
הצטרף: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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ביליארד 8

ביליארד 8

ביליארד 8
לפני 337 ימים


We need stronger domestic laws and we need them enforced better. A friend of mine is living back with her mother now, because her husband choked her and she used a private part to make him let go. What sucks in this is that he had just threatened her a couple days before, and their children were in the house when he attacked her. She called the police for help and the only thing they did was say they should not fight in front of the kids. SERIOUSLY the man chokes his wife and the police do NOTHING. Sense when did a mirage license become a free pass to trying to kill your wife? The laws have changed and not for the better. I remember when I was in high school my dad was drinking grain alcohol, and it made him act like a lunatic. It worked me up so bad mom took me to the hospital for my anxiety. On the way back she stopped at the constables office and swore out a warrant for dad's arrest. The police when to the house and arrested dad before we got home. He spent the night in jail, but even that did not work out really great. They arraigned him the next day BEFORE my mom could get there, becaused they moved the time up without telling mom. Mom always thought dad sweet talked magistrate, because she was a woman, and dad was always sweet talking women. With a stat of: Six women are killed every hour by men around the world, most by men in their own family or their partners. I think there needs to be more done to save their lives , especially when the women in danger call the police for help WHILE THERE IS STILL TIME TO KEEP THEM ALIVE. What makes this all the worse is when there are children involved. The laws really need to be changed. To figure out how many of these men doing this can be helped they should have to have a psyc evaluation if they try to hurt anyone especially a family member. And if there is nothing psychologically wrong with them they should have to go to trial for what they do, and if found guilty be made to spend any where from a week to 3 months in jail, if the injuries are not bad, and up to a year if they do anything that needs stitches or breaks a bone in the woman they attack. And if they are found guilty of killing someone in their own family life in prison without parole so they can not do it to another woman ever. My uncle used to beat my aunt. I have seen her badly bused from it. I was only 5 years old, and too young to do anything to help her :( , but I never forgot the sight their 3 oldest children running from the field to our house screaming DADDY'S GOING TO KILL MOMMY. My aunt was not far behind them and by the time she got to the house my dad was standing in the door trying to wake up he had been sleeping . My dad was leaning on the door frame trying to get his wits when my aunt ducked under his arm and ran into the house. My uncle stopped cold when he saw my dad ( his older brother). My mom sent my sisters up to the car at the end of the lane to get the other kids, they had 7 children at that time. When they got there they saw the baby was knocked out of the car face down into the mud. Back then NO ONE HAD CAR SEATS. My uncle left and his family stayed with us for 2 weeks, until my uncle made a big mistake. He told at a bar he did not have to worry about his wife and kids brother would take care of them. That was told to my dad. That night he told my aunt she was going to have my uncle arrested so her and the kids could go home or he was taking her to the county home and she could work for their keep, so she had him arrested and that changed his attitude for a while. I made up my mind from that event NO MAN WOULD EVER BEAT ME AND GET AWAY WITH IT. Here is a good question and I would love to hear any answers on it : HOW CAN SOMEONE GO FROM LOVING SOMEONE TO WANTING TO KILL THEM?
A foot note: The same laws should apply to woman who abuse their husbands or family members too. THIS IS MY OPINION.


Have you ever stopped to think about a snow flake?, tiny, easily melted away, and insignificant all alone. When many get together in a snow storm they can bring travel to a hold. They can ground plains, and block roads. If you take a handful of them and push them tightly together they can be made into a ball, and rolled with more flakes they can become a wall, and if many of them are hanging together on a cliff they can fall and become an avalanche. When that happens that tiny little snow flake and the others it clings to becomes a force to recon with. It can also become a force of destruction, ruining lives, destroying homes killing everything in its wake. And all that destruction started with a tiny snow flake.
Wonder how many of you will get the meaning of this little paragraph, and how many will let it run by you like the water after the snow melts.


When I was little I did not understand that beauty in the eye of the beholder thing, but with age comes wisdom, for most people anyhow. lol I came to realize no 2 people see anything exactly the same. Let's take some of the abstract art things for one. I may look at one of these paintings and see NOTHING but a bunch of paint slopped on a page, but someone else may look at it and see something really beautiful. I have a finger painting made by my neighbors son when he was in kindergarten. To some it would look like a bunch of blue paint smeared on a piece of paper, but to me I can see a ballerina in mid jump her arms spreed out and her legs behind her with the bun in her hair and her fluffy skirt spread out around her. The first day I saw this painting I fell in love with it , so his mom gave it to me, and I still have it over 20 years later. I really think the same thing is true of people and how they see other people. The big problem with people today is they are seeing just the color of something and not looking for a deeper image. I think instead of looking for ways we are different from someone else we really need to look at how we all are the same and come together with out similarities rather then letting our differences push us apart.
I know how hard it is to first see the prejudice in oneself and also to overcome it if it was instilled in you from birth, but it can be done. Sit down close your eyes and really see with your mind that we are all the same under our skin. There are good and bad in every race or color. Fact is I have first cousins who I do not trust as far as I do my real friends of other colors and cultures. A lot of who we become and how we see the world is based on what our parents were like and what they taught you before you were old enough to see the world with your own eyes. Our families are great and we love them, BUT THEY ARE NOT ALWAYS RIGHT! It is up to us to see things the way they really are when we become adults. Think about it, just as there is good and bad in everyone there is also predigest in all races, which is not to say EVERYONE IS PREDIGEST. I get really angry at this concept that ONLY WHITE PEOPLE CAN BE PREJUDICE, there are many different forms of prejudice not all are based on color of skin. Before you judge anyone on the color of their skin, ask yourself how you would feel of that was all others saw when they looked at you? What if they did not see your talents, and abilities, the love in your heart, what if all they saw was your skin? How would that make you feel? Think about that the next time you want to judge someone for their color.


How in the world can someone become a doctor and still be a royal idiot? I was listening to a podcast with a friend tonight and this woman was saying that math is racist. It took several minutes for the interviewer to drag out of her how she figured that. Now get this her logic in saying math was racist is because slavers and slave owners COUNTED their slaves. SO BY HER THOUGHT PROCESS ANYONE THAT COUNTS ANYTHING IS RACIST because they are using math. How does anyone get to be a doctor and be so stupid.
This is getting ridiculous!!! Not only are people seeing racism in places and events that are not racism, but now they are starting to see EVERYTHING as racist. The ironic thing is there was more real racism in the days of slavery and in the 50's and 60's there there is now. But some people claim to see it everywhere. I have a theory about that. I think they do it to get on the media telling why they think something is racist.
I reallllllllllly think this world would be much better if instead of looking at how people are different they would look at how we are all the same. I loved this thing my mom used to say: If you take the skin off EVERYONE looks the same under it. My mom was awesome she always taught us that people are just people and color does not matter.


My sister just told me one of our distant cousins was arrested for child abuse, and after what she told me I hope he never gets out. He had neglected this child so badly that when the authorities found out about it the baby was unconscious and had a blue grey tint to its skin. The resuscitated her, but they are not sure if she will live. The mother had left sometime back, but allegedly checked in once or twice a week. WHY DID SHE NOT CONTACT SOMEONE BEFORE IT GOT THIS BAD? The baby's aunt lived with them. She is in a wheelchair, but still why did she not call the police before it got this bad. The grandparents of the other 2 children took them out of the house, because they were being beaten, and they did not contact anyone.????
I asked my sister what kind of drugs he was on when he did this. Drugs are not excuse for child abuse! I just know we got some really crazy people in my family but , NONE OF THEM WOULD DO THIS TO A CHILD, so I am thinking drugs were defiantly involved, and I really think the powers at be should do EVERYTHING to him that he did to that baby girl. At least they were smart enough not to give him bale. They said he was not safe to be in the community and I totally agree. Anyone who would abuse a helpless baby like that should not be shown any mercy drugs or not. I also think the baby's mom and aunt should be prosecuted for neglect and child endangerment for not reporting him when this crap started.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE? If you do not want your child, do not starve it or beat it, Turn it over to child protective services. The foster care program is not perfect, but it would most likely be better then what happened to this little girl/