
הצטרף: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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ביליארד 8

ביליארד 8

ביליארד 8
לפני 337 ימים


Here I sit at 5 am typing this blog, because I can not get back to sleep, and I do not want to wake anyone who is able to sleep.
I was jolted awake a few minutes ago by something I saw in a dream. It started out a little odd but a little familiar. I was somewhere at an outdoor party. There were not many people there that I knew. That is odd because I do not go to parties without someone I know near by me.( it is an anxiety thing ). I was taking photos about the party, which is not at all unusual. I have a camera with me at nearly every gathering of any kind to which I attend. I was strolling about , taking photos of everyone at the party. My niece who is pregnant and her mother was there, but I did not see any other members of my brother's family to start with. I stopped to take a few shots of some children that I was not sure who their parents were. It is then that the first odd thing happened. One of the little boys looked at me and told me my nieces baby was not going to make it to be born. That shook me up a bit, and I told him and about everyone I saw after that to think good thoughts about the baby, but I kept taking photos. I ran into someone ( the father of some or the children at the party ) even though I could not tell you exactly who he was it felt like I should know him. He handed me this really old messed up tablet, and asked me to shoot a couple shots of him and his kids with it for him. Then I heard him say to someone at the party he was going to get it all fixed up and give it to me sometime in the future. That was a bit odd as i Was not 100% sure who he was. I started to go then a voice came from the bed of a pickup that had a high cover over it. The person inside wanted to see the photos I shot, so i took the camera over to the truck. I was still not sure who was inside. As I got closer I realized it was my DEAD brother. It took me a couple minutes to remember he was DEAD. It was remembering that fact that jolted me awake and here I set telling people who probably do not care about it, because I am scared to go back to sleep.
I am not afraid of my late brother or his memory. What freaked me out was it is his granddaughter that is pregnant, and after being told the baby was not gonna live to be born, it worried to see my dead brother there. Some may laugh at me , but a part of me IN THE DREAM wondered if he had come to take the babies sole to heaven.
THE MORAL OF THIS STORY IS NEVER EAT A BUNCH OF CHOCOLATE COVERED PRETZELS AND THEN GO TO SLEEP IMMEDIATELY AFTER. Some of the things in this dream I could rationalize away by connecting them to things that I talked to people about just before I went to sleep, others not so much.