best friends for years.
I like people whose eyes get bright when they talk about their passions, and people whose voice gets louder when they sing their favorite song. I like people who build businesses and who build up everyone around them.
I like people who aren’t perfect.
I like people who could care less what others think of them and what they door how they do it,,, becuz thats me! :)
I like people who stick up for what they believe in regardless of who it ticks off...
I like people who are kind to kids , the elderly and animals
I like people who aren’t cool.
I like people who aren’t trying to keep up with everyone else.
I like people who aren’t trying to be someone they were never made to be.
I like people who ain't afraid to wear their crocs with socks and maybe even some sweats to the grocery store :)
I like people who are so real it hurts and it makes other people uncomfortable.
I like people who work their asses off to make their dreams come true and not wait for someone to make it happen for them
I love all people, but man, there’s a special place in my heart for the messy ones. the misfits, the ones that aren't perfect the ones who are flawed, the ones that learn by making kick ass mistakes at times, the ones who love before hating, the ones who don't wanna be like everyone else . People kinda like me the social oddities that prefer a crowd of 3 people to a hundred, I just like people who can be themselves no matter where in the hell they are ;) and who can own their own kinda crazy ! :) Those are my kinda peoples

#potus #werescrewed #mansInsane

Ya'll know what Biden stands for dont ya??

My Cover of Billy Joel's Vienna

My Cover of Billy Joel's Vienna,

Copy and paste

Prayers for Ukraine

I’m heartbroken. Heartbroken, wrecked, devastated and grieved for every mother, brother, child, grandfather, teacher, leader and neighbor in Ukraine. I’ve started to write something a million times over the past few days and every time, my words only come up short. Words are powerful, but every once in a while, the fog of despair is too heavy for them to flow. Now is one of those times, and so we pray and we sit and we reflect and we hold hands as we look for ways to help. We hug the people closest to us. We tell them how much they mean to us. We dance in the kitchen and we cuddle on the couch and we love with everything we have. We let our hearts fill with compassion and grace and we push all hate, hostility and bitterness aside. We mourn for those who are mourning. We take care of each other. We care about what matters, and what matters is people. People. Life. Beautiful, precious, irreplaceable souls. , Please don’t let my heart get so calloused that I’m untouched by someone else’s pain, don’t let my hands get so weary that I’m unable to do good. Please don’t let my mind get so prideful that I’m unwilling to listen and to learn, don’t let my voice get so weakened that I’m unsure of how to use it, don’t let my feet get so fearful that I’m unmotivated to go out into the world and help or let my light get so dim that I’m unfit to shine and most of all lease don’t let my soul get so comfortable that I forgot to fight for what is right, and what is good and what is just.